
Please remember! You’re being given access to “Raw” data that's been uploaded into our files by voter-fraud auditors from all across the country.  The uploaded data may or may not have been "vetted or verified.” We simply layout the evidence reported to us and allow you to be the judge.

Opinions expressed, written or oral are not necessarily endorsed by our auditors, volunteers working with our Risk Management Learning Center nor volunteers working with our affiliates. 

Please also remember! We have a “No-tolerance" policy for threats made against our fraud-auditors and report all threats made immediately to local law enforcement, the FBI, the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security.

 Welcome to the Risk Management Learning Center!

 This  site supports "Credit Union Risk Management" operations around the world.


Risk Management Learning Center

A briefing on "hacking" during past elections

Heads Up to our Voter-fraud auditors

We're launching M*A*S*H 4257 on my birthday 4-21-25

 Credit Unions to the Rescue!

"Risk Management' strategies that'll restore confidence in the outcome of our elections"

Pre-deployment Risk Management Exams



RMLC' Basic and AIT Training:

"We're past the brink leading to WW3"


Tips for putting together a Risk Management presentation.

Most Risk Managers develop their own method and style to build Power Point presentations, write handouts or organize their workshops.

Review Risk Management #101

We'll use our "forensic" voter-fraud audits done during the 2020 elections, to demonstrate what's been taught back in the 60's at the University of Wisconsin, still holds true today.

By uploading all evidence into one master file, we're able to connect-the-dots  and "Identify"  who was involved and how they altered the outcome of the 2020 elections. By connecting-the-dots, we were able to measure the frequency (how many phantom voters voted) and how serious (how many voters shared the same cell phone number) the voter-fraud was in each county. 

It's not rocket science. It's just good ole street-smart, shoot-from-the-hip,  University of Wisconsin', Credit Union' Risk Management. The Voter-fraud  MOs used to alter the outcome of the 2020 election is virtually identical to the lapping and theft of deposits, the scamming, laundering and  harvesting of member accounts and the creating of fictitious accounts and unauthorized loans.

If you're skilled at managing the fraud and dishonesty risks at your credit union, you'll have little problem managing the voter-fraud that stole the 2020 election away from President Trump.

Biden has brought us to the brink of WW3. By the time you read this, there's a better than even chance we'll have experience another homegrown terrorist attack. We don't have any time to lose. I strongly recommend you turn your plow shears into weapons and join your fellow Patriots on Freedom Hill.

Table of Contents

Risk Management #101

Trauma Management #101

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The Incident Command System (ICS)

ICS NIMS White Papers

Review - "Unified" virtual Incident Command set up during hurricanes.

Public to Private Partnerships

 Benchmarking #101

Benchmarking the Trump Administration

Risk Analysis of the trap Nancy Pelosi set for Trump January 6, 2021  

Declaration of Independence

Bill of Right

Wisconsin Center For Election Justice

Ballot Collection Laws

It time for parents to fight back

WEC: "Voting machines not necessary

Advanced Individual Training (AIT)

Voter fraud report rollout - Gary Wait & Sheriff David Clark

Back to School after the 2020 Voter-fraud stole the elections

"Back to School after the 2020 Voter-fraud stole the elections

Putting a wrap on our forensic voter-fraud audits

Work Papers

Time-line- Biden Harris Hacking into voting machines

WOCCU Conference in Dublin

Bombing of the WTC in NYC

Active shooter #1  Active shooter Arizona #2

Ongoing "Forensic" audit of Biden administration

Links to "deep-throat" files #1 -- files #2 -- files #723

Mobilizing Credit Unions around the world file #1

Area #51


Executive Protection

Facebook Dump

Update on our "Forensic" Voter-fraud audits in Wisconsin

The vast majority had no idea who the Indivisibles were.


Welcome to Door County!

Home of the Free and the Brave!

"While in Door County, don't forget to keep God on board click on:

"Churches in Door County Wisconsin

While you're in summer school, I'm busy working on a cure for the voter-fraud that stole the 2020 elections

 Reading room #1 Books

Reading Room # 2 Magazines

Reading Room # 3 Voter Fraud

Click to find peace and quiet!

God Bless the USA!

The USA is a "Home Rule" country

"Trump" was a 'Home-rule' President"

The "free-world" is now fed up with the hypocrisy in politics!

We're going to Round-voters- up  --- Trump Style!

The evidence of voter-fraud in 2020 was overwhelming. Our challenge is, to get those who blindly hate Trump to listen. Our best advice? Ask them "Open-ended questions: (Open ended questions start with Who - What - Were - When- Why and How). They can't be answered with a simple "Yes" or "No". It forces them to talk! For example:

Ask, what's your opinion of the evidence we uncovered? How do you suggest we drain the swamp!

Recommend books they need to read before voting!

Explain how QR codes can track ballots from the printer to the ballot box!

Offer voting guides and help get "legal" voters to the polls

Encourage voting early and again help voters get to the polls!

All we ask is all voters think before they vote November 5, 2024!

 Peter Schweizer's new book "Profile of Corruption.

Veterans For Trump:    Women For Trump:    Catholics For Trump:    LGBTQ For Trump:    Gays For Trump:


Gays against Groomer


Risk Management Exams

Review: Risk Management #101

There are two types of risk; "Pure" and "Speculative". Pure risks (terrorist attacks, active shooters, pandemics, WW3, etc.) are all "Pure" risks. When they occur, they cause only a loss of lives and property). Voting is a "Speculative" risk. We hope to make a gain, but we can and obviously have suffered major losses since November 3, 2020.

Risk Management is a three step process. We first identify then measure and finally control each risk using five tool in order. We first try to "Avoid" the loss, then "Reduce" and "Spread" our exposures to loss before "Assuming" what we can before using insurance and bond contracts and "hold-harmless" agreements to "Transfer" the remaining risk into a pool of insurance.

The reason we're on the brink of WW3 and in such grave danger, after three years of open borders and sanctuary cities, is the vast majority of voters have refused to acknowledge i.e. "Identify" the Chinese National who's been writing and updating the software uploaded to the Dominion voting machines, going back to the Clinton administration. It's that software that's been altering the vote count in real time, going back at least to the Clinton administration.

They also refuse to acknowledge, with the help of the main street media, the Chinese operatives and Russians, who are buying up our farmland near our military bases and critical infrastructure.

Go into your study, close the door and ask yourself the following questions: Your answers will help you identify the "Pure" risks we all now face with Biden in the Oval Office. The free-world is counting on you to vote for President Trump. 

Personal Note: The biggest "Speculative" risk you're going to take November 5, 2024 is betting that I'm wrong!





Bombing at the World Trade Center in New York City

Our motto:

"Hand them a loaf of bread and you'll feed them for a day.

Teach them to plant wheat and you'll feed them for a lifetime!"

We launched this site weeks after the 9-11-01 terrorists attacks caught us all off-guard.

We all asked:

Who could have done this? Why did they do it? How did they pull it off? When will they strike again? Where will they attack? And, "What will they do next?

We were on the ground at the World Trade Center within hours. Tony was on the third helicopter arriving at ground zero.

We vowed then to never allow the US to be caught off guard again. Yet, we're now faced with wide-open borders, sanctuary cities coast to coast and our enemies embedded at every level of our government, Federal law enforcement agencies and our judicial system.

How did they pull it off?  We launched a "Sting" operation off Freedom Hill to root the voter fraud out of out elections and launched a number of R&D projects designed to restore confidence in the outcome of future elections.

God may forgive those who've brought us to the brink of World War III, but the rest of the free world must never, or our freedom and independence will be lost forever.

We're now at the brink of WWIII. Open borders and sanctuary cities have allowed terrorists to be embedded deep in the heartland of America. We need to update the "Unified" Incident Commands used during past terrorist attacks and natural disasters to make sure credit union's are mission ready to respond. Click here to begin.

This site supports Risk Management operations, that ran during the 2018 midterm elections such as: www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com and www.thumbsupacrosswisconsin.com.

FYI: We do all our own website design and maintenance. Remember! We've been teaching Risk Management, now for over 50 years. We started with yellow pads of paper and pens.

Page down if the links fail to work! R&D Files

 Please stand and join this little girl singing "The Star Spangle Banner!"

 Let's vow to teach "The Pledge of Allegiance" to the next generation of Americans!

"Before we look left or right for answers, let's look up and pray for peace and unity"

"With God's help, we'll reclaim our freedom and independence, one election at a time"


Heads up to fraud auditors


You've landed at our Risk Management Learning Center "Home-office" website. We use this site to support our operations in the field. Page down for "blue" highlighted links to projects in the field. Go to www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com for a link to our "basic" Risk Management training tutorials.

Heads UP to those taking part in our voter-fraud audits.

Remember, we're not dealing with the Democrat Party that lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression; the Party to which many of us once belonged. Myself included!

We're now dealing with a minority of wealthy democrats suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)" who've commandeered once proudly patriotic democrats and convinced them to buy out their local main street media, thereby being able to control what gets published and how many negative ads can be simultaneously run nation wide against their republican' opponents. 

Questionable campaign strategies have been around since the birth of the first crooked politicians. Up until Al Gore invented the internet (wink-wink) the vast majority of ballots were hand counted the same day and subsequently called in by the County Clerk. Consequently, most politicians, up until the late 80's were playing on a level playing field.

Unfortunately, starting with Bill Clinton's campaign in 1993 there's been a drive on both sides of the aisle to market voting machines that have the ability to report the vote-count either on-line in real time and/or via "dial-up" or loaded onto a thumb drive, when the polls close and absentee ballots have all been added.

If you learn nothing more from our voter-fraud audits, take the time to learn how the vote count during every national election, going back to 2008 has been able to be altered in real time, thereby making sure the less than qualified candidates have been able to steal the election away from their opponents. Tony Ever's win over Scott Walker in 2018 is a case in point.

Go to www.hotgovernment.com for the latest update to our voter-fraud audit reports. You can also go to www.freedomhillpatriots.com and take part in our fight to take back the White House in 2024.

"Back to School"

Back to school!

Trump won in 2020 as did Scot Walker in 2018, because both the Clinton and Obama administrations had learned how to use  "Bitcoin" and "Block-chain" and even back then the "Artificial Intelligence (AI)" technologies to alter the vote count in real-time without being detected.  You will learn how we caught them and why they must be held accountable for what we can do together to restore confidence in the outcome of our elections.

We launched a "Sting" operation in Wisconsin, which involved a series of "Voter-fraud" audits that helped figure out just how they pulled it off. Go to www.hotgovernment.com for the latest rollout of evidence. 

Take time to understand just how the "Peer-to-peer" Bitcoin" technology was used to upload "Phantom" voters onto the voting rolls via any online voting machine anywhere in world.

Take time to understand how they manipulated the vote count in real time making sure Biden and Evers pulled ahead by more than 1/2 of 1% of the votes in a given municipality, so the outcome couldn't be challenged.

It's important to remember, it appears that very few county clerks, if any, nor employees of the voting machine manufacturers had any idea what was being programmed into the software by, who knows who, having access to the hardware. 

The US and World Credit Union Movements are positioned better than any other movement, anywhere in the world, anytime in history to manage the risks we all took during the 2020 campaign and election, hoping our voices would be heard and our votes would be counted.


"Until we manage the Voter-fraud risks created by the on-line voting machines" and the internet access to the machines that allows the real-time addition of "Phantom-voters" to alter the final vote count in our elections.

And, until we lock down control over the ballot "chain-of-custody", no conservative Christian Republican will ever win another election!" 

Upcoming missions we're launching from Freedom Hill:

We're mobilizing the US credit union movement in a focused mission to stop the Voter-fraud in our elections and restore the confidence we all need that our voices are being heard and our votes are all being counted.

We're mobilizing the World credit union movement in a focused mission to manage the "Sextortion" risks created by human traffickers coming across open borders and living in sanctuary cities. 

Wake up America! Read Peter Schweizer's new book "Profile of Corruption. There is absolutely no way, other than by fraudulently harvesting mail-in ballots, before they could be counted, that two of the most corrupt politicians in our nations history could be elected in an honest and above board election.

Virtually every law enforcement agency and officer, every trucker and the vast majority of Christians and people of faiths voted for President Trump. Click here and read just a few of the books written about one of the most hardworking and honest Presidents in our history!

Remember Trump coming to Green Bay?

Remember! We told you how deep the swamp was!


Parents It's time to fight back 2016

Parents! It's time to fight back against the Biden' democrats who've sold out to the teacher's unions. 

Veterans For Trump:    Women For Trump:    Catholics For Trump:    LGBTQ For Trump:    Gays For Trump:

Christians! Click here for Trump's accomplishments in his first 100 days.

I'm voting for with President Trump and "Personhood" as oppose the Biden/Harris' support of Planned Parenthood.

Click here and help us keep one of the most corrupt politicians is our country's history out of the Washington swamps.

To be fair: Click here for the highlights of the Biden' campaign.    

Click on the links below, grab your ballot and head to the polls November 3rd.

Veterans For Trump:    Women For Trump:    Catholics For Trump:    LGBTQ For Trump:    Gays For Trump:

Christians! Click here for Trump's accomplishments in his first 100 days.

I'm voting for with President Trump and "Personhood" as oppose the Biden/Harris' support of Planned Parenthood.

Click here for Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinsky, documenting the Biden' corruption in China, Russia, Ukraine and beyond.

Don't vote until the real Joe Biden comes clean on his family's fortune!

Don't vote until the real Joe Biden comes out of the Basement!

Facts about Obamacare, Biden wants you to ignore!

They’re known around the world as the "Indivisibles" bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.  They're infected with the “Biden/Harris’ Curse”, a curse more threatening than COVID 19, more deadly than all 10 of the top global pandemics combined.

The vast majority of voters had no idea, who was leading them to the polls.

The voter-fraud in Wisconsin ran wide and deep across the state.

Click on the links below to see the "Tip of the iceberg." FYI: You'll learn how the "Indivisibles" stole the 2018 midterm and 2020 Presidential elections?

Every Christian and person of faith, every veteran honorably discharged from the service (That leaves Hunter Biden out), every person-of-color (Whites included) continue to ask:

“What was it that convinced so many God fearing, red-blooded Americans, to vote for Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt politicians in American history, along with “Commie” (pun intended) Harris, one of the most far-left liberal politicians on the planet? Remember, less than 1% of her own party voted for her in the democrat primaries.

The answer is the vast majority of Americans did not vote for the Biden/Harris' socialist party platform. We all know the Biden/Harris campaign laundered and harvested mail-in ballots long before they could be counted.

Across America, they’re asking:

What was it that convinced the few who voted for Biden/Harris, that open borders, sanctuary cities, bowing to our enemies and leading from behind would be the answer to world peace?

Why did those voting for Biden/Harris refuse to acknowledge President Trump was nominated not once, but three time for the Nobel Peace Prize?

Why did those voting for Biden/Harris refuse to acknowledge Trump built and rebuilt the strongest economy in our nation’s history, reclaimed our energy independence and ended virtually all the wars we’ve been fighting for decades overseas?

Even as I write, he’s bringing our troops home hopefully for the last time, now that he’s structured a peace agreement that binds enemies abroad to fight their own battles and leave America to pursue our American’s dreams in peace.

What was it that convinced those who voted for Biden/Harris, to ignore the industries Trump brought and continues to bring home from overseas?

What convinced Biden/Harris voters to condemn “The Wall” Trump built along our southern borders that now has cut drug smuggling and human trafficking by more than 87%? The Wall, by the way, that’s ending the threat of terrorists embedding themselves deep within our critical industries, infrastructure, schools and universities.

What was it that convinced the veterans voting for Biden/Harris, to ignore it was Joe Biden who unmasked our combat troops and Secret Service Agents operating behind enemy lines and Joe Biden who sold drugs to Mexican drug lords and gave billions in laundered currency to our enemies while they beheaded our solders, raped our women, kidnapped our students, burned our flag and chanted “Death to America?”

The “Biden/Harris Curse” brought on by those who voted them both into office, is a handle they’ll have to carry for the rest of their lives. As I said throughout our Risk Management workshops, God may forgive them for what they've done, but the rest of America, democrats and republicans alike will never forget. America now knows it’s a handle they richly deserve.

I’ll be launching a series of Risk Management workshops that’ll not only identify those who brought the Biden/Harris Curse to the shores of America, but will make sure, working together, democrats and republicans working hand-in-hand, we will drive them and their socialist sympathizing accomplices out of the Washington swamps for good.

You'll be able to register for our workshops at through either www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com or www.RMLearningcenter.com.

God Bless America!

Biden/Harris campaign hacked into voting machines

Now let drive the Biden/Harris socialists out of the Washington swamp.

The Biden/Harris campaign hacked into the Dominion voting machines nationwide, in order to monitor voting trends throughout the day systematically, using a preprogrammed algorithm to transfer Trump votes over to Biden and then after the polls were closed, in the early a.m. do a "Vote-dump" to pull Biden/Harris ahead before the final count.

Note: In Wisconsin, at 3:42 a.m., they dumped over 143,000 votes all for Biden/Harris, which turned a landslide race for Trump, into a win for Biden/Harris.


They did the same thing in Michigan at 6:31 a.m., dumping 96% or 134,886 votes in for Biden out of 149,772 that had been cast. Therefore, at 6:31 a.m. Michigan time, the race went from a landslide win for Trump into a socialist styled victory for Biden/Harris.

I'm hereby deploying my fellow CFI (Certified Fraud Investigators), along with our US Credit Union' Supervisory/Audit Committee members and all Federal and State Financial Institution Examiners on a mission to conduct a "Fraud Audit" at all voting locations that used the Dominion voting machines.

Click here to join your fellow Americans, democrats and republicans in a mission to stop the socialists, who've commandeered the Democrat Party, the party to which I once belonged, from destroying our American dream.  



It was voter-fraud that stole the 2018 election!

Our battle during the 2018 campaign was lost to Tony Evers after midnight, when boxes of uncounted, already laundered, absentee ballots where found in Milwaukee County, giving Evers the win with just enough votes they could not be challenged.

