I've color coded our curriculum to make it easy to find risk specific information of interest to your audience. For example, While colors might highlight text, blue also is used to indicate risks of interest to  law enforcement and private security such as burglary, robbery, and violence in the workplace. Red is used to indicate risks of interest to internal auditors, audit committees, and regulators such as frauds, scams, embezzlements, and those commonly called  "white collar crimes." Green indicates something to do with the Incident Command System (ICS) or the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Remember, green lights are used to identify Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) during a disaster. Color and symbol coding is also used in charts and diagrams to identify job functions and the duties and responsibilities of contingency planners and first responders.     Rich Woldt
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The Virtual - Incident Command System (V-ICS)

 Hurricane Command and Control ---

Goals and Objectives: "Support Staging Area operations with first responder' protocol updates, assistance for victims, and directions and support for evacuees"

Strategic Action Plan...

"Post and email hurricane response specific recommendations, directions, and support to first responders, victims, evacuees and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) personnel.                                                               

                                                                                                                   Rich Woldt CEO - The RMLC

E-mail Updates and consultations upon request - NO SPAM
Periodically our faculty publish comments on  important risks such as during a national crises or to promote  risk specific workshops, presentations, additions to our security catalog or to remind you of RMLC learning opportunities. If you would like to benefit from these infrequent emails .... Sign up today



R&D White Papers: Hurricane (IC):         R&D and White Papers (Ivan, Katrina, Rita, Wilma) Please forward these white paper links to Incident Commanders, victims, first responders, and evacuees along the US gulf and throughout the Caribbean Islands - Anyone in potential path of a hurricane!

Safe Deposit Box Compliance and Legal Issues

Safe Deposit Box Security & Liability

Contingency Planning Test from The Paid Paranoid


Risk Management  Awards & Certifications  




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RM007 e-white papers | Credit Union History | Professional Associations | Trade Associations | Security Companies | Related Links

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This web site is published by Rich Woldt. For more information and the latest and greatest Risk Management support email Rich at: Rich@RMLearningCenter.com or call 608-712-7880.