Golf course, Palm Springs, CA
Photo courtesy of Arthur Coleman /Palm Springs Desert Resorts CVB

Palm Tree Educational Conference
June 05 - 07, 2003

Presented by the
California Credit Union League

June 06, 2003 Presentation Events:

Learning to Understand the Arabic Culture
Neil Purtell, Retired FBI, The Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC)

As the world changes, financial institutions in the U.S. are being asked to help identify potential terrorists who live and work within the Arabic culture. You are required to train your staff so they can detect and discourage money laundering and the scams used to finance terrorist cells. We must begin with an understanding of their culture, how they think, what's considered important, and how they communicate among themselves and with the world. Mr. Purtell has lived and worked within the Arabic culture, so he comes prepared to share many first-hand experiences and advice.

Take Control of Your Future!
Rich Woldt, CPP, CFE, PI, CEO, The Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC)

When sudden and unexpected events such as armed robberies, kidnappings, extortion or terrorist attacks occur, everyone is traumatized. Everyone suffers from a profound sense of being out of control. This session will focus on risk management methods you can use to self-assess your workplace, redesign your branches, and integrate your security to reclaim control over your future.

Mobilizing the Credit Union Movement in the War Against Terrorism
ich Woldt, CPP, CFE, PI, CEO, and Neil Purtell, Retired FBI, The Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC)

Would you know what to do if all currency delivery systems within your community shut down? This session will help you apply risk management methods learned earlier in the day in creating a game plan should you be faced with a terrorist attack or other crisis. Law enforcement are prioritizing their responses and may not be available to you in time of need. What can you do as an individual, and in concert with the credit union community, should a crisis occur. Our speakers will introduce new security, emergency response and contingency planning protocols you need to know.

Your Faculty: Neil Purtell is retired from the FBI after 30 years of service. At the time of his retirement he was a Supervisor in the Critical Response Group. In 1981 Neil was one of the first FBI agents trained as a criminal profiler. Since his retirement, Neil has managed an investigative consulting agency and is a consultant to the History Channel on International Kidnapping and Terrorism.

Rich Woldt retired from CUNA Mutual Group after 30 years of teaching "Credit Union Risk Management" around the globe. Rich is an American Society of Industrial Security Certified Protection Professional, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and licensed Private Detective. He is owner and CEO of "Credit Union Risk Management 007", a risk management resource service for credit union educators.