Through out the campaign we posted links to articles that were for Scot Walker and Brad Schimel, that were blocked. Mysteriously, if you clicked on the links you got a message that said: "This article is not available in your Zip Code area".

For now, click on this link and see what you get: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/11/06/milwaukee-county-has-more-than-50-000-uncounted-absentee-ballots/1916187002/.

All I can say is, God help us if the Biden/Harris socialists win this 2020 election.

One last comment before I merge both www.thumbsup2trump.com and www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com back into my home office site.

I'm 75 years old, have two stints in my heart, high blood pressure, a new hip, no kids and a terminal case of PTSD. I don't need to be fighting these political battles for any other reason then I want to save the American' dream for generations yet to be born.

If we can, as our forefathers did back in 1776, accept responsibility for our personal freedom and future, and not sacrifice it all just to belong to a misguided political ideology, God will reward us all, not based on our political affiliation, but on His God' given free-will and His God' given graces, none of us can even begin to imagine.

We are one people, created in the Image and Likeness of God, from the moment of conception until natural death. We are not created to be ruled over by any man-created government body.

Go to any of my websites and read the words of wisdom from our Founding Fathers and then read God's "Ten Commandments" and then let's all work together to keep America winning and winning and winning for all Americans, no matter on which side of the aisle they may choose to sit.

God speed and from this moment on, may God bless you all and may you all stay safe, stay happy, and stay in touch with your friends, your family and your fellow citizens of the greatest country in the world; the "United States of America."

Over 97% of the main street' news was negative throughout his four years at the helm. Our forensic voter-fraud audits proved, beyond a doubt, how they stole the election and who must be held accountable.

We've been fighting voter-fraud in our elections since long before Toney Ever's stole the election from Scot Walker. There are significant  differences between the voter-fraud we have to fight in mid-term elections and fraud-fraud we have to fight every four years during presidential elections.

Once we complete our 2020 forensic voter-fraud audits, we'll launch a training tutorial, highlighting cost effective and affordable RM strategies all municipalities can use to make sure every voice is heard and every vote is counted.



"The Sting!"

 "A Risk Management operation launched to identify, measure and control the voting/voter-fraud in Wisconsin"

So let it be written! So let it be done!

Rules of engagement"

The Sting Part !

The Sting! Part 2

"A snapshot of how Biden democrats pulled it off!"

We've hit the ground running, with our affiliates, to roll out the evidence. Go to: www.wisconsinelectionjustice.org  launched in early May 2022, for an ongoing rollout of the evidence. You can also go to: https://www.wisconsinelectionjustice.org/was-there-fraud-in-wisconsins-2020-election. for a more direct link to our "Deep-throat" files, for Wisconsin.

Our audits proved, beyond and shadow of a doubt, the "voting/voter fraud" in Wisconsin was real and it ran deep into the heart of virtually every municipality in the state. If the audit controls we'll be recommending, were in place during the 2020 Presidential elections were in place, there is no way, President Donald J. Trump would have lost the election.

FYI: As the Ever's campaign did, during Wisconsin's 2018 midterm election, their far-left "identity politics" was able to first launder and than harvest absentee ballots, putting themselves in a position to turn in just enough votes to swing the election after the polls closed; turning in just enough votes, so the outcome of the election could not be challenged.

Click here for a flashback to the "morning after" the 2018 midterm election, when Tony Ever's stole the election from Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch, not to mention, one of Wisconsin's most effective Attorney General's, Brad Schimel. Go to our website: www.thumbsupacrossWisconsin.com for a flashback to the 2018 campaign and election.

Note: Many of our archived websites have not been updated or maintained over the years, so good luck pulling up some visuals. We'll try to refresh them if times permits, but for now we have to drain the swamp and drive those, who've stolen our past elections, out of office.

Our audits have now been completed and our reports have been filed with the appropriate authorities. We'll now work closely with our affiliates across the county, to make sure those responsible for corrupting our elections, are held accountable for what they've done to our national security, our economy, and our trust in our elected officials. 

We've hit the ground running, with our affiliates, to roll out the evidence. Go to: www.wisconsinelectionjustice.org  launched in early May 2022. You can also go to: https://www.wisconsinelectionjustice.org/was-there-fraud-in-wisconsins-2020-election. for a more direct link to our "Deep-throat" files, for Wisconsin.  

Let's go to the movies:

We're partnering with our affiliates, to roll out movies and documentaries on www.newsmax.com, along with a growing number of social media outlets, that'll bye-pass the fake-news and main street media' blocks.

Follow us on "Telegram" and search the web for movies, such as: "2000 Mules" the movie, and go to www.rigged2020.com and watch https://citizensunitedmovies.com/pages/rigged. We'll be offering direct links to our Risk Management Learning Center library and "Deep-throat" files and publishing video-footage from Wisconsin that ended up on the cutting-room floor.

Stand-up! Be brave! Have hope! And, consider being blocked off social media a "Badge of Honor!"

As Trump's been blocked off Twitter and Ron Johnson blocked off YouTube, I've been blocked off Facebook, more times than I care to count. That blocking, my friends, I consider a badge of honor.

Please! Remember:

We are all in this together, democrats, republicans and independents.

We are not at war with the democrats, who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression, nor the republicans, who fought to end slavery in the south. 

We're now at war with a minority of "Trump hating far-left liberals and RINO' republicans (Republicans in name only), who hated President Trump so much, they were willing to sell their soul to steal an election, open our borders, sacrifice our energy independence, deprive us of our freedom and bring us to the brink of WWIII.

Those, who voted Biden back into the Washington swamp, systematically stole the 2020 election, in the same way Tony Evers stole Wisconsin's 2018 midterm. We've launched "On Wisconsin", a mission focused on tracking the record of Wisconsin politicians we have to vote out of office.





\Wisconsin Voter-fraud audit report Rollout - March 28, 2022

Rolling out Wisconsin's voter-fraud

Dane County Republican Party - March 28, 2022


Wisconsin Voter-fraud audit report Rollout - March 28, 2022

Dane Co. Republican Party!

Sheriff David Clark and fraud auditor Gary Wait

FYI: Gary Wait is one of our "Go-to" undercover Voter-fraud audit investigators. Consequently, video's he's featured in are filed in our Trojan' horse, deep-throat files under alias's he's been given from time to time. He'll pop up now and again on www.hotgovernment.com. We'll allow access to our audit files, when we create future "Voter-fraud-audit" tutorials. 

Note: The vast majority of our videos are shot by volunteers and uploaded direct to our fraud-audit files, without being edited or in anyway altered, so please forgive us, if the videos are shaky, out of focus or speakers are out of your view.   

The Knight-stalker Gary Wait take 1 (Introduction)

The Knight-stalker Gary Wait Take 2

The Knight -stalker Take 3

Sheriff Clark Take 1

Sheriff Clark Take 2

Sheriff Clark 3

Sheriff Clark Take 4

Sheriff Clark Take 5

Sheriff Clark 6

Sheriff Clark Take 7

Sheriff David Clark

Voter-fraud Auditor

Gary Wait

Providing RM Training

Back to Teaching Risk Management!

Before paging down, it might help, to go back to www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com and read through our RM' basic training tutorials.

Page down for more, but now let's get back to teaching "Basic" Risk Management principles and practices.

There are only two types of risk, "Pure" risks and "Speculative risks. Pure risks result only in a loss, while "Speculative" risks hold out the hope for a gain, as well as the possibility you'll suffer a loss. 

Pure risks include: Burglaries, robberies, forgeries, frauds, scams, embezzlement and extortion, being shot, murdered, raped and going bankrupt. Ending the building of "The Wall," opening our borders and offering sanctuary to criminals of every color and cut of cloth, created an immediate surge in drug smuggling, human trafficking, child pornography, prostitution and forced abortions, gun running, gang warfare and public executions, meant to intimidate those left unarmed or unwilling to defend themselves. Like it or not, the "Pure" risks created by the current administration have brought us to the brink of WWIII. 

Voting is the most important "Speculative" risk we all must take! Voting for the wrong candidates, no matter from which side of the aisle, can lead to the loss of our "American' dreams". 

The forensic voter-fraud audit we just completed, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, the 2020 Presidential election in Wisconsin, was stolen away from President Trump, much like the 2018 midterm election was stolen away from Scott Walker.

We've uploaded our audit reports to the appropriate authorities and will publish our audit summaries, RM' "Best Practices" and RM' recommendations as time permits.

For now, I recommend you return to our "Thumbs Up across America website (www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com) and review our basic "Risk Management" tutorials.


After each election, websites used during the campaign are logged into our "Flashback" library, where they're used to write new case studies and update Power-point presentations that'll be used in future Risk Management workshops and speaking engagements.

This site will move to the "Flashback" file on my 77th birthday, April 21, 2022. Until then, we will track the post election voter-fraud that's unfortunately plagued Wisconsin going back to before I launched my Risk Management Learning Center in the fall of 2001.

 Click here for a flashback to the "morning after" the 2018 midterm election, when Tony Ever's stole the election from Scott Walker.

Go to: www.thumbsupacrossWisconsin.com for a flashback to that campaign and election.


Managing the Risks created by Wisconsin's 2020 election' Voter-fraud #101

Wisconsin's voting-scams (vote-laundering and harvesting, etc.) and the election-day voter-fraud (ballot-fishing/trapping/stuffing and block-chaining, etc.) during the 2020 campaign and election are now well-known and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

In Wisconsin, it was the same absentee ballot harvesting that Toney Evers used the steal the election away from Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch in the 2018 midterm election. Mark today on you're calendar as the day, we'll start turning the voter-fraud in our elections around and vote those who stole past elections out of office. Click on the following link:


We'll continue to rollout our audit reports throughout the summer, while we gear up, to restore trust in those administering our elections and confidence in our election' results.

If you need to catch-up on the rollout of our audit reports, go to www.hotgovernment.com and join us on Telegram.

We'll be posting direct links to our rollout on conservative news networks (www.Foxnews.com and  www.NewsMax.com, etc.) as well as links to our presentations to Wisconsin Eye (www.wiseye.org

Note: To watch these programs (which are considered gated content - all legislative and supreme court content is behind a pay-wall 24 hours after it is published on their site), you will need to upgrade to an All Access subscription - $9.99 per month (but you can cancel at any time). You can see more information on their subscriptions at: https://wiseye.org/subscription-plans/faqs-subscription-plans/www.wiseye.com

At a minimum: Make sure you listen to:

Assembly Committee on Campaigns & Elections 2/9/22 with Peter Bernegger of WEC: https://wiseye.org/2022/02/09/assembly-committee-on-campaigns-and-elections-25/

Assembly Committee on Campaigns & Elections 3/24/22 (from two weeks ago): https://wiseye.org/2022/03/24/assembly-committee-on-campaigns-and-elections-28/

April 7, 2022

Wisconsin' voter-fraud reports specific to the April 5, 2022 primary:

This is getting more than sad and frustrating. It's getting downright discouraging. The reports of voter fraud in Wisconsin, to include clerks denying access to poll watchers, threatening voters, ignoring court orders and team harvesting of absentee ballots, etc. have literally crashed our "Survey Monkey" polls and we're getting reports of windows being covered at the polls, etc.

If you have absolute, first hand knowledge of this going on, first call the police and obtain a police report you can turn into the District Attorney. If you want, but only if you want, send an email with as much information: pictures, the time and date it occurred, the polling location and clerks involved, etc. to: wisconsinvoterfraud@rmlearningcenter.com We'll simply log it into our files and forward it to the proper authorities. We are a learning center and Risk Management training center. We have no legal authority to act on your behalf. It's time we all realize, what's going on is going to destroy our country.

Update: We're getting reports of unknown internet connections popping up on cell phones, only while the voter is near the voting machine. We suspect it has something to do with monitoring and on-line reporting that's been pre-programmed in the software. 

Whenever I get really down finding all this voter fraud, I remember why we're fighting so hard to right the ship.

Listen to this little girl, Click on "The Star Spangle Banner"

April 6, 2022

Risk Management Alert: You want to know how deep the swamps are in Wisconsin?

Democrat controlled counties in Wisconsin ignored the court order requiring all ballots to be: "

Either hand carried by the voter or mailed back to the county/municipal clerks.

Again! We're not dealing with the democrats, who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression. We the People; democrats, republicans and independents alike are now together fighting to regain our freedom and independence away from those who've opened our borders, given sanctuary to our enemies and brought us to the brink of WWIII.

Read down, to follow the rollout of our audit reports, but here's another link you can use to bypass the main street media:  https://www.breitbart.com/politics/

 Click here for a flashback to the morning after Toney Ever's claimed he won the 2018 midterm elections.

Dateline April 5, 2022:

Here is an example of the money behind all the voter fraud going on in real time in Wisconsin.

And this is only a primary.

Source of this information:

The hundreds of volunteers hard at work documenting the voter fraud in Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election:

-Update: the flyers were changed to the jpg format as some could not open them- 

At the election Central Count in Milwaukee this week photos were taken of vans from out of state. See attached photos, taken around noon time. This is while the April 5th voting was taking place (absentee). The vans were probably rental vans...by people from out of our state. When the drivers of the vans saw the photos being taken they fled. We made serious attempts to show the State GOP the election frauds (before these photos were taken), but they sloughed it off. Pass onto your GOP county chairperson and candidates running for office. Can’t think of a single reason as to why they would need to rent large vans, and not just passenger cars. 

Bonus round: two days ago a restaurant in Green Bay was rented out. FREE food and drinks for people to come in and register to vote. See the two attached flyers. The focus was on registering Democrats. $30,000 spent! This was completely illegal. The young women heading it up: from Brooklyn New York. Yep, we-have-our-head-in-the-sand-GOP-leaders there is nothing to see here. The young woman said (paraphrasing) "I'll be here all of September and October". 

Here is where the money came from:    https://wisconsinspotlight.com/battle-for-green-bay/

Please get to your Representative, to your State Senator and to your GOP county chairperson. It is 2020 all over again. 

This time the target for election fraud is Ron Johnson. The above shows how wrong Robin Vos has been, just dumb not to fix 2020 first. 

FYI You have to open and pay for an "All Access"  Wisconsin Eye  account, if you want to view anything older than a week in the archives. Following or two links everyone should see:

Assembly Committee on Campaigns & Elections 2/9/22 with Peter Bernegger of WEC:    https://wiseye.org/2022/02/09/assembly-committee-on-campaigns-and-elections-25/ 

Assembly Committee on Campaigns & Elections 3/24/22 (from two weeks ago): https://wiseye.org/2022/03/24/assembly-committee-on-campaigns-and-elections-28/

Page down! It gets worse. It's time to fight back!

The "Sting"

The "Sting" was a Risk Management mission to identify, measure and control the voter-fraud that stole the November 3, 2020 presidential' election. Operation "Sting" has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, not only how, but who played an active roll in stealing the election away from incumbent President Donald J. Trump.  https://wisconsinspotlight.com/battle-for-green-bay/

Flashback: Click on "Trump in Green Bay during 2020 campaign." FYI: We used "Survey Monkey" to measure support for the Biden campaign. In Door County, Midwest Wire and Tim the welder, were the only two employers to campaign for Biden/Harris. Few if any in the Fox Valley campaigned for Biden/Harris. Based on our surveys, there's no way Biden won in Wisconsin. We're rolling out irrefutable evidence that'll prove how they stole the election.

Doubt it? Go to www.hotgovernment.com and join us on Telegram. 


No one, will be happier than I'll be, when we've called out those who stole the 2020 election and together, democrats, republicans and independents alike, have voted them all out of office.

Let's make it perfectly clear!

We're not dealing, with the democrats who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression, nor the Ronald Reagan' republicans, who stood-up against the communists, nor the Abe Lincoln' republicans who fought to end slavery in the south.

We're now at war against the democrats and Trump-hating republicans, who've knelt during out National Anthem, tore down our statues, opened our borders to drug smugglers, human traffickers and terrorists, given billions in high-tech tanks, war planes and ammunition, to our enemies, defunded our police, disarmed our citizens and now brought us to the brink of WW III.

Only those totally mislead by the main street media, still believe all fault lies with our county and municipal clerks.

Get this straight!

Our forensic Voter-fraud audits have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the vast majority of our county and municipal clerks had no idea they were being used as pawns in a global operation focused on taking down democratic republic.  

We're fast rolling out our audit' reports via: www.hotgovernment.com and Telegram, as well as, via. Wisconsin Eye Morning U-tube videos. We'll be launching Risk Management tutorials, that'll help explain just how the Biden campaign first laundered votes and than used "Mules" to harvest ballots from far too trusting voters.


Click on picture!

We're putting a wrap on our forensic Voter-fraud audits in Wisconsin!

Our open record requests for "absentee ballot applications" were a critically important step needed to prove our county and municipal' clerks had been duped, into handing over passwords, key-fobs and key-codes to foreign nationals, who were then able to uploaded "Phantom-voters" and "chain-blocks," allowing them to alter the election results in favor of Biden/Harris.    

Not finding absentee ballot applications on file would have helped prove "Phantom" voters, unknown to clerks, were uploaded into voting machines, where they subsequently were added Biden' votes anywhere they were needed in Wisconsin, to make sure Biden won the race.

Our audit reports will provided a step by step explanation of how the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) and the Election Records Information Center (ERIC) worked together to steal both Wisconsin's 2018 and 2020 elections.

FYI: Not finding an absentee ballot application on file, indicates there was a "chain-block" embedded in voting machines that subsequently was used to cast ballots needed to swing and win the election.

Click on my raincoat for my last plea to honor our open-record requests in Door County.

And now back to our forensic voter-fraud audit report' rollout:

We're rolling out our audit findings via www.hotgovernment.com. Go there and join us on Telegram!

How deep is the swamp in Wisconsin?


The voter-fraud strategies (laundering and harvesting absentee ballots) used by the Biden campaign in 2020 was nothing more than what the Ever's campaign used in 2018 to steal the election away from Scott Walker.

Doubt it? Click here!

Remember: "It was a box of absentee ballots, found after the polls closed in Milwaukee that gave the win to Evers."

Heads Up to our audit reports:

Let us make it perfectly clear again! While clerks may have failed to properly control access to passwords and key-fobs, that's about the extent of their culpability.

The real villains in this whole mess are NOT the clerks, but those who purchased the voting machines, never checking contracts that forbid local elected officials from having access, while at the same time requiring clerks to afford their service personal, total and uncontrolled assess, on demand to service the machines.

 Wisconsin Eye Morning Listen in live:  

Here's a direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFOcxkp2NDc

You can view the U-tube videos at: WisEye Morning Minute

Upload more at:



Let the "Rollout" of our Forensic Voter-fraud audit reports begin:

There will always be those, who hated President Trump  so deeply, they'll never admit their stealing the 2020 election is destroying our American dream and has now brought us to the brink of WWIII. All we can do is pray, they'll someday be forgiven. Again! They are not the democrats, who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression, nor the republicans that fought to end slavery in the south. They are a minority of Trump hating Americans, who for the moment, occupy the Oval Office.


Wisconsin Voter-fraud audit report Rollout - March 28, 2022

Dane Co. Republican Party!

Sheriff David Clark and fraud auditor Gary Wait

FYI: Gary Wait is one of our "Go-to" undercover Voter-fraud audit investigators. Consequently, video's he's featured in are filed in our Trojan' horse, deep-throat files under alias's he's been given from time to time. He'll pop up now and again on www.hotgovernment.com. We'll allow access to our audit files, when we create future "Voter-fraud-audit" tutorials. 

Note: The vast majority of our videos are shot by volunteers and uploaded direct to our fraud-audit files, without being edited or in anyway altered, so please forgive us, if the videos are shaky, out of focus or speakers are out of your view.   

The Knight-stalker Gary Wait take 1 (Introduction)

The Knight-stalker Gary Wait Take 2

The Knight -stalker Take 3

Sheriff Clark Take 1

Sheriff Clark Take 2

Sheriff Clark 3

Sheriff Clark Take 4

Sheriff Clark Take 5

Sheriff Clark 6

Sheriff Clark Take 7

Sheriff David Clark

Voter-fraud Auditor

Gary Wait


The Pope called for a day of prayer for Ukraine and Russia: Click here!

The Bishop of Green Bay will say Mass at the shrine today at 6 PM, I think, check the time (Friday March 25th)

Click on this link: https://championshrine.org/

Back to School!

Our Annual Professional Association of Wisconsin Licensed Investigators (PAWLI) Conference

Was held Thursday and Friday March 24 - 25, 2022

Stevens Point, Wisconsin

We'll be uploading the highlights of each session below and at: www.pawli.com

We will be posting an over view of subjects covered, to include:


One of our most important Risk Management recommendation: 

Never hire a Private Investigator (PI) that isn't licensed and doesn't belong to a professional trade association.

If your private investigator or your company/organization, etc. is sued, based on "Lack of Faithful Performance," you're best defense is going to be the proof you have, the private investigator has stayed "up-to-date" on all changes in the law and they can document they've kept up with their continuing education. Document, not only the continuing education credits, but equally important the classes they attended, along with the subjects taught, as well as the instructors who taught each class/course. 

We call it "The Second Half" of PAWLI (The Professional Association of Wisconsin' Licensed Investigators).

It's the legislative arm of private security. With all the disarming our law enforcement, we need to make sure laws are not passed to further endanger the lives of our security professionals in the private sector.

God Bless! Keep your heads down and powder dry!


A message to Credit Union' Risk Managers in Ukraine and Poland!

We'll post links such as https://americasvoice.news/ and  https://www.newsmax.com/ to get the truth through to the people of Ukraine.

We have your back!

History of the International Credit Union Movement

"Credit unions are positioned better than any organization, anywhere in the world, anytime in history to deliver aid and support to refugees coming out of  Ukraine, not to mention rebuild their lives and lively hood after Putin's army is defeated." 

FYI: Many of Ukraine' and Poland's credit union leaders cut their teeth on Risk Management principles and practices at CUNA Management Schools in the US, while many others hold post graduate degrees in Risk Management from the University of Wisconsin, Madison campus (My Alma mater).

I recommend credit union "chapters," State Leagues, CUNA Inc. and affiliates follow the "Incident Command System (ICS)", to form "Unified" commands that report directly into The World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU's) Ukrainian Crisis Response Team https://www.woccu.org/ukrainian_crisis_response

Heads UP to Credit Union Risk Managers in Ukraine and Poland!

Set up your "Unified" Incident Command and follow our tutorials on setting up Public-to-Private Partnerships!

Go to any of our field operation sites such as: www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com

You can also page down to find links.

We're all praying for you on Freedom Hill! 

Rich Woldt CEO The Risk Management Learning Center 

Also: Please go to www.thumbsup2trump.com and join us on Freedom Hill and pray!

Because we're literally going to be "under the gun," I'm going to upload tutorials from past WOCCU Risk Management workshops overseas. Many of these web pages have not been updated in years, so many of the links to our RM library may not work.  Remember, I do all my own web design, development and maintenance. I recommend you contact the Directors of Education via WOCCU for the latest RM support: Click on the following and see what happens: From WOCCU RM schools in Ireland.  Responding to active shooters during a political campaign in the US.

We're putting a wrap on our forensic Voter-fraud audits in Wisconsin!

Our open records requests, help prove local municipal' clerks were innocent of any wrong-doing and at worst, they'd been duped by those higher up their chain of command. Not finding absentee ballot applications on file  indicates "Phantom" voters may have voted somewhere in Wisconsin, using the municipality's voting machines as a point of entry.

Not finding an absentee ballot application on file, is an indication there was a "block-chain" embedded in voting machines that subsequently was used to cast ballots needed to swing and win the election.

Click on my raincoat for a copy of the letter sent to hold-out municipalities.

And now back to our forensic voter-fraud audit report' rollout:

We're rolling out our audit findings via www.hotgovernment.com. Go there and join us on Telegram!

How deep is the swamp in Wisconsin? For a Wisconsin' "voter-fraud-flashback," Click here!

Note: "It was a box of absentee ballots, found after the polls closed in Milwaukee that gave the win to Evers."

As we put a wrap on our audits, I want to send a major league "Thank You," to my fellow UW Risk Management alumni and our Credit Union Risk Management cadre who've volunteered their time and shared their on-the-job, front-lines, street-smart, field-tested, Risk Management wisdom and expertise.

Thanks to them, we've adjusted the fraud-audits required in all state' and federally' insured credit unions to root out the voter-fraud used to altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

I also thank all the front-line, dedicated, honest and hardworking county and municipal clerks, who, while under unbelievable pressure and the righteous eye of those who've never done anything wrong, dug in and helped us root out the "Phantom" voters hiding in their files.

Let me make it perfectly clear! Blaming our county and municipal clerks for the now proven voter-fraud in Wisconsin, is akin to blaming a first-day, front-line teller for the fictitious and unauthorized loan, let alone the money laundering, extortions, fraud and dishonesty that's folded many of the best run credit unions across the US and around the world.

We hope, by April 15th to have all searches for "Phantom" voters in Wisconsin complete, but for now, you can follow the rollout of the evidence on: www.hotgovernment.com. Click on "News you can use and join us on Telegram.

If you've learn nothing else following our "Sting" operation, you learned, it takes more than one political party or politician to turn a free-market capitalist country into a socialist state. We should have listened this years ago.

We'll be launching a "Take back America" campaign on my 76th birthday April 21, 2022

For now, use www.thumbsup2trump.com to review Risk Management principles and practices.











Quotable Quotes

Words of Wisdom


Ronald Reagan said,

“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” He also warned, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctions.”

Ronald Reagan also said,

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctions.”

Abraham Lincoln said,

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Thomas Jefferson said,

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned,

“The problem with European Socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Ronald Reagan said,

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctions.”

Thomas Jefferson said,

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” 

Ronald Reagan said,

 “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” 

Barack Obama said,

 “I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

Barack Obama also said,

“I will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class.”

Yet, Obamacare is the largest tax increase in US history!

Dateline December 7, 1941: Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto, the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor said, when he saw what his air force had done:

“I fear we’ve awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve.

Those responsible for the voter' fraud that altered the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election have awakened the law abiding citizens of the United States of America and filled them with terrible resolve!

In Wisconsin, we launched  "Forensic Voter-fraud-audit, we christened "The Sting." Fashioned after the basic "fraud audits" required throughout the US and world credit union movement, we operation, to identify, measure and control all the speculative risks created every time we cast a ballot for the candidate of our choice.

 ato identify, measure and control the speculative risks Wisconsin voters took in both the 2018 midterm and 2020 presidential election.  

Go to www.hotgovernment.com click on "News you can use and join us on "Telegram"

Go to: https://wiseye.org  and listen to a Risk Management Analysis of the WEC data base February 9, 2022

Click here and read the first report on our "Voter' Fraud-audit" that's on-going in Wisconsin:

Click here and join us at the Trump Rally in Texas

Here's a short video on: "Tracking the mules #101" more will be coming in spring!"

Warning: If the left passes a law requiring N-95 masks, even if it's only a recommendation, remember the N-95 is not a mask. It's a "respirator" and, as such, it will be regulated by OSHA as a "respirator". That means, employers will have to require all employees to first have a physical to make sure they don't have any health issues that don't allow them to wear the respirator and then have a written training program for how, when and where the mask must be worn and then fit each mask to the employee.


"Together, we'll manage the risks created by the Biden' administration"

We the People; democrats, republicans and independents, American's of every color, creed and national origin, were secure at our borders, had launched a "Space-force, were free and energy independent, we had a winning economy and we were winning the war against terrorist, drug-lords and human traffickers. We were leading the world on every front, and than; out of the swamp came the Chinese Communist Party' Trojan horse ridden by one of the most corrupt administrations in US history.

Within less than a year, we were forced to abandoned our allies, open our borders and turn a blind eye to the taxpayer funding of abortions. We now have Russia armed and ready to invade Ukraine, China armed and ready to invade Taiwan, North Korea ready to invade the South and land a nuclear warhead in the heart of middle America. We're now faced with escalating crime and increased poverty the likes we've not seen since leading up to WWII and the Great Depression.

Wake up Wisconsin Peter Schweizer


Always remember!

We're not dealing with the Democrat Party that lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression, nor the republicans who fought to end slavery.  We're now dealing with a minority of "Trump hating" Biden' democrats, who commandeered the main street media, stole the 2020 presidential election, sold our country out to the communist Chinese and rode two of the most corrupt politicians in American history into the Oval Office. Doubt it? Google: "Affinity Obama/Biden Saul David Alinsky's 8 Rules for Radicals"



Wake up America and read Peter Schweizer's new book "Profile of Corruption. There is absolutely no way, other than by fraudulently harvesting mail-in ballots, before they could be counted, that two of the most corrupt politicians in our nations history could be elected in an honest and above board election.

Vertually every law enforcement agency and officer, every trucker and the vast majority of Christians and people of faiths voted for President Trump. ccc

Click here and read just a few of the books written about one of the most hardworking and honest Presidents in our history!

Wake up Wisconsin!

Parents! It's time to fight back against the Biden' democrats who've sold out to the teacher's unions. 

Veterans For Trump:    Women For Trump:    Catholics For Trump:    LGBTQ For Trump:    Gays For Trump:

Christians! Click here for Trump's accomplishments in his first 100 days.

I'm voting for with President Trump and "Personhood" as oppose the Biden/Harris' support of Planned Parenthood.

Click here and help us keep one of the most corrupt politicians is our country's history out of the Washington swamps.

To be fair: Click here for the highlights of the Biden' campaign.    

Click on the links below, grab your ballot and head to the polls November 3rd.

Veterans For Trump:    Women For Trump:    Catholics For Trump:    LGBTQ For Trump:    Gays For Trump:

Christians! Click here for Trump's accomplishments in his first 100 days.

I'm voting for with President Trump and "Personhood" as oppose the Biden/Harris' support of Planned Parenthood.

How deep is the swamp?

Click here for Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinsky, documenting the Biden' corruption in China, Russia, Ukraine and beyond.

Don't vote until the real Joe Biden comes clean on his family's fortune!

Don't vote until the real Joe Biden comes out of the Basement!

Facts about Obamacare, Biden wants you to ignore!

They’re known across America as those infected with the “Biden/Harris’ Curse”, a curse more threatening than COVID 19, more deadly than all 10 of the top global pandemics combined.

Every Christian and person of faith, every veteran honorably discharged from the service (That leaves Hunter Biden out), every person-of-color (Whites included) continue to ask:

“What was it that convinced so many God fearing, red-blooded Americans, to vote for Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt politicians in American history, along with “Commie” (pun intended) Harris, one of the most far-left liberal politicians on the planet? Remember, less than 1% of her own party voted for her in the democrat primaries.

The answer is the vast majority of Americans did not vote for the Biden/Harris' socialist party platform. We all know the Biden/Harris campaign laundered and harvested mail-in ballots long before they could be counted.

Across America, they’re asking:

What was it that convinced the few who voted for Biden/Harris, that open borders, sanctuary cities, bowing to our enemies and leading from behind would be the answer to world peace?

Why did those voting for Biden/Harris refuse to acknowledge President Trump was nominated not once, but three time for the Nobel Peace Prize?

Why did those voting for Biden/Harris refuse to acknowledge Trump built and rebuilt the strongest economy in our nation’s history, reclaimed our energy independence and ended virtually all the wars we’ve been fighting for decades overseas?

Even as I write, he’s bringing our troops home hopefully for the last time, now that he’s structured a peace agreement that binds enemies abroad to fight their own battles and leave America to pursue our American’s dreams in peace.

What was it that convinced those who voted for Biden/Harris, to ignore the industries Trump brought and continues to bring home from overseas?

What convinced Biden/Harris voters to condemn “The Wall” Trump built along our southern borders that now has cut drug smuggling and human trafficking by more than 87%? The Wall, by the way, that’s ending the threat of terrorists embedding themselves deep within our critical industries, infrastructure, schools and universities.

What was it that convinced the veterans voting for Biden/Harris, to ignore it was Joe Biden who unmasked our combat troops and Secret Service Agents operating behind enemy lines and Joe Biden who sold drugs to Mexican drug lords and gave billions in laundered currency to our enemies while they beheaded our solders, raped our women, kidnapped our students, burned our flag and chanted “Death to America?”

The “Biden/Harris Curse” brought on by those who voted them both into office, is a handle they’ll have to carry for the rest of their lives. As I said throughout our Risk Management workshops, God may forgive them for what they've done, but the rest of America, democrats and republicans alike will never forget. America now knows it’s a handle they richly deserve.

I’ll be launching a series of Risk Management workshops that’ll not only identify those who brought the Biden/Harris Curse to the shores of America, but will make sure, working together, democrats and republicans working hand-in-hand, we will drive them and their socialist sympathizing accomplices out of the Washington swamps for good.

You'll be able to register for our workshops at through either www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com or www.RMLearningcenter.com.

God Bless America!

Now let drive the Biden/Harris socialists out of the Washington swamp.

The Biden/Harris campaign hacked into the Dominion voting machines nationwide, in order to monitor voting trends throughout the day systematically, using a preprogrammed algorithm to transfer Trump votes over to Biden and then after the polls were closed, in the early a.m. do a "Vote-dump" to pull Biden/Harris ahead before the final count.

Note: In Wisconsin, at 3:42 a.m., they dumped over 143,000 votes all for Biden/Harris, which turned a landslide race for Trump, into a win for Biden/Harris.


They did the same thing in Michigan at 6:31 a.m., dumping 96% or 134,886 votes in for Biden out of 149,772 that had been cast. Therefore, at 6:31 a.m. Michigan time, the race went from a landslide win for Trump into a socialist styled victory for Biden/Harris.

I'm hereby deploying my fellow CFI (Certified Fraud Investigators), along with our US Credit Union' Supervisory/Audit Committee members and all Federal and State Financial Institution Examiners on a mission to conduct a "Fraud Audit" at all voting locations that used the Dominion voting machines.

Click here to join your fellow Americans, democrats and republicans in a mission to stop the socialists, who've commandeered the Democrat Party, the party to which I once belonged, from destroying our American dream.    


And this is my close!

When I said, after this election, I was going to merge my thumbs up websites into www.RMlearningCenter.com that didn't mean I will give up the domain names.

During 2016 and 2018 I ran two Risk Management Community Outreach sites (COPs007.com as well as ThumbsupacrossWisconsin.com). Within hours of my giving up both domains, they were both purchased by a business in China.

From a Risk Management standpoint, that has to tell you how well coordinated and corrupt the deep state has become.

Our battle during the 2018 campaign was lost to Tony Evers after midnight, when boxes of uncounted, already laundered, absentee ballots where found in Milwaukee County, giving Evers the win with just enough votes they could not be challenged.

Through out this campaign I posted a link to the Milwaukee Journal article written after the election. Mysteriously, if you clicked on the link, you got a message that said: This article is not available in your Zip Code area". Try to click on this link and see what you get: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/11/06/milwaukee-county-has-more-than-50-000-uncounted-absentee-ballots/1916187002/.

All I can say is, God help us if the Biden/Harris socialists win this 2020 election.

One last comment before I merge both www.thumbsup2trump.com and www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com back into my home office site.

I'm 75 years old, have two stints in my heart, high blood pressure, a new hip, no kids and a terminal case of PTSD. I don't need to be fighting these political battles for any other reason then I want to save the American' dream for generations yet to be born.

If we can, as our forefathers did back in 1776, accept responsibility for our personal freedom and future, and not sacrifice it all just to belong to a misguided political ideology, God will reward us all, not based on our political affiliation, but on His God' given free-will and His God' given graces, none of us can even begin to imagine.

We are one people, created in the Image and Likeness of God, from the moment of conception until natural death. We are not created to be ruled over by any man-created government body.

Go to any of my websites and read the words of wisdom from our Founding Fathers and then read God's "Ten Commandments" and then let's all work together to keep America winning and winning and winning for all Americans, no matter on which side of the aisle they may choose to sit.

God speed and from this moment on, may God bless you all and may you all stay safe, stay happy, and stay in touch with your friends, your family and your fellow citizens of the greatest country in the world; the "United States of America."

Over 97% of the main street' news was negative throughout his four years at the helm. Our forensic voter-fraud audits proved, beyond a doubt, how they stole the election and who must be held accountable.

We've been fighting voter-fraud in our elections since long before Toney Ever's stole the election from Scot Walker. There are significant  differences between the voter-fraud we have to fight in mid-term elections and fraud-fraud we have to fight every four years during presidential elections.

Once we complete our 2020 forensic voter-fraud audits, we'll launch a training tutorial, highlighting cost effective and affordable RM strategies all municipalities can use to make sure every voice is heard and every vote is counted.

Until we vote those who brought our country to the brink of World War III out of office, we'll never take back our country, from those who stole the 2020 election, reclaim our freedom of speech and demand our independence. 

Until we vote those who've opened our borders and ushered millions of COVID infected refugees, drug lords, human traffickers, rapists, murders, and terrorists into the heartland of America, we'll never again be safe and secure.

Until we vote those, who intentionally broke the "chain-of-ballot-custody"  in order to steal the 2020 presidential election, we'll never again have out votes counted let alone our voices heard.

 sold our country out to China,

Until we vote out of office, those who condone voting without requiring a valid "government issued" positive identification and until we vote those who turned blind eyes to the "laundering" and "harvesting" of votes out of office, we will never take back our country from those who opened our borders to a flood of drug pushers, human traffickers organized crime and future homegrown terrorists. 

We'll be launching a series of Risk Management projects, focused on voting every Biden' democrat out of office from local to district to state and federally elected office. I've been kicked off Facebook every time I post a negative comment about Biden or a positive comment about Trump.

Consequently, we've moved over to our sister site: www.hotgovernment.com. Go there and click on "News you can use" and join us on "Telegram."

Dateline January 26, 2022

The far left and the right RINO's are criticizing Trump for putting a fork in proposed ballot-box laws, until we get it right. I agree with Trump.

If we're ever going to get a handle on the "chain-of-custidy" between the time we drop our ballots in the box and they are counted, we have to follow the example set down by the FDIC and NCUA's regulation #748 governing "Minimum Security Devices and Procedures Regulations pramulgated in December 1971.

At some point, we'll be recommending credit unions in the US and around the world take over the responsibility for maintaining "custody" over your ballot, just as they do, when you drop your paycheck in the night deposit box and your preferred financial institution.

Think about it!  

There is nothing more valuable, than your having your voice heard and your vote counted. In a free county, your voice and vote are far more valuable than any night deposit you might drop off at your local bank or credit union, during non-business hours.

That being said:both bank and credit union regulations, require all "night deposit" boxes to be UL list, making sure they are not only burglary resistant, but also "fish and trap" resistant and "duel-locking," requiring two authorized, trained and bonded employees present to count and verify the box contents.

As part of our Wisconsin voter-fraud audit, we found drop boxes have been "fished," meaning ballots dropped we're removed, as well as fire-bombs were used to destroy ballots already in the box. Also, many boxes were opened and sorted before being counted.

If legislation is passed, it must include regulations that require all drop boxes are UL listed and approved. Here's a link to pass on to those preparing such regulations. Click here

For now: I recommend you join the movement to impeach Biden!

Click here for a walk down memory lane.


Click here and listen to President Trump February 28 at CPAC 2021

God forgive those who voted Biden/Harris back into the Washington swam! The rest of the free world won't be so kind!

This site is being reengineered and will go live January 6, 2022

Click here for a preview!

In the meantime go to: www.hotgovernment.com click on "News you can use" and join us on "Telegram".

Go to www.hotgovernment.com and join us on "Telegram"

For the latest on our Forensic Voter-fraud audits, click on our blog:  https://www.hotgovernment.com/blog

Go to: https://wiseye.org  and listen to a Risk Management Analysis of the WEC data base February 9, 2022

Click here and read the first report on our "Voter' Fraud-audit" that's on-going in Wisconsin:

Click here and join us at the Trump Rally in Texas

Here's a short video on: "Tracking the mules #101" more will be coming in spring!"

One of the most important "Speculative" risks we all take, is when we step into the booth, pull the curtain and cast our ballot for the candidates of our choice. Because of your lack of control over the "chain-of-custody", voting absentee only increases the risk your vote will not be counted.

We are conducting a state wide (Wisconsin) forensic "voter-fraud-audit", focused on documenting the voter-fraud in each Wisconsin county. We've developed a number of reporting forms you can use to upload your findings to our statewide data base.

For example: If you suspect someone of voting in more than one location i.e. voting in person at one polling station and another via absentee ballots, please use the following reporting forms and we'll take it from there. 


lick here for a "word" copy of our "Voter-fraud-audit" reporting form you can fill out and email it to us.

Click here for a pdf copy to forward to your friends and family!



"God may forgive those who voted Biden back into the swamp. The rest of the world will never!"

The risks they created, when they perpetrated the greatest "voter-fraud" in history has put us at the beginning of WWIII

The "Trump Train" has left the station and the RMLC is on board!

We're locked and loaded and mission ready for the fight!

Click here and climb on board:


Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC)

Operational Period #2

"We are making a shift in mission' focus!"

RMLC update:

As "Tricky" Dick Nixon said: "Let me make it perfectly clear!" We're not dealing with the democrats, nor the Democrat Party that lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression. Nor are we dealing with the republicans, nor the Republican Party that fought to free the slaves and end the "taxpayer" funding of abortions.

"We the People"; democrats, republicans and independents alike are in the fight of our lives to reclaim our freedom and independence, from a minority of far-left leaning democrats, who've commandeered our once proudly patriotic Democrat Party. A Party, to which I once belonged.

We've proven, beyond any doubt, how the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump, not unlike the 2018 mid-term election in Wisconsin, was stolen away from Scot Walker. Equally important, we have proven, the vast majority of county and municipal clerks in Wisconsin, had no idea they'd been duped by those, up their chain of command, in whom, they'd grown to trust.

Throughout our audits, county' Board of Directors, hired lawyers to block and issued instructions to county clerks to do "whatever it takes" to increase the costs we'd have to incur in order to effectively complete each audit step. That only fired up our volunteers to work harder and stay increasingly focused on each tasks at hand.

We'll be releasing audit reports, county by county in Wisconsin, throughout the summer, the first have already gone out via our sister site at: www.hotgovernment.com, as well through our friends and affiliates on Telegram. There is a growing number of social media platforms that are increasingly immune to the main street media censoring.

I consider it a badge of honor to be regularly blocked off Facebook, as Ron Johnson's been bumped off U-tube and President Trump off Twitter. That's just the game the Biden' jockey's (those who rode his Trojan horse into the White House) choose to play. They've also placed "Expired  security certificate" warnings on my websites. It's just their way of instilling fear, in hopes we'll stop fighting to reclaim our freedom and independence. If you run into them, just keep clicking and they'll go away. At some point, sooner than later, I will give public access to our "deep throat files," but not right now.

Here is a direct link to one recent release: https://news.yahoo.com/wisconsin-investigator-suggests-decertifying-2020-230800390.html?fr=yhssrp_catchall. Please pass it on, and join our fight to take back our country from those who stole the 2020 election away from President Trump.

If you doubt they stole the election, go to our sister site www.hotgovernment.com, and click on "News you can use." It's there we're going to rollout irrefutable evidence they stole the election in Wisconsin, just as the did in Michigan and virtually every other state in our United States of America. Note: You may have to rewind the Michigan video.

From a Risk Management standpoint, that has to tell you how well coordinated and corrupt the deep state has become.

Our battle during the 2018 campaign was lost to Tony Evers after midnight, when boxes of uncounted, already laundered, absentee ballots where found in Milwaukee County, giving Evers the win with just enough votes they could not be challenged.

Through out this campaign I posted a link to the Milwaukee Journal article written after the election. Mysteriously, if you clicked on the link, you got a message that said: This article is not available in your Zip Code area". Try to click on this link and see what you get: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/11/06/milwaukee-county-has-more-than-50-000-uncounted-absentee-ballots/1916187002/.

You've landed on the homepage for my "Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC). From here, you'll be able to gain entry to a number of Risk Management (RM) workshops, currently on the ground around the world.

Our RM workshops focus on identifying, measuring and controlling the "Pure" and "Speculative" risks we all create living in a free and fiercely independent, long-time liberated free-market "capitalist" society. Voting is one of the most important "speculative" risks we take. A homegrown terrorist attack is the most urgent "pure" risk we're now being forced to manage.

Before my open!

RMLC Heads up!

Trump's been blocked off Facebook, Senator Ron Johnson's off U-Tube and I've now been blocked off Facebook! Why? We're no longer dealing with the democrats that lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression. We're now at war with those faced with open borders confronted by those who voted primarily based on their hate for President Trump.

May God forgive them for what they've done to our country. The rest of the free world will never!

President Trump made America proud again, strong again, independent and free again and in eight months, Biden has brought us to our knees, opened our borders, destroyed our energy independence, sold us out to China and destroyed the American dream for generations to come.

What he hasn't and never will be able to destroy is our will to fight back.

Ask any veteran, except those cowards who voted him back into the swamp, what's worse than fighting and dying for our freedom and independence and they'll tell you, it's living without either.

So far Biden has taken over the main street media, blocked Trump off Twitter, Ron Johnson off U-tube and hundreds of my fellow conservative Christians off Facebook.

I give you my word, "We the People" are hitting the ground, locked and loaded and determined to drive every Trump hating politician, on both sides of the aisle, out of office.

We'll be launching three websites, all focused on getting rid of those responsible for embedding terrorists deep inside corporate America where, with a simple change in their virus they'll be able to keep those unwilling to fight on their knees forever. All three sites will be supported by our www.thumbsupacrosswisconsin.com, www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com, www.thumbsup2trump.com, www.cops007.com, and www.doorcountyveterans.com.


The Biden jockey's, those who road Biden back into the swamp, have bought up similar domain names and have redirected and farmed them to their advantage, just like the Door County democrats, during the campaign, redirected Google searches for the Republican headquarters over to their Democrat Party headquarters, They were the same democrats, who put "trust us, we're the party of justice and peace."

For example don't be surprised if cops007 has been redirected to China. FYI: Sites like www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com should have our key code under my picture.


We're not at war with the democrats who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression.

We're now dealing with the Trump hating Biden' democrats who've brought us to the brink of WWIII.


RMLC Heads up!

Operation "Guarding the Door County Peninsula - 2021"

Over a year ago, our Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC) launched a "Public to Private Partnership" with the Door County Sheriff's Department and the Door County Fire Chief's Association. Our stated mission is to rebuild veteran organizations across the country, who are struggling for active, able-bodied members living close enough to their post' headquarters so they can be deployed anytime there's a large scale, life threatening event in their "theater of operation.

Our mission focus is on the Door County's veteran organizations, which include VFW Post 8337 guarding Washington Island and the peninsula north of the 45th parallel and VFW Post 3088 guarding the Door County peninsula south of the 45th, to the county line.

It also includes American Legion Post 391 on Washington Island and American Legion Post 527 on the mainland north of the 45th, as well as six other American Legion Posts on the ground south to the Kewanee County line as well as the our AMVET Post 51 and our Marine Corp League Detachment mission ready to respond anywhere or at anytime we come under fire. FYI: I'm past commander of VFW Post 8337, a life time member of AMVET Post 51 and an active member of American Legion Post 527.

Mission Statement

The RMLC will work with Door County's Adopt-a-Solder program and VFW Post 8337, as well as Principle's in the Gibraltar High School' district to identify all veterans on active duty as well as all veterans in families, going back generations.

We will enlist all family members to enroll veterans into the veteran organization closest to their home/residence. This is done to help ensure each veteran will be able to take an active role before, during and after any large scale, life threatening disaster.

The RMLC will use the Incident Command System (ICS) to write a three period operational response that will stage all Army, Navey, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marine personnel, mission ready to respond.

Mission Example

"Missing child during Fall Festival"

The call goes out, there's a missing 6 year old little girl, red dress, last seen near the marina. All veteran in the area immediately report in using the same reporting system, now used by volunteer firefighters. It important to have all veterans identified, prequalified and cleared into the command center, as terrorist often target the command center prior to their attack.   


My open!

Welcome to the homepage for the Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC), launched shortly after the 9-11-2001 terrorist attack at World Trade Center in New York City, New York. My biography is posted under my picture in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

This site functions as a hub supporting other RMLC websites launched over the years to manage the "Pure" and "speculative" risks we all create, living in our own free-market, God fearing , fiercely independent corner of the world. I create and maintain all my own websites, so if the links don't work or you get lost navigating through any of my sites, you'd be well-advised to come back home, here and start over. 

Mission focus: Each website will have a stated "Mission-focus" and each website will offer a refresher course highlighting basic Risk Management (RM) principles and practices as well as an update and briefing relative to the "Incident Command System", "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs", "Trauma Management", and the forming of "Public to Private Partnerships" during any large scale, life-threatening event.

Risk Management (RM) "updates will be posted on this site to alert you to the latest Risk Management missions currently operating in the field. Each update/mission will be highlighted in green, that being the color internationally recognized by all Homeland Security, law enforcement, fire and emergency management personnel.

 "There was a very cautious man, who never romped or played. He never drank, he never smoked, nor even kissed a maid. So, when he passed away, insurance was denied, fore since he never ever lived, they claimed he never died". God speed, stay safe, but never avoid taking a risk because you are afraid to live.



I've set on both sides of the political aisle, argued on both ends of the political extreme, and voted in every presidential election since 1968. I answer to no one but God and will fight to the death to stop the taxpayer funding of abortions and the socialist's threat to our American dreams. 

I have no sympathy for the Trump hating socialists who rode Biden back into the Washington swamps, no stomach for the communists hidden in their Trojan Horse and no time for those who refuse to stand for our National Anthem.

I've repeated many times. We are no longer dealing with the democrats who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression. We're now at odds with the minority of communist sympathizers, who effectively stole the 2020 presidential election. Doubt it? You won't for long.

We've joined forces with the conservative movements around the world, to include Doctor Douglas Frank and Michael Lindell at www.frankspeech.com. God willing we'll bring free-market capitalism back into government and President Donald J. Trump back into the White House in 2024. 

 Rich Woldt CEO The Risk Management Learning Center 

Risk Management Head's-up!

My (Political Disclaimer)! If you played a role in stealing the last election, my best advice is run for cover. "We the People", republicans and democrats alike, have you in our crosshairs.

Like President Trump being blocked off Twitter and Ron Johnson being blocked off U-Tube, Facebook repeatedly blocks my posts. I'm blocked anytime I mention the "Voter Fraud" used to steal the November 3, 2020 election from President Trump, or the after midnight finding of uncounted absentee ballots that stole the 2016 Wisconsin gubernatorial election away for Scott Walker.

Doubt it? I'll be launching Risk Management (RM) workshops, that'll highlight just how they've laundered and than harvested votes during every election going back to 2008 in Wisconsin.

For now, to get around their blocks, I'll be linking you to our back office "deep-throat" files. I'm also moving the RMLC off Facebook to https://telegram.org/. Equally important, you'll soon be introduced to three RMLC websites we're already using to support our RM workshops focused on the terrorist now streaming across Biden's open borders. The following links may be dated, but they'll at least help us reach you with news you'll not get from the main street media.  

 Facebook posts!

Facebook file!

Deep-throat Files!  


Risk Management Update:

The Trojan Horse

From a "Risk Management (RM)" standpoint, it'll become increasingly apparent that those who voted Biden/Harris into the Oval Office have provided China with a "Trojan Horse" that'll fast destroy the American dream. We'll first lose our freedom of speech and right to assemble followed by the right guaranteed us by our 2nd Amendment. Soon terrorists, drug smugglers and human traffickers will be ruling coast to coast, while corrupt politicians defund our police, bribe our judges, abort our babies and corrupt our youth.    

Already, a growing number of social media platforms, to include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others are editing posts and deleting any criticism of the Biden/Harris administration. Every red-blooded, freedom fighting American is moving the alternative social media platforms. While I still have a presence on Facebook, I've moved my social media involvement to alternative social media sites.


I launched the Risk Management Learning Center and this site shortly after second major terrorist attack on US soil 9-11-01 against the World Trade Center in New York City. The first major terrorist attack being the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building  in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.

Now that the Biden/Harris administration has begun to tear down our physical barrier "The Wall" and opened our borders to what'll soon be an endless caravan of drug smugglers, terrorists, murders, rapists, burglars and robbers and the inevitable rise in human trafficking and homegrown chemical and biological terrorist attacks, I will be launching three more "mission-focused" Risk Management (RM) sites on my 76th birthday April 21st 2021.

One site will provide a "forensic analysis" of the voter fraud perpetrated by those who commandeered the Democrat Party platform during the 2020 presidential election, another will provide a "Risk Management (RM)" Strategic Action Plan (SAP) voters will be able to follow on their way to the polls during future elections, and the third will unite all Americans in a battle to regain our freedom and independence.

I want to make it perfectly clear! The war we will be waging is not going to be between the Democrat Party, to which I once belonged and the Republican Party who'll be leading the charge. It'll be in everyway the second war for our independence; an all out war against those who voted the Biden/Harris ticket back into the Washington swamp.

For the moment, you can page down, but soon you'll be linked to our new homepage that's now under construction. Click here, if you want to follow our progress:


R&D Files  

FYI: I've been farmed and blocked off of Facebook at least three times, consequently I've created a "Facebook dump" to get away from Facebook. Most freedom fighting red-blooded Americans are moving to "Telegram" and "Clout Hub". I suggest you do the same. I've posted links to both just click on "Facebook dump" and "Deep-throat Files"!

Facebook dump!

The Trojan Horse

FYI: After farming our websites, they delete many of the links to our "Deep-throat" files. Consequently, you find multiple links to our library throughout our websites.

Deep-throat Files!

Note: To get ahead of the virus, we'll need to have over 70% of the world's population vaccinated. Consult with your doctor about the risks involved with each vaccine before you choose which to take and when. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, so here are some "counter-points to consider:

Counter-points: COVID 19 vaccine and www.thehighwire.com

Humor: On the light-side!

Our sister-site: www.misinformationpandemic.org

Letter to Editor 2016 (Click here)

New Index Page April 21, 2021

I'll be moving all political workshops over to their own site, but for now, this site will act as a hub to deliver handouts and homework.

"Watch for the "Trojan Horse" coming soon to a school, village, and country board near you!"

Abraham Lincoln said,

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Thomas Jefferson said,

“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

Ronald Reagan, a long time Democrat and union President said:

"The only difference between democrats and republicans, is when republicans are buried in a tunnel of debt, they dig toward daylight, while democrats dig longer tunnels"

Ronald Reagan also said,

“Government exists to protect us from each other."

"Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”

Alternative Social Media Sites

UseTelegram and Clout hub to bypass Facebook!

Risk Management #101

During our workshops titled "Risk Management #101, you learned we follow the three step (Identify - Measure and Control) when managing all the risks created by the  Coronavirus Pandemic. We also learned there are five tools (Avoid, Reduce, Spread, Assume and Transfer) used in order to control all risks created. For example, we "social distance" to avoid COVID 19 and mask up to reduce its spread. According to the experts, until we have 70% of the world population vaccinated and at least 70% s willing to stop the spread, we'll always be running the risk of being caught off-guard by the next strain of the virus.

That being said, it appears at this time wearing masks, social distancing and taking whatever vaccine that's available is the best way to go for the moment. I'm not going to tell anyone what to do, because I'm not sure what'll I'll be doing going forward. All I can do for you for now is recommend you ask your doctor which vaccine to take and when. We're all different and have different levels of exposure to the virus. Remember that risks are "Measured" according to their "frequency" and "severity", so much depends on how frequently you will be forced to come in contact with others and how likely it is they've been infected.

Should you take the vaccine? I'll leave you with President Trumps comment, he was the first to take it in the arm: "When your life is on the line, what the hell, what do you have to lose." He my kind of leader, out front and shooting with both barrels. Click on the links below titled: Click on: COVID 19 Alerts also www.thehighwire.com.

 1"So let it be written - So let it be done"

During the 2020 presidential election, I launched www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com  and www.thumbsup2Trump.com, to offer voters a one-on-one Risk Management (RM) path to the polls November 3, 2020. It was a race between the incumbent, free-market capitalist President Donald J. Trump and, former Vice President, under the Obama/Biden administration, Joe Biden, the whole country knew was a "Trojan Horse for socialism. Both sites where used to chart an "academic path to the polls," which I dubbed "The Fork in the Road," at which time each voter would decide to go far left with the socialists who'd commandeered the Democrat Party, the party to which I once belonged, or straight ahead with President Trump and free-market capitalism.

It was one of the most contentious campaigns in US history, eventually resulting in the Biden/Harris campaign having to steal the election, in order to ride Joe Biden back into the Washington swamp. Both www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com  and www.thumbsup2Trump.com will remain in our library as a reminder of what can happen to a free society when it fails to manage the risks created by socialists dead set on destroying our democracy.

Ask any veteran what's worse than fighting and dying so we might be free and they'll tell you, it's living without either. Ask any Christian what's worse that the forced taxpayer funding of abortion and they'll tell you, it's turning a blind eye to the Biden/Harris electorate who stole the elections thereby condemning the yet to be born to the discretion of the socialists occupying the White House. Then ask those who voted for Biden/Harris, how they could turn a blind eye to Joe and Hunter Biden profiteering from the wars fought while the Obama/Biden' administration was in the White House.

Don't let them tell you they didn't know, before they cast their vote, in many cases more than one. Don't let them tell you they didn't listen to Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinski. Send them this link, if they say they missed it. (https://www.google.com/search).

As of January 20, 2021, I'll be launching a number of Risk Management (RM) workshops, focused on draining corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle out of the Washington swamps. We'll be focusing on two missions: launching "Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance - A Cure for the Obamacare Plague" and launching "Free-market capitalism - A cure for the Biden/Harris Pandemic."   


Over the years, I've launched a number of "Community Outreach Project Sites (COPS)", used to teach Risk Management (RM) throughout the world credit union movement. Following is a brief history of four of those sites:


After Vietnam I launched www.doorcountyveterans.com as a way to deal with the guilt I was feeling coming home from Vietnam and leaving our troops in harms way, fighting a war run under the "Orders of Engagement" dictated from the Oval Office.

Remember: "Hey-hey LBJ, how many boys you kill today?"

Ask any veteran what it's like fighting under the orders of engagement dictated from corrupt politicians swimming in the Washington swamps. Then ask those who voted for Biden/Harris, how they could turn a blind eye to Joe and Hunter Biden profiteering from the wars fought while the Obama/Biden' administration was in the White House.

Don't let them tell you they didn't know, before they cast their vote, in many cases more than one. Don't let them tell you they didn't listen to Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinski. Send them this link, if they say they missed it. (https://www.google.com/search).

After I retired and after 911 I launched my risk management Learning Center: www.rmlearningcenter.com and was hired back to organize risk management programs in Europe the Caribbean and South Korea.

When COVID 19 hit I launched: www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com and when it became obvious that 21 of the most far-left extreme socialists in the country were running for president of the United States, I launched: www.thumbsup2trump.com.

It was very obvious their campaign had nothing to do with what was in the best interest of our country, it was only to take down President Trump based solely on their hate for the man and anger fueled by his success.

Ask those who voted for Biden/Harris, how they could turn a blind eye to Obama/Biden selling guns to Mexican drug lords, laundering billions to our enemies while terrorists beheaded our solders, raped our women and kidnapped our students. Ask those who voted for Biden/Harris, why they voted for open borders, chain migration and the releasing terrorists back to the battle field while Obama/Biden offered to reduce the nuclear shield protecting western Europe. And don't forget to ask them about Benghazi.

RMLC input after the last school shooting.

Read our white paper and review what you were taught in “Trauma Management #101”. You’ll find links to our RMLC library below and on most of our websites. For example, go to: www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com.

Pray hard and often, constantly asking God for answers and most important, stay quiet and listen to what He has to say. Hugh you kids, friends, family, neighbors and enemies as hard as humanly possible and listen to their pain. Remember the “Universe of victims” reaches around the world. Don’t hesitate calling you friends and family just to ask them how they’re doing.

If possible, bring them all together and assemble in a circle so everyone feels equal and able to be heard. Go around the circle asking “open ended” questions (Open ended questions begin with who, what, where, when, how and why) and listen to everyone in the room. It’s important for everyone to have an opportunity to vent. Look them in the eye and allow them to cry. If their eyes are red and blood-shot, that’s OK. It means the nasty chemicals are being purged from their body and that’ll help them to heal.

Most of all, avoid judgmental people, especially the politicians, who’ll use the shooting for their political gain.  Their goal is only to deepen our national guilt, increase our fear and convince you they are the only ones who’ll restore our sense of being back in control. Beware! They’re the same politicians, who’ve opened our borders and flooded their sanctuary cities, with the next wave of home-grown terrorists and future active shooters in our schools.

Read our white papers on “gun controls”. Some controls work, most put us at a disadvantage, during an active shooting and all provide little more than a false sense of security.

The affective use of “Man-traps,” defendable-zones, mobile-armed-guards and security personnel at the core-center of school buildings along with trained, concealed and open-carry personnel onsite will help reduce the frequency and severity of future active shooting situations.  

Also, read our “White-papers” on “Situational Awareness”. Our other websites include: www.thumbsupacrosswisconsin.com and www.doorcountyveterans.com.

Need a quiet place to study?

Check out my Door County cottage at: www.RichWoldt.com    

Are you a veteran? Check out my veteran outreach site at:  www.DoorCountyVeterans.com

Are you looking for a "Risk Management" path through COVID 19 and back to work? Check out www.thumbsUpAcrossAmerica.com

Theme song 2015 

CEO: Richard A. "Rich" Woldt

Key Code: 69035927491 


Papa Bear

Doc Holiday


Upcoming Trump Events

Trump Green Bay

 RMLC & Credit Union History 

Community Outreach Site

Veteran Outreach Site

About Us 

Book draft:

A Risk Management cure for Obamacare 2012 edition

CMG Is now Trustage.com


RM R&D Dept. RM White Papers 2007 Curriculum RMLC  Lounge   RMLC Accomplishments

History of the International Credit Union Movement

Instructors & Contributers


Stake Holders

About Us 

 Board Report

  RM R&D Dept.


Blocked Letters to editor:

Letter to Editor

Letter to Editor

Letter to Editor

 RM White Papers 

 Bulletin Board  

RMLC & Credit Union History 

Community Outreach Site

Veteran Outreach Site


Dave Mc Guinn
Safe Deposit Specialists
PO Box 40026
Houston, Texas 77240-0026
(713) 937 9929

Read Dave's latest RM words of wisdom - Tell him Rich recommended you contact him!

Domain Names


Has anyone seen  Reed Riblble latele//

RMLC Undercover take #1

Deep Throat

Kid Shelleen

Cat Ballou Video


Guarding the Door

RMLC Goals

Tacking Wisconsin voter-fraud

Back to School 2020

WEC Criminal Complaint

Risk Management Exams

Biden Harris Hacking

Guarding the DC Peninsula


Veterans For Trump:    Women For Trump:    Catholics For Trump:    LGBTQ For Trump:    Gays For Trump:


How deep is the swamp?




Back to School


Final Speech


Biden/Harris Hacking


Two thumbs up to our US and WOCCU credit union Risk Managers:

From a Risk Management standpoint, when we step into the booth, pull the curtain and cast our vote for President of the United States of America, November 3, 2020, we're going to be taking the "speculative" risk of our life. No one should doubt, the far left socialist wing of the Democrat Party, has commandeered our once moderate Democrat Party; the party of JFK that landed us on the moon, the party of Truman and FDR that lead us through WWII and pulled us out of the Great Depression.

Never in my 74 plus years, have I feared for our freedom as I do watching so many blindly follow those advocating open borders, sanctuary cities, not just the taxpayer funding of late term abortions, but after birth abortions, confiscating our guns, the demise of our fossil fuel industry, and the removal of God from our government, schools and public squares.

Please join our mission to root the far-left socialists out of our local swamps, take back our constitutional right to self determination. Join us at the polls on November 3, to keep America heading in the right direction.

God Bless You, and God Bless America.

Go to: www.ThumbsUpAcrossAmerica.com and join us on our mission to reelect Donald J. Trump on November 3, 2020.

Click on me to get home!

A message from our founding fathers:


“Home Rule” Healthcare and Insurance

A Risk Management’ cure for Obamacare

By Rich Woldt – CEO

The Risk Management Learning Center

“It is by coming together that we grow, joining together that we make progress, and working together that we succeed."  

Thomas Jefferson said, To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned, “The problem with European Socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.”


Rich Woldt CEO

              Biography Biography

 Click on my picture above for excerpts from my upcoming book titled: "Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance - A cure for Obamacare. This is an unedited, "Do not copy" draft of my book that's still buried in our "Deep Throat" files at my Risk Management Learning Center. Leah Vukmire is the perfect conservative Christian to introduce my national strategy that moves our country away from tax supported abortions, to tax funded adoption alternatives.  Click here and help us get the job done. 

Home Rule 2023

To my fellow Americans:

I first prescribed a "Home-rule" cure for Obamacare the day I learned the law was passed without being read. I recommended the "unified" incident command system (ICS) as a cure for our struggling veterans, and recommended the world credit union movement as a grassroots defense force, needed to rebuild our struggling economy, secure our unprotected borders, defend our freedom, and rescue us from those deceived by false hope and promises of Socialism the day I was born.  

 Click and make your day!  

Political disclaimer!

 I've sat on both sides of the isle and argued from both ends of the political extreme. I’m a recovered liberal, graduated from the UW Madison campus in 1968, lived most of my collage life on the isthmus, campaigned and voted for JFK, LBJ, US Senator  Russ Feingold and Madison's far left liberal Mayor Paul Soglin more than once. I was an active member of the Office of Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU-39) throughout my 30 year career teaching Risk Management at every level of the world credit union movement. I'm a conservative, right leaning Catholic, carry concealed, a Vietnam vet, Past Commander and current Chaplain of VFW Post 8337. I'm an active member of American Legion Post 527 and lifetime member of AMVET Post 51. I'm a licensed Private Investigator, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) member of ASIS.

I was raised on a small farm in Door County, the only northeastern Wisconsin county to vote Barack Obama into the White House, and Tammy Baldwin to the U.S. Senate. I launched www.DoorCountyVeterans.com in honor of the five Vietnam Vets from Door County killed in Vietnam, and www.RichWoldt.com to rent my farmette in Egg Harbor. The biggest risk we face today were created by our failure to manage the "Obama/Alinsky affinity" risks I warned about in 2008. If you doubt it, use Alinsky's 8 Rules for Radicals and benchmark where our country is today: 


RMLC & Credit Union History 

Community Outreach Site

Veteran Outreach Site

About Us 

Click here to cure Obamacare

God forgive you Reed Ribble. Why did you turn your back on President Trump?

RM R&D Dept. RM White Papers 2007 Curriculum RMLC  Lounge   RMLC Accomplishments

The Financial & Security Products Association

Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned, “The problem with European Socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Thomas Jefferson said, “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” 

Thomas Jefferson said, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

Barack Obama said:

“I can make a firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

 “I will cut taxes - cut taxes - for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class.”

.Ronald Reagan said,

“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” 

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctions.”

"The only difference between the far left and right is when we're buried in a tunnel of debt, the right digs toward daylight while  the left builds a longer tunnel"

I say:

"In God we trust!! If we have to go through hell to find a cure Obamacare, we'll do it"

  Guarding the Door County Peninsula take 236:

Click here to review internationally recognized Risk Management Principles and Practices.

 Guarding the Door County Peninsula:

 "Guarding the Door" files.  "Guarding the Door"

So where do we go from here? I'm in the process of creating non-political RM presentations and workshops (titled "Guarding the Door") that will help turn our economy around and return  managing our economy and healthcare to the private sector.

Stay tuned for my latest "Guarding the Door County Peninsula" RM publication!

We're again suffering from the aftermath of another school shooting. This time in Florida. So once again we need to revisit the pros and cons of meaningful gun regulations to help reduce the guns that are getting into the hands of criminals and the mentally.

While an increased number of law abiding citizens agree, had the coach who lost his life coming to the aid of students, be reasonable armed and properly trained, he might have at least taken out the shooter before 17 students were indiscriminately killed.

There are wolves in society and there are sheep willing to be lead to the slaughter. We need sheepdogs throughout the private sector standing guard and ready to hold the fort until police arrive.


Sheepdogs know you can't skin a cat if you're out gunned. Take away their nails, cure their personality disorders, and waiting to be rescued might work, but don't bet your life on it. Disarm them and they'll only poison your food or blow up your dog dish. Click here and consider becoming a "Sheepdog" in your community. 

So how's the debate over gun registries and background checks going in your neck of the woods? In the real world, gun-runners have little trouble by-passing registries while back-room clip manufacturers retrofit guns with high velocity clips and silencers. If assault weapons should be monitored, it would be more cost effective to log them in at local veteran organizations and encourage the use of InfraGard suspicious activity reports to identify potential threats and psychotic shooters in the area. A Federal gun registry will only play into the hands of cyber crooks downloading GPS coordinates before their next home invasion. Mexico has already requested a list of gun owners living in boarder' states. Once given, stand back and watch drug syndicates launch a rash of burglaries and robberies across the US. 

Few gun owners go through life without going through multiply background checks triggered by loan applications, changes in employment, job promotions and certifications, military and civil service,  joining InfraGard, ASIS International, Homeland Security Partnerships, attaining a concealed carry permit, license to practice law, drive a school bus, or sell real estate. All require not only a background check but periodic updates to ensure nothing has changed. Let's take advantage of those already “checked-out” and log them into local veteran organizations and HLS partnerships. That'll provide school districts with pre-qualified armed volunteers and help ensure we're mission ready to respond during the next national crisis.  

While we're distracted debating if and when Hitler said “This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future,” China cyber crooks are infiltrating corporate America, Washington is giving tanks and fighter jets to Egypt knowing full well Mohamed Morsi calls our ally Israel' Jewish decedents blood suckers, apes, and pigs, and Iran and North Korea are gearing up to threaten the world with nuclear war.

It’s time to wake up! It's time we rebuild and mobilize our local veteran organizations. It's time to take advantage of associations such as the Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs, and Educators Association (FORCE), who's focus is on "Teaching Freedom" through safe gun handling practices and competitive skill development. I'm a proud lifetime member. Go to www.wi-force.org and join the FORCE. VP Biden told women, "Just shoot a double barrel shotgun in the air." It’s time to give a girl a gun and teach her how to shoot. Go to www.agirlandagunclub.com to be smarter than a Biden.

Click here for a letter-to-the-editor you can use with permission from author.     

It's been said:

Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids! 

Innocents Betrayed -

The History of Gun Control

If we don't remember our past, we're bound to repeat it!

(click here)

The question is, do we?

(click here)

For great entertainment click on Poster!

I've asked Todd Oliver to work with our "undercover" sheepdogs. Go to www.funnydog.com and check out his work the next time your in Branson Mo.

Give Washington a piece of your mind!

Take courage and shoot from the hip!

Enter your zip code or State in the boxes to the right and let them have it!

Click here for a letter to the editor you can send family and friends

If you're not convinced, read down to Darrell Scott's prayer for Congress.

Find Your Officials

Rest assured I'll continue to keep my political opinions out of my RM workshops, presentations, and handouts.


What's the answer to curbing violence in our society?

It comes from Darrel Scott the father of Rachael Scott one of the victims of the Columbine shooting. When he met with the House Judiciary Subcommittee he said:

"I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best (It's printed to the right).

Click here to read more of his address to the House Judiciary Subcommittee.

It's time we put God back into our classrooms and take hypocrisy out of Washington!

Rich Woldt CEO The Risk Management Learning Center 

Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.

You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.

You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"

You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.

And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!

A personal message for our International Credit Union Risk Managers

Credit unions have learned much about managing gun violence since Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen founded the first credit union in Germany in 1869. We've learned armed security guards are first to go when budgets are cut. We witnessed what happened in Germany when Hitler disarmed the country in 1935 and we also learned how Sweden fought off occupation by arming every household in the country. Illinois, California, and Washington D.C. have some of the strictest gun laws in the U.S. yet their cities are call "Murder Capitals of the World." Chicago is the poster child for gun control, yet since 2001, 2,000 troops have died in Afghanistan while 5,000 people have been murdered in Chicago.

As we follow each other over the fiscal cliff law enforcement budgets will be cut. As budgets are cut officers will be laid off. As officers are laid off the response to 911 calls will be delayed. As response times increase more victims will be shot. Many gun shot victims die within 15 seconds so no life is going to be saved by simply limiting the shooters firepower. The way to save lives is to follow Sweden's lead. By providing firepower and training to those in a position to "hold the fort" until law enforcement arrives, they not only discouraged gun violence, when it occurs, lives are saved. Read down to learn more.

We all have a duty to protect ourselves, our families, our county, and our community. Click here for a message from Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. He's living in the real world!

Rich with cousin George - 1952

Page down for picture in 2013

Gun control legislation that bans assault weapons and the rounds a pathological nut can carry per clip have not worked in the past and won't work this time around. It took 10 years for Bill Clinton to realize gun control legislation had no significant impact on either the frequency nor the severity of losses during an active shooting incident. In fact, Illinois, California, and Washington D.C. have the strictest gun laws yet they're known as the "Murder Capitals of the World." It's time we go back to the wisdom of our founding fathers and put an end to those who advocate laying down our guns and retreating from harms way. It's time we put more sheep dogs on the streets (click here), upgrade our personal security click here and take fear out of the second amendment click here. Watch for my next Risk Management publication titled "Guarding the Door."


On the other hand, consider what Switzerland accomplished by requiring citizens to own guns and play an active role in their own defense (click here). Rather than discouraging gun ownership, we should recognize the reality that terrorists have us in their sights and waiting for the police should never be our only option. It's time we adopt a national performance and proficiency standard for gun owners and require local gun clubs and veteran organizations to provide meaningful firearm training appropriate to crime rates in the area, the weapons being used by bad-guys, and the terrorist' threats bring made.

We need to enforce laws already on the books and appoint judges to the bench who'll make sure those using any gun during the perpetration of a crime pay for their stupidity. We need to curb those who condemn our efforts to profile so we can more quickly identify, measure, and control potential threats in our community by intervening before character disorders escalate into a psychotic behavior. We need to honor those willing to defend their homes and condemn those who've turned their back during our current fight for religious freedom and a more robust national security.


Did Hitler really say that in 1935?

There is a debate over the origin of the Hitler' quote to the right. According to the "Propaganda Professor (PP)," Hitler never made that speech in 1935. Nor, according to the PP, "is there any record that he ever spoke these particular words." PP goes on to say, "This little “speech” was obviously written for him, many years after his death, by someone who wanted you to believe that gun registration is Hitler-evil."  The PP also claims that because gun registrations programs were already in place dating back to 1928, Hitler wouldn't have claimed credit for them in 1935.

What we know Hitler said seven years later, was: “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”

According to the Propaganda Professor,

"Under Hitler's reign, Jews were prohibited from owning guns, just as they were prohibited from doing many things. And it has become an article of faith among the gun culture that had they been armed, the Holocaust would not have happened (that is, among those members of the gun culture who know that the Holocaust really did happen). "The concept of a handful of citizens armed with hunting rifles and Saturday night specials fending off an army is delusional hubris peculiar to gun addicts." "On American soil, its most glorious day in the sun has been perhaps Waco. And we all know how well that turned out."

According to me:

 We'd be wise to judge a tyrant by his actions rather than be led to the slaughter by his words! 

  • They say the shooter at Sandy Brook Elementary stopped and turned the gun on himself before running out of ammunition; not because he feared the sirens but because he feared the "heat" coming to the rescue. Disarming good-guys will only embolden the bad.
  • STOP! I'm not advocating armed security in every school! In the contrary, the potential legal liability for school districts is enormous if districts don't first conduct site specific risk analyses, write board approved security policies, regularly test security devices, and document all staff and student RM training that's appropriate to the risks identified in their school district. 

There is a place for trained professional armed security personnel on site in our schools, but for each armed security guard "hired" there must be a board approved policy that specifically states why armed security guards were hired and "equally important" under what circumstances they'll be removed. The armed guard policy must include documented training that will stand up under strict cross-examination. All potential liability arising out of armed guards on premise must be transferred through a professional legal liability contract. Anything less will subject school districts to endless law suits the first time a weapon is fired on premise.

REMEMBER! Adding security features is a "speculative" risk. We raise the bar on what's expected each time we add a security features. I guarantee you, it's far easier to add security than to remove it once security budgets are cut or new boards are elected.

  • Unless school districts can document their understanding of "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design," can mobilize a "zoned defense," and have established reachable "defendable zones" I'd be reluctant to recommend armed security as their next best security option.

It's time for school!

  • in-place of or in-conjunction with armed security guards, I recommend conceal carry programs taught by private security professionals, veteran' organizations, gun clubs, and law enforcement, as well as basic gun handling and safety training taught by parents at home as they see fit.
  • We should all be frustrated by politicians like Bloomberg who said: "When I was in college I wasn't responsible enough to handle a gun and don't remember any student who was!"
  • God help our country during the next four years.

School districts should take part in our DOJ Public to Private Homeland Security Partnerships (click here). Districts should contact their local Credit Union Risk Manager for a briefing on our International Risk Management performance standards. Once trained to these standards, I'd support adult conceal carry on school premises during school and after school events.

Such an approach to school security supports both our 1st and 2nd amendments to our U.S. Constitution while being cost effective and sustainable for generations to come. I'm writing an RM program to leverage our active, retired, and veterans attached to U.S. veteran organizations through my www.DoorCountyVeterans.com and www.COPs007.com websites.  


Wake up America!

Guns ownership is not our greatest risk. In 2008 the CIA reported sophisticated malicious worm attacks such as Flame and Stuxnet against IT systems controlling our infrastructure. Such attacks are capable of shutting down electric power distribution and data acquisition systems around the world. So while we waste time debating how to take assault rifles and ammunition clips out of the hands of a few psychotic terrorists, those focused on destroying our life, liberty, and pursuit of freedom are infiltrating our schools to capture the hearts and minds of our next generation.


While Obama is moving closer and closer to European Socialism and driving us over the proverbial economic cliff, terrorists are moving back into Iraq and Afghanistan from where they'll launch what many predict will be World War III.

So what's my view of the current gun control debate?

It's a diversion perpetrated by those who want us to ignore executive orders that are destroying our economy and plunging us deeper in debt to Communist China while they negotiate away our nuclear defense capabilities in Europe and hand over our national security to the United Nations.

My best advice now that Obama is in the White House for another four years, is to buy your assault rifle ASAP and stock up on ammunition before it's taxed out of existence.

George and I have ours!


PS: A word from the father of a Columbine shooting victim, 

click here! Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.

Darrel Scott said: "I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best. Click here to read more of his address to the House Judiciary Committee.

By Darrell Scott

Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.

You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.

You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"

You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.

And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!

Guns have never been nor will they ever be the primary threat to our security.

But when Democrats vote not once but three times to exclude God from their national platform, then use Obama-care to force Catholics to fund abortions or pay fines, they weakened the moral fiber of our nation and put the character of our culture up for grabs. In Door County, when they destroyed the political signs of their opposition and sent threatening letters to businesses who dared to support Romney/Ryan and Tommy Thompson, they not only put the good name of their party on the line, some put themselves on a one way road to criminal prosecution. Click here and watch for their day in court. Watch also for my RM publications titled "Guarding the Door," "Sweeping out the Door," and "Stopping Terrorists at the Door."

It's increasing obvious that our first step to secure our schools is not to disarm our citizens but rather bring God back into the classroom as our first line of defense. 

The real threat to our security comes from within. Translated chatter on terrorist blogs when asked "Should the U.S. expect another 9-11 type attack?" goes something like this, "Why should be take down a tiger when there are so many sheep willing to be slaughtered?" When terrorist blogs refer to Obama as "The Sheppard" and we remember Poland and Austria had to first bow to Hitler before relinquishing their guns, it time we realize restricting our fire power should never be a part of our national defense. 

Within seconds after Walker' recall petitions became part of the public record, cyber forensic experts identified chatter on the internet indicating elements of al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Aleph, and Chechen groups were busy downloading and identifying recruits for future domestic terrorist attacks. It has been reported that al Qaeda has already called for cyber-jihadists to attack critical infrastructures. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard set up its first official cyber-warfare division in 2010, with an estimated $76 million budget.

Active Shooter Arizona Gabby Gifford

Now it's back to school for our cadre of International Credit Union Risk Managers! There are no silver bullets but there are Risk Management methods and response protocols we can adopt to if not avoid at least reduce both the frequency and severity of the next public shooting or terrorist attack. 

Contact your WOCCU and League Director of Education for a copy of my white paper on "Executive Protection for Credit Union Leaders, Celebrities, Political and Public Figures"       n and visit our RM library for RM white papers on the Tu


The move toward European Socialism is creating new economic risks in the U.S.A.

I told you so! Thanks to the reelection of Obama, healthcare cost and insurance premiums are going to double over the next year and triple over the next few. Catholic organizations to include homeless shelters, food pantries, and childcare and assisted living facilities are going to be fined for refusing to provide coverage for abortions and euthanasia.

I urge all Credit Unions, chapters, leagues, national and international associations to immediately accelerate programs that focus on our credit union history, purpose and philosophy. Focus on our Not for charity - But for service, and "People helping people" philosophy. Teach the evolution of our movement from your credit union through your chapter, league, and national association to the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU). The past four years has driven the U.S. to the edge of an economic cliff. We're now borrowing 40 cents of every dollar to fund entitlement programs which by the day discourage the free spirit on which our country was built.

Worse, the failure to protect and defend our embassies, our willingness to disarm our nation, and apologize for our past economic success has emboldened both international and domestic terrorists. We fought hard to avoid the cliff, regain our religious freedom, and curb the drive to disarm our country, but failed on November November 6, 2012. We have no choice now but to manage economic risks driving us over the proverbial cliff and arm ourselves to defend our homeland one town, one community at a time.

Being Catholic, I'm proud to join the growing list of companies fighting for our religious freedom (Domino' Pizza, Hobby Lobby, etc.). There is no way I'll provide Obamacare for employees of any of my companies nor will I pay fines for violating my Christian conscious. Click here and join "your" fight. Catholics, click here! 


Attention Credit Union Risk Managers!

Credit Union Liaison Officers included campaign headquarters during operational period #1 to collect supplies for Hurricane "Sandy" victims! Contact your chapter leaders for a post incident debriefing. Note the following example:


The Romney/Ryan campaign used the Incident Command System (ICS) during hurricane Sandy to mobilize volunteers across the country and and assemble supplies for victims in harms way. At the national level, Ann Romney took command using candidates in each state as her "liaison" officers. In Wisconsin, Congressman Reed Ribble mobilizes volunteers through campaign headquarters in his district. 


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Learn more at www.cops007.com!

Attention Credit Union Risk Managers -"Let's Roll!"

"Credit unions, chapters, leagues, national and international associations have formed "unified" commands appropriate for Hurricane Sandy's scope, scope creep, and potential impact on their communities. Early warnings allowed time to backup critical information, conduct pre-incident briefings, create controllable crime scenes, provide site specific housing-in-place instructions, and distribute responder' protocols and tracking strategies for children and vulnerable populations during mass evacuations. Credit unions in Sandy's path have performed well during operational periods one and two and are well positioned to rebuild communities during operational period three."    Rich Woldt

Click on the following for an RM refresher!

Forward a link to this page to your credit union members!


2012 Mission Statement

I launched the Risk Management Learning Center in fall of 2001 shortly after the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. Watch for the roll out of my Risk Management Grad-school after April 15, 2012 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Titanic sinking and the 157th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

The world continues to change at a geometric rate... as do the RM methods, practices, and protocols needed to survive the latest natural disaster, pandemic, or terrorist attack. The RM Grad-school' mission will focus on documenting the RM principles on which our profession has been built and capturing the RM "best practices" that have been tested under fire during the past two centuries. 

If you've attended a Risk Management workshop, presentation, or program... sponsored by your credit union chapter, league, national, or international trade association, you're automatically enrolled in Grad-school. This includes all the International Credit Union Risk Management cadre I organized through the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) and the CUNA Mutual Group's International Department dating back to June 29, 1971.

Real life case studies drawn from... www.COPS007.com my community outreach center, www.DoorCountyVeterans.com my veteran support center, www.RichWoldt.com my personal website, and www.RMLearningCenter.com my Credit Union Risk Management Training Center, will be used to bridge the gap between RM theory and current RM practice and protocols now required to survive in our increasingly dangerous world. 

My goals include helping credit unions pass on their RM wisdom... to their members through their chapters, leagues, national and international credit union associations. For years I've said, "Credit unions are positioned better than any other organization, anywhere in the world, anytime in history to come to the aid and rescue of a community, country, or world standing in harms way. During 2012, I'm going to prove it. 

It's my personal hope to continue my passion for teaching Risk Management... during summer from my home in Door County, and during winter from on stage somewhere around the world. I've learned much promoting conservative values in Wisconsin's liberal political environment and more watching our country slide deeper and deeper in debt. I'm increasingly convinced, it's time we all take a stand against those who assault our "faith-based" values, moral code, business ethics, and constitutional freedoms. Following are some of the presentations I'll release during 2012:

RMLC' RM Curriculum - 2011


A Briefing and Update on Executive Protection

A Briefing on the Role Credit Unions Play During Natural Disasters

The Incident Command System (ICS) - A Credit Union' Perspective

How to Mobilize the Credit Union Movement During a Mass-evacuation

How to Safely Attend Hostile Protests and Demonstrations

How to Manage Risks When You're the Terrorist's Target

How to Rebuild a Devastated Economy 

How to take Command when the Incident' Scope Overwhelms or its Duration Exhausts Public Sector Response Assets

How to be a Hero during Operational Periods #1 - #2 - and #3   

Page down to "Stepping into the public eye can be dangerous!"  


Everyone over 10 knows where they were... when Muslim extremists hijacked four planes, flying two into the World Trade Center towers, a third into the Pentagon, and a fourth into the ground before hitting their suspected U.S. Capitol or White house targets? No one will ever forget the 3,000 plus who lost their lives nor those scared by the memory for life.

I'm worried however that... after 10 years too many have been duped into a false sense of security,  too many are willing to ignore the ongoing threats from homegrown terrorists, too many are willing to retreat from the front lines in Afganistan and Iraq, and too many are willing to place our "Homeland Security" in the hands of others.

We've accomplished much in 10 years: We've equipped, trained, positioned and deployed public sector response assets and eliminated public sector silos to improve interoperability between law enforcement, emergency government, and homeland security agencies. Public-to-private partnerships have been formed to field test, equip, and train private sector VIPER squads and CIRTs. Wisconsin became the forty ninth state to pass concealed carry legislation, thereby empowering its citizens to more effectively protect and defend their homeland. The debate over how much and what type training and what skill sets should be required has just begun. The minimum standard for most law enforcement agencies is 52 hours of basic training plus scheduled and documented participation in continuous training and certification programs.

My vote was for a minimum one day, eight hour course with the first four hours focusing on gun handling safety and four on the liability risks created the moment the gun is drawn. At a minimum, all who carry should read my RM recommendations based on the shooting at the Safeway Store in Tucson. I'll be posting RMLC concealed carry training recommendations on my RMLC Grad School web site before the end of the year. All Credit Union Risk Managers should be teaching frontline personnel and those who transport currency or service ATMs about pushback room, bailout routes, and defendable zones. 

As long as unemployment Our downturned economy will offer fertile grown for growing homegrown terrorist.  It's comforting to know the world credit union movement is ready to roll no matter what the terrorists or Mother Nature sends our way!   

So from a Risk Management standpoint why do I worry? While our public sector response assets are the best in the world and more than adequate to respond to natural disasters and pandemics, I worry we've become increasingly more vulnerable to terrorist attacks targeting not only our buildings, bridges, subways and communication systems but equally important our economy, democracy, personal freedoms, and right to take charge of our own destiny. The government intervention into the private sector has done worse than drive private sector industries overseas, they've sold our corporate intellectual property, security secretes, and patens down the river.       

Attention: If your credit union, veteran organization, home, friends or family, etc. are in the path of Hurricane Irene it's time to batten-down the hatches and get out of harms way.  It's time for credit unions, chapters, leagues, CUNA and Affiliates, CUNA Mutual Group, and WOCCU to activate their contingency plans, set up command centers, identify staging areas, and write appropriate "Unified Commands" based on Irene's scope, path, and level of destruction.  

Click here for a sample pre-CIRT deployment briefing.

Click here for a sample first responder mass-evacuation protocols.

Click here to review your Incident Command (IC) protocols.

RM tips for "Private Sector" Incident Commanders (IC)

  1. The first words spoken by the first person at the scene should be "I Take Command" which creates a single command focused on stabilizing the incident for the moment.  Immediately call 911 to summon public sector first responders. Stay on the line to ensure the 911 operator has all necessary information needed to send appropriate public sector response assets to the scene. Once public sector response assets are at the scene, brief them as requested, provide them with your contact information and stand back.
  2. The first focus should be on safety at the scene for victims, first responders, and observers. Designate a "Safety Officer" to monitor the scene as well as the equipment and health of all responders. 
  3. Your second focus should be on communications. Designate an "Information Officer" to deal with the media and family of the victims. Establish a private setting for victim' families and friends. Designate one spokes person to coordinate all media and news releases.
  4. When the scope of the incident exceeds what can be handled by a single command, designate a "Liaison Officer" and establish a "Unified Command" appropriate to the incident type, scope and potential for scope creep.
  5. At a minimum, designate a "Command Staff" to include a Chief of Operations, Chief of Planning, Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Finance.
  6. Request your Logistics Officer to designate and your Operations Officer to set up an appropriate Incident Command Center, Staging Areas, and triage.
  7. Request you Planning Officer to write operational period response plans to include staffing a strike force and mission Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRTS). 

Lessons learned during RMLC field tests and deployments:

  1. One IC per credit union (President/CEO), veteran organization (Commander), organization.
  2. Use fast food debit cards to track vulnerable population during a mass evacuation and at shelters.
  3. Properly equip, train, track, and insure all first and follow-up responders.
  4. Go to: www.cops007.com and www.DoorCountyVeterans.com for additional information.

For more RM information contact your league Director of Education:

  • Hurricane Tutorials built during Wilma, Rita, Ivan, Katrina, etc.

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Credit Union Risk Management Summer Students:  

Victims of the recent tornados, floods, and fires should download and distribute our RMLC support materials. Click here for a Basic RM Training Review for CUNA Management School Graduates and our cadre of International CU Risk Managers.  click here if you're not familiar with the RM support available through your credit union, CU chapter, league, CU national associations, WOCCU and CUNA Mutual Group. Click here for a sample pre-CIRT deployment briefing and click here for a first responder mass-evacuation protocols. 

RMLC faculty position papers: Click here for Michael Bender's paper on the Wisconsin concealed carry bill. I used his papers when I spoke in favor of this bill during the debates at the Wisconsin Capitol. Click here for David McGuinn's latest RM Safe Deposit Box publications.  Click here for Dave's release titled "Drill Baby Drill - Mystery Boxes Create Unhappy Renters."

Introduction - 2011

I launched the Risk Management Learning Center in July 2001, two months before the 9-11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center. My personal goal was to continue teaching Risk Management in the private sector. My professional goal; to research RM best practices in both the public and private sectors, to develop emergency response protocols for the private sector to deploy anytime the scope of a terrorist attack, natural or man-made disaster, or pandemic overwhelms or its duration exhausts public sector response assets.

Mission Statement 2011 - 2021: On July 4, 2011 I plan to introduce the Risk Management Learning Center Graduate School. Case studies, power point presentations, video tutorials, etc. will be used to teach the same "Incident Command System"  in the private sector that's required for all  law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency government personnel in the public sector. Our  grad-school' goals include: Identifying mission-ready private sector response assets commonly found in most communities within five miles of ground zero, mobilizing private sector response assets that can be at the scene within minutes to take command, forming private sector  "unified" commands that can expand and contract quickly to meet changing needs, and establishing cost effective and efficient pubic-to-private partnerships focused on rebuilding the economic infrastructure devastated by any large scale community crisis. 

Our RM Tip is courtesy of the SANS Institute

"Closing or minimizing your browser or typing in a new Web address when you're done using your online account may not be enough to prevent others from gaining access to your account information. Instead, click on the 'log out' button to terminate your online session. In addition, don't permit your browser to 'remember' your username and password information. If this browser feature is active, anyone using your computer will have access to your investment account information."

For more tips, visit Security Today

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Dave Mc Guinn
Safe Deposit Specialists
PO Box 40026
Houston, Texas 77240-0026
(713) 937 9929

Read Dave's latest RM words of wisdom - Tell him Rich recommended you contact him!

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Regulation/Compliance Manual Updated 2013

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The Chicago Flood

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Drill Baby Drill

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How safe is a Safe Deposit Box?

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Gold and Silver investors turn to "Private" SD Boxes for secure storage

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How safe are your SD Box contents during hurricanes, fires, and floods?

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For the latest RM advice, I recommend you contact the Directors of Education at all of the following:


The Financial & Security Products Association


Wisconsin Crime Alerts

Attention Credit Union Risk Managers!

98% of the Risk Management wisdom I advocated over the years comes from credit union volunteers and staff with whom I've been privileged to work with over the past 41 years. My best RM advice has always been and will always be is for your credit union to listen to and active roll in your credit union chapter, league, national and international trade associations.

If you ever end-up in court and your "good-faith" effort to act in the best interest of your members is questioned, belonging to and following the advice of your industries trade associations will be your best defense.

With that in mind, I strongly suggest you learn as much as you can about managing credit union risks in your CU Chapter, League, National Association, and World Credit Union Council (WOCCU)!

 Get to Know WOCCU

CEO Brian Branch's Blog

Financial Inclusion


Events & Education

Worldwide Foundation

Also: In 1935 the U.S. Credit Union National Association (CUNA, Inc.) adopted the motto "The Debt Shall Die With The Debtor" and formed what is now CUNA Mutual Insurance Company a life and health company to provide loan protection and life saving insurance and in the '60s the CUMIS Insurance Society to provide a credit union specific "fidelity bond" for all credit union volunteers and staff. click here to learn more.

While I worked for CUNA Inc. and WOCCU for most of my career, it was CUNA Mutual and CUMIS Insurance Society who picked up every dime of my salary and benefits and most of my bar bills.

Make sure all your members know who CMG is and the roll they continue to plan in the world credit union movement. 

Many of our RMLC faculty regularly publish RM articles and RM updates as risks in their area change.

Coming Soon you'll be able to buy RMLC power point presentations and articles for your news letter:

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How safe is a Safe Deposit Box?

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Gold and Silver investors turn to "Private" SD Boxes for secure storage


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Tornados in U.S.:  Click here to review basic RM deployment protocols for your community and click here to reach our credit unions R&D tutorials. I'll post a white paper with more details via our RMLC Grad-School. Contact your Credit Union League Director of Education and CUNA Mutual Group Risk Managers for local deployment protocols.


Stepping into the public eye can be dangerous!  Are you ready to manage the risks?

April 21, 2011

OK! So you've decided to become politically active. That's a good thing! I commend you for your spirit, your patriotism, and your determination to sway public opinion in your direction. From a Risk Management (RM) standpoint, standing up to be counted means you're no longer willing to sit idle and blindly follow the crowd over the cliff. Standing up means you're no longer willing to "avoid" being shot at, geared at, criticized, or humiliated for voicing an unpopular opinion. It means your ready to join the ranks of Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin, Wisconsin's Senator Robert Cowles, and their fellow legislators on both sides of the isle. It means public service is in your blood, in your genes, and in your future.

For example: Senator Robert Cowles' reputation for community service goes back generations. His grandfather, Doctor Robert Cowles had a reputation in the 1940's for delivering babies for free in Green Bay when parents couldn't afford to pay. His father, Robert Cowles Jr. built and staffed a boy's cherry-picking camp at Horseshoe Bay in Door County so less fortunate kids from Door, Brown, and Kewanee Counties would have summer employment. It was Senator Cowles' family who paid a well known child psychologist Dr. Tom Bleutte to oversee the camp. I share this because  like Sarah Palin and Robert Cowles you'll need both the desire and the courage to stand tall and tough in the public eye.

FYI: As I write, union leaders have flown in personnel from across the country to manage a recall of Senator Cowles. If you signed and now regret signing any recall petition, email your regrets to the legislator involved.  Click here  for a list of Wisconsin legislators.  He and his fellow legislators have received threats against their lives, families, their employers, and private businesses. learn more. Why? Because they all stood up and did what they felt at the moment was right for their constituents. If you think it gets easier at the top, click here for an example of Sarah Palin's poise under pressure.

Now that I've thrown cold water on your desire to run for public office, allow me to help you manage the risks you'll create when to step into the public eye. Be sure to share these recommendations with your family, business associates, and entourage. Don't assume anyone is safe from the wrath of the opposition.

While I can't guarantee your safety or success, I can help reduce your losses no mater what your political stance or future holds in store. While we may not agree politically, I assure you we're on the same side when it come to defending our mutual right to fight for our respective cause no matter how diverse our opinions might be.

If you came here to learn for whom to vote on April 5, you're at the wrong site. If your here to learn how to make it safely from your couch to the polls and back, I can help. (1) Make up your mind before you leave home based on your facts not on your fears. (2) Grab a handful of aspirins in case your heart gives out and head for the polls. (3) When you arrive at the polls give a high-sign to all in the parking lot and smile at everyone standing in line to vote. That'll convince them you're on their side. (4) As you pull the curtain, snort a little, gasp once or twice, and laugh. That'll confuse anyone within ear-shot. (5) Vote for the candidates you feel will act in your best interest. (6) Exit the booth with a smile, the building with a grin, and the parking lot with a blast of your horn. Go home and celebrate, you just experienced the freedom to choose your own destiny.

My goal is not to tell you for whom to vote. My mission is to give you the confidence to think for yourself and the courage to exercise your constitutional right to vote without intimidation. At the end of the day, remember, we're a "Home Rule" nation which means it is your right and duty to rule your home as you see fit. That means carrying concealed if you want, putting Christ into Christmas if you choose, and sending your kids to schools more focused on teaching your family values than how to place condoms on cucumbers.  It's your call, it's your duty, and it's your right! Our country is heading for an economic crisis. Thank God for those who are trying to slow it down.  Learn more....

April 6, 2011:   Click here for county by county results of the elections in Wisconsin! If election results are too close for comfort i.e. within the margin requiring a recount, be suspicious of the results no matter which candidate wins. Based on the extreme efforts to sway voters during the campaign, the death threats made to candidates, the out-of-state money and personnel hired to influence the election, and the passion of protesters, You'd be naive to think there won't be an effort to miss count votes and/or fail to report those favoring the opposition. I strongly recommend election officials be properly vetted and be required to follow the same internal and audit controls recommended for those in financial institutions who are entrusted with handling large amounts of currency or cash items. For example, internal controls should include dual verification of ballots and voting results, a process similar to cash letters used to document ballots in transit, basic background checks should be conducted on new volunteers manning polling locations, and an in-depth background check should be conducted on anyone suspected of manipulating ballots or failing to accurately report results. When a significant breach of trust is documented, a qualified financial audit of the suspect should be conducted to explain major life style changes and/or spending habits. The primary goal of these recommended internal and audit controls is to safeguard the reputation and integrity of those placed in the public eye. It wouldn't be the first time a vulnerable front-line employee was bribed to embezzle or miss appropriate items of value. From a Risk Management standpoint, we need to position those placed in the public eye so when they're accused of doing wrong their honesty and integrity is beyond suspicion. Read RMLC fraud auditing white papers for more tips to keep your reputation in tack. 

RM tips for voting safely in the midterm election April 5, 2011: Historically, midterm elections have been uneventful and down-right boring hangouts for poll watchers. This year, however, while most will be their uneventful selves, a few select sites will be the scene of angry protests, pickets, and taxpayers frustrated by the fact their State is broke and their life style might have to change. I'm not at all concerned about our economic survival. I'm deeply concerned about the escalating violence and threats made to our legislators as we approach April 5, 2011 not to mention the efforts to recall duly elected officials. I'd be remiss if I didn't help voters identify some of the risks they'll face at the polls and offer RM tips for voting safely on election day. It's basic Risk Management #101. Let's review the escalating violence. While I use Wisconsin as an example, you can rest assured other U.S. States, Great Britain, Ireland will not be far behind.    

In Wisconsin the scope of relatively small local protests quickly grew beyond state lines as news agencies, bloggers, and Facebook friends posted pictures and perspectives of not only the contents of proposed legislation but how it was presented and passed. It's a safe bet much has been learned from Wisconsin's mistakes. You can rest assured the "speculative" risks associated with passing new legislation will be better managed in the future.  

Union leaders have sent letters to businesses threatening "If you don't post signs in support of protestors you'll suffer the consequences." Threats from outside Wisconsin have been followed by personnel bused in to support recall efforts across the state. (learn more)

A Wisconsin women has been charged for sending death threats to state senators.

The first message sent March 9 to Sen. Robert Cowles of Green Bay said the sender and others had decided to kill the Republican senator by "arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head," the complaint said. The email also claimed the group had planted bombs around the senator's house and car and the Capitol building. The charges carry a combined maximum penalty of 7.5 years in prison.  (learn more)

School boards take action: (learn more)

Union leaders organized pickets and protests at select polling locations to discourage voters from re-electing Judge Prosser to a second term. His opponent vowed to oppose the budget bill, school choice, concealed carry and voter ID legislation. Her liberal stance angered conservatives especially those favoring school choice and right-to-bear-arms. After being accused of running false adds she refused to withdraw the adds which angered both sexual assault victims and those falsely accused (learn more) & (more).

Add the 22  caliber shells found on the Capitol Square, the damage done to State property, and the hostile recall campaigns manned by personnel from out the State; and it's clear that voters will need to take additional precautions when going to the polls on election day. No matter on which hook you hang your hat, be sure to vote on April 5 for the candidates of your choice.

I offer the following RM tips for voters going to the polls on April 5.

  • Cast an absentee ballot on Monday and avoid the polls on Tuesday.
  • Go to the polls with someone who can offer assistance if you find yourself in harms way.
  • Don't hang around the polls any longer then necessary.
  • Don't huddle in groups while at the polls. Remember the #1 terrorist target characteristic.
  • Make sure your cell phone is on, the battery is charged, and you have your ICE number up to date.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing and running shoes.
  • Maintain "pushback" space and "bailout" routes. 
  • Know for whom you're going to vote before entering the booth to shorten your time in harms way.
  • Carry medications you might need if the stress of the moment triggers a medical condition.
  • Let a trusted adult know when you're going to the polls and when you'll return. Have an action plan if you fail to report home.
  • If you feel threatened or observe either a suspicious object or person, notify polling officials immediately. Review your VIPER protocols.
  • Note: If you disagree with the protesters keep it to yourself while at the polls. Challenging them will only put a target on your back. If you signed a recall petition know that your support of the recall could become a public record. That may make you, your business, and your family the oppositions target. Poll watchers and election officials should conduct periodic systematic sweeps of the building interior and surrounding property following recommended VIPER protocols. (learn more)
  • Below: I've posted additional RM steps to include a white paper on steps you can take to safeguard yourself, your family, your business, and your right to vote for the candidates of your choice.
  • Click here for more detailed RM instructions. Contact your company Personnel, Security, and Risk Management departments for corporate specific RM recommendations. Credit unions should contact their credit union Security Officer/Risk Manager and their chapter and league directors of education for regional specific recommendations. .

Active shooter Arizona Gabby Gifford 2 Use

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Go to our RM R&D Dept.  to track and help the earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan. Page down to the tsunami R&D section in red. Go to our Community Outreach Center for Basic Private Sector ICS Training.

Protesting can be fun but dangerous. I'll be introducing Risk Management protocols all elected officials, protesters, and bystanders should follow to stay safe. Incident response protocols are based on my post event risk assessments after the active shooting incident in Tucson, Az. January 8, 2011, and the budget bill protests in Madison, Wisconsin.    

FYI: As an undergrad at the UW-Madison, I protested more than most, at times arm-in-arm with liberal Wisconsin Democrats such as Madison's Mayor Paul Soglin and U.S. Senator Russ Feingold. As a union member for 23 of my 30 year career and now member of the Wisconsin Retired Educators Association, I've sat on both sides of collective bargaining tables. Since the 60's I've moved toward the middle and over the fence so I'm now a registered Republican. That's what a BBA in Risk Management, Insurance, and Finance plus 40 years working in the real world does to your head.                                 

No matter your political posture, I encourage everyone to thank all the Wisconsin elected officials for their service. Click here

In my opinion, the death threats and recalls need to stop. We've had one too many death threats and suicides.

God bless those who are willing to step into the public eye and take the heat, risking it all that we might form a more perfect union. Before anyone signs a recall petition, they'd be well advised to ask themselves how dedicated and brave they'd be under fire. If you don't agree with those now in public office, make sure you vote in the next election.  Better yet; take out nomination papers and experience your own day in the political trenches. As Chief Roy Oshkosh often taught, "Never judge another man until you walk a mile in his moccasins!" Whether you agree or disagree with the 14 Democrats who chose to leave the State or the Republicans who stayed in town to vote; all where following their conscience and doing the will of their constituents.

Risk Management: The risks you take when joining a public protest are directly related to the scope of the protest, potential for scope creep, the concentration of protestors in an area with limited pushback space or evacuation routes, and the target characteristics that might attract domestic or international terrorists. The protests on the Madison isthmus and those springing up across the U.S. as well as those in Great Britain, Ireland, etc. are particularly serious because they're fueled by perceived economic disparages between geographical regions and/or social classes. Following are just a few of the risks created when you intentionally or unintentionally get involved in a protest. (RMLC R&D files)

  1. The risk you'll be injured or killed.

  2. The risk you'll damage your good reputation.

  3. The risk you'll be in harms way.

  4. The risk you'll be in a mass evacuation.

  5. The risk you'll be in a shelter or mass housing-in-place.

  6. The risk you'll be held hostage, arrested, or detained beyond your control.

  7. The risk you'll be the victim of a terrorist' attack.

  8. The risk you'll be the victim of an anthrax scare.

  9. The risk you'll be the victim of a bombing.

  10. The risk you'll be the victim of biological warfare.  

  11. The risk you'll be caught in the crossfire of an active shooting.

  12. The risk you'll be called on to render first aid or establish at triage.

  13. The risk you'll be asked to assist in a search for a missing child or adult.

  14. The risk you'll be lost or left behind.

  15. The risk you'll become the target of the opposition.

  16. The risk you'll become financially responsible for damages.

  17. The risk you'll be on the nightly news.

  18. The risk you'll be falsely accused of theft or embezzlement.

  19. The risk you'll encounter a heart attack, stroke, or diabetic seizure.

  20. The risk your vehicle or convoy will be the target of the opposition.  

Loss frequency i.e. the number of active shooters at a protest, and loss severity i.e. the size of bombs detonated are directly related to the scope, potential for scope creep, and protestor's focus. Protests fueled by economic disparages are particularly challenging because they grow geometrically as local protests gain regional, national and international support. It's a safe bet protests are going to become more frequent and more violent. as the U.S. gets deeper and deeper in debt to Communist China and Wisconsin who's already $3.7 Billion in debt continues to borrows to keep afloat, 

Pure economic risks:  At the top of the list has to be going broke and selling national security secretes to foreign powers. if we continue to borrow, increasing our State and National debt, at some point we'll become indebted to our landlords and mortgage holders. At some point we'll be evicted and find ourselves living under a more socialistic government or worse; under Communist China rule. Each time a U.S. company moves overseas we weaken our economic infrastructure and sell out our national security. Foreign powers no longer need to steal our corporate secretes! They're buying U.S. companies to gain control over our most valuable technologies and the science that comes with each sale.

To reduce getting deeper in debt, we might use the U.S. credit union movement as a business model. We need to put cost cutting back in the hands of local taxpayers while creating regional liquidity facilities to provide loan collateral to local businesses focused on creating jobs. For example, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan financials could focus on rebuilding auto plants in Janesville, Rockford, and Detroit, using vacated GM and Chrysler plants as capital assets/loan collateral and U.S. auto workers as a labor force. Once a regional economic strategy is in place, we could reach out to Japan's auto industry damaged by the earthquake and tsunami and together reengineer the global auto industry already in place. Using the global credit union movement as a model, we could than capitalize employee benefits such as life, health, and long term care insurance. One strategic action plan (SAP) would be to borrow not from outside the U.S. but from the residents within the regional liquidity facility thus further adding to the economic stability within the region. If this had been done in the 80's and 90' we'd still have a Chrysler plant in Rockford and GM- plants in Janesville and Detroit. And, the world headquarters for the credit union movement would still be 100% in Madison, Wisconsin.    (learn more about the credit union model).  

Speculative economic risks: We're all speculating on which policy, strategy, legislation, etc. will get us out of debt. We know taxing only takes investment capital out of circulation and increased spending on non-productive assets only drives us deeper in debt. We need to risk reducing tax revenue in the hope the savings will be invested in the local economy; and we need to redirect money spent on non-productive benefits back into the pockets of the employee, hoping it will be better invested in their family's future. We need to risk letting go of government guarantees and go back to charting our own destiny no matter how risky that might be. Harry Truman once said: "If you laid all the economists in the world end to end, they still wouldn't point in the same direction. But even if they did, that wouldn't guarantee it was the right direction." We need to "speculate." more aggressively (They call it dreaming where I come from) and risk taking charge of our own economic destiny. (more to think about).

To reduce "speculative" risks, local governments need to reduce taxes to put money back in family savings accounts while reducing government regulations that limits the freedom of choice and discourages risk taking. Our founding fathers knew that sheltering individuals from the consequences of a bad economic decision both eroded their "self confidence" and their "self competence." While in the short run staying safe might seam to be in our best interest, in the long run it's not. We all need to step-out-from-under government', union', and parental' shelters and take the risks required of citizens in a free democracy. 

There is no better feeling than when you take risks and run the ball as best you can, for as long and far as you choose. There's no more depressing feeling than to rely on others to fight your fights, cover your butt, and score below average in the walk of life.     Rich Woldt - CEO The Risk Management Learning Center

Managing the "Pure" and "Speculative" Risks during a protest!

Go to our RMLC Graduate School website for advanced RM assistance!

Protestors and politicians should read the following RM recommendations!

Please share the following "Executive Protection" brochure and white paper with your Republican and Democrat legislators!

Follow operational period #1 homeland security protocols. 

A wise diplomat once said, "Never shoot to kill the guy on the other side of an issue because tomorrow he just might be on your side of the fence!" Remember, we are all in this together. As I sat on the steps to the Capital this afternoon, I had to smile at the passion of students protesting the budget bill. They reminded me of myself during the '67 protests against the Vietnam War. Fortunately, 45 years ago the war we protested was fought a world away and despite the Armstrong boys blowing up our Chemistry building, the risks we faced on the Isthmus were for the most part non-life threatening. That's not the case today.

Today, while still reeling from the shooting rampage in Tucson that seriously wounded U.S. Representative Garielle Gifford and took the life of her aide Gabe Zimmerman along with five others waiting to meet their Representative, we're confronted with no less than three life threatening risks: First, there is the risk someone will shoot or physically attack one or a group of our legislators, their staff, their entourage, or their family members. Second, there is the risk that protestors will need emergency medical attention or face the dangers of a mass evacuation from the Isthmus. And third I'm concerned that someone holding a grudge or a terrorist looking for an opportunity to attack will take advantage of the protest to set off an explosive device or introduce a biological or chemical agent into the crowd. Remember the first three characteristics of an ideal terrorist' target includes achieving a high body count, having predictable victim escape and first response routes, as well as the presence of mass media. (FYI: you can page down for my Risk Analysis and post incident assessment of the Tucson Safeway shooting). Protestors on the Isthmus need to constantly monitor their surroundings, have a "bailout" plan, tested communication links, reassemble and roll-call plan, and contingency plans if communication links fail or a member of your group gets lost or injured. Click here and read the "Dressing for Success" red highlighted text in my Executive Protection" white paper.   

I recommend the following not only here in Madison, Wisconsin but across the country and around the world. First, a review of all private sector "Executive Protection" protocols to include making sure VIPER (Visual Intelligence of Persons and the Environment Reconnaissance) Squads know what to look for and how to report suspicious activity to the public sector and a review of private sector CIRTs (Critical Incident Response Teams) to make sure all know how to report into a Unified Incident Command Center.

Please read and share the following white paper and handouts.

Click here for an "Executive Protection" white paper to share with your legislative staff, body guards, entourage, etc. Note the "red" highlighted text!

Click here for an "Executive Protection" brochure to share with family and neighbors. Ask them to report all suspicious persons, vehicles, activity and objects to the police.

 Page down for a post-incident Risk Management Analysis (RMA) I conducted at the 7110 N. Oracle Safeway store in Tucson; the site of the January 8 active shooting incident.

Click here if there is a need for a mass evacuation during the protests.  This could be triggered by an explosion, gun fire, anthrax scare, etc.

Page down for more Risk Management help or go to my community outreach site www.COPS007.com or veteran RM site www.DoorCountyVeterans.com. You can also rent my Door County Cottage at www.RichWoldt.com

FYI: Soon, www.ASIS067.com will become www.ASISWisconsin.org and my community outreach site www.COPS067.com will merge with our veteran R&D site www.DoorCountyVeterans.com. My personal www.RichWoldt.com site will focus on managing our Door County vacation rental.  learn more

Thank you all for your help and encouragement over the past 45 years.   

 Risk Management Learning Center

Ten (10) year mission statement (September 11, 2001):

"The RMLC will field test emergence response protocols the "private sector" can deploy through the world credit union movement whenever the scope of a crisis overwhelms or its duration exhausts the public sectors ability to response."

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January 8, 2011:

6 dead - 13 wounded

An RM response to the shooting at Safeway in Tucson!

We owe it to our elected officials to cover their backs now that they're in office. In my neck of the woods, that would be Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Reed Ribble, J.B. Van Hollen, Gary Bies, Frank Lasee, and "Riff of the Shire" Terry Vogel.  

So what do Risk Managers do?  They...

  1. Keep their heads up, eyes open, and ears to the ground. Shelve our fear of being politically not-correct and get ready to act in the face of danger. Review you five step action plan when carrying concealed. I salute the young man in Tucson who helped save lives without drawing his weapon. If only he'd been on scene a minute earlier, the little girl would not have died.

  2. Practice their "rear-strangle-take-down-hold," vertical and horizontal butt strokes I taught at CUNA Management School.

  3. Rehearse their "Identify - Measure - Control, and Avoid -Reduce - Spread - Assume - Transfer" RM strategies and now what to do if they suspect a threat or are confronted by an active shooter? 

  4. Join and support law enforcement through InfraGard at  www.InfraGard.org. Call me if you need a reference.

  5. Click here and review the white paper I wrote to support RMLC workshops on "Executive Protection" and "Violence in the Workplace." Ironically, this paper was used to support the AZ League workshops I did in Tucson and Phoenix. WOCCU, CUNA Management School, U.S. League, CMG, ABCUL and JCUL Credit Union Risk Managers, pull out your RM manuals and study the sections on event and contingency planning as well as setting up defendable zones and conducting a mass-evacuation.

  6. Terrorists will strike when we're most vulnerable. Click here to review protocols if your first to the scene. Click here to review protocols prior to a mass evacuation, and click here to review important contingency planning protocols.

  7. You can also review our CIRT, VIPER, and Incident Command and Control R&D protocols tested through  www.COPs007.com, www.DoorCountyVeterans.com, and www.ASIS067.com.

Please share these with your elected officials. There offered at no cost to victims and law enforcement. If, however, you're credit union wants to reprint them, I request $20 with a note indicating your intentions sent to me at my office address (Rich Woldt, 1906 Barber Drive, Stoughton, WI. 53589.

Note: I'll be in Arizona from January 17 - 25th.  Call me on 608-712-7880. I'll be in Aspen until then.

Don't rely on email or Facebook or Linked in. I have over 5000 not read email, I think someone stole my linked In account, and I'm trying to find time to learn how to better use Facebook.  

Rich Woldt     

Coming in 2011...
  • Free RMLC Homeland Security "Best Practices" for the private sector!
  • Free on-line briefings based on RMLC field tests of mass evacuation and housing-in-place protocols.
  • Cost effective RMLC Risk Management training and support.
  • Concealed carry classes and more!  
Credit Union Risk Managers! Use operation "Rubber hits the Road" to table top test your contingency plans for a mass evacuation!   Thank You!  Rich Woldt

Most Wisconsin credit unions joined forces with veteran organizations around the world to welcome Wisconsin Vietnam Vets Home to "Landing Zone (LZ) Lambeau"  May 20 - 24, 2010

Attention Credit Union Risk Managers: From a Risk Management standpoint, we're using operation "Rubbery hits the Road" to field test chapter level mass evacuation protocols. Use the IC briefings to update your 72 hour stand-alone contingency planning protocols.

Our table top test includes benchmarking how many and who answer Roll-call between now and May 23, 2010. For example: we will look to see at least 80% of those pictured below answering roll-call.

If you recognize any of them alert them to this exercise. All responses will be filed in our "Deep Throat" files after the operation. I'm doing this only to field test our Risk Management log-in capabilities. At 65 I have little interest in leaving my guard post stationed off Door County shores.

Now go to: www.DoorCountyVeterans.com and join operation

"Rubber hits the Road"

Welcome Home Wisconsin Vietnam Vets


Landing Zone Lambeau "Field"

Home of the world champion Green Bay Packers

Door County veterans have joined the State wide effort to welcome Vietnam vets home to Lambeau Field while honoring our 5 vets Killed in Action (KIA). Learn more
  • Operation "Boots-on-the-Ground" enlists all Door County residents in a mission to locate and land all Door County Vietnam vets with family members of the 5 KIA inside Lambeau Field before 7:30 p.m. May 22; the official "Welcome Home Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans." Learn more
  • Operation "Rubber-hits-the-Road" enlists bikers on Friday, May 21, in the Memorial ride of 1244 (The number of Wisconsin Vietnam vets Killed in Action (KIA), Missing in Action (MIA) or were Prisoners of War (POWs). Our "one-way" ride (Symbolic of our 5 who did not make it home!) will start on Washington Island the home of KIA Richard Perez, and travel south past all four High Schools from where the other 4 Door County KIAs graduated.

Learn more

  • At this time, there are three destinations once the ride crosses the southern Door County line. Some, at least 5 will head for Timmerman Field in Appleton to meet up with the 1244 coming from La Crosse, others will deploy to LZ Lambeau where they'll form a "flag line" through which the 1244 will pass, and others will park in the Pioneer Credit Union parking lot at 825 Morris, Ave. Green Bay (two clicks from LZ Lambeau). The most important first step you can take is to log into our tracking system and answer "Roll-call." Once OB1 finalizes our route and pause points we'll let you know where and when to fall-in!


Vietnam Vets: Contact your credit union President/CEO, Chairman of the Board, or Risk Manager/Security Officer and join the welcome home from anywhere in the world. Click here for more information.

Veterans: FYI: Credit Unions are "Not-for-Profit'; financial cooperatives organized to serve a defined field of members (FOM) such as our comrades at Navy Federal. They hold monthly chapter meetings where they share Risk Management and Homeland Security "Best Practices."

  • I recommend you attend the next credit union chapter meeting in your area and learn more about how your credit union plans to respond during the next terrorist attack, natural disaster, or pandemic.

  • Contact your State League Director of Education and take part in the latest CIRT, VIPER, and Incident Command and Control training offered through your local emergency government.

  • Many credit unions across the U.S. have already been involved in similar Welcome Home projects. Some of their "Best Practices" include:

  1. Logging into locater systems and explaining to vets why they should use their night depositories to make donations to the Moving Wall and their ATMs to safely manage their liquidity while on the road.

  2. Credit unions are providing vets with customized financial counseling through their local veteran post and/or VA centers.

  3. My best advice is join your local credit union - "It's where you belong!"                                                     Rich Woldt - Charter member of Door County Community Credit Union now Pioneer.

Click here to learn more about LZ Lambeau

Do we need health care reform?  Absolutely!

Do we need government intervention into health care reform? Only to a very limited degree!

Do I support the current bill being negotiated behind closed door? Absolutely NOT! 

Risk Management Logic:

  • Actuaries can't support it!
  • There are no risk reduction incentives!
  • There are no meaningful fraud deterrents!
  • We can't afford it!
  • There are better, more efficient and effective health care reforms that have proven to work best in a free capitalistic society.

Learn more

CUNA Mutual Retirees Click here for help.

Attention: RMLC Faculty and our International Credit Union Risk Managers holding the ASIS International CPP, PCI, and PSP designation.  Don't miss your 12-31-09 recertification dedline. Click here to view my recertification update.

Update: Credit Unions can be...proud of their Risk Management Best Practices" born out of their response to bank failures, the increased domestic terrorist threats this summer, and their mobilization during this fall's H1N1 pandemic scare. Credit Union Chapter and League educators are welcome to use our Risk Management research and training tools for veterans posted at our www.DoorCountyVeterans.com and www.ASIS067.com websites.

In early 2010 I'll be launching a website... focused specifically on... mobilizing the Private Sector anytime the scope of a crisis overwhelms or its duration exhausts Public Sector response assets. 

The goal is to merge... the World Credit Union Movement with Veteran' Organizations, forming a "Unified" Private Sector Incident Command structure that will work for any organization, anywhere in the world, during any crisis, anytime in history.

2009 Pandemic Response Protocols:: Our International Credit Union Risk Managers should review their H1N1 phase I to III pandemic response protocols and their ABC - 1-2-3 contingency plan for pandemics as well as table top test mobilizing a credit union/chapter level unified incident command to support sponsor companies in their field of membership. Go to our R&D library to download RMLC white papers and handouts. learn more
RM Tips from Rich...
  • Use your car alarm actuator to alert neighbors of a home invasion, stalkers, or predators in the neighborhood.
  • Wash teller counters with diluted bleach daily to ensure better finger print forensic evidence.
  • Avoid turning in written statements to the police after a robbery. Discrepancies will be used against you in court.
  • Update you Contingency Plans, Incident Command System, CIRT and VIPER response procedures at least quarterly.
  • Review our mass housing-in-place and mass evacuation protocols every six months.   
Elvis, i.e. our RMLC faculty member is back from a crushing injury and the Swine Flu.. Learn more   He's ready to "Rock and Roll" at your next annual meetings.     click here to book "Elvis" and our RMLC "Mayberry Deputy" him.                          

Rich Woldt

  • Give my cousin-in-law an economic boost!

I send a special salute... to our cadre of Credit Union Risk Managers who are attending CUNA Management Schools this summer.

More than any time in our history... we need to update Credit Union Risk Management, Homeland Security, Incident Command, Contingency Planning, and Pandemic response policies, practices, and protocols. Terrorist threats are real and focused on our economic infrastructure. 

The continued failure of government stimulus packages and... the growing resentment of governments' who are blindly intervening in the private sector, will continue to play into terrorist hands and spark new interest in frauds and scams in the private sector. Click here for an example!

In my opinion, the reputation of the global credit union movement is on the line. Credit union officials and upper management need to aggressively step up to the plate at the chapter level and remind the world why and how credit unions have brought us through the great depression, many wars, and unwanted government intervention into the private sector let alone our private lives and individual freedoms.

The Risk Management Learning Center will celebrate... its 8th anniversary this summer. While we continue to launch new programs through veteran organizations and international business associations our hearts remain with the thousands of  International Credit Union Risk Managers who've we've had the privilege to serve since June 29, 2001 let alone during the 30 years I worked for CUNA Inc, WOCCU, and CUNA Mutual.      

Swine flu (H1N1) Advisory: April 28, 2009

This is a pandemic "advisory" not an alert! Advisories help mobilize the private sector during a time of crisis. Credit Union Risk Managers should review our pandemic RM white papers on handouts.

  • Our International Credit Union Risk Managers should... immediately review our pandemic risk management white papers, (click here),

  • use our R&D library (click here), and

  • contact their Cuna Mutual Group Risk Management Representative.

  • place their... Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRTs) on alert,
  • and contact their... league, trade association, and CUNA Mutual Group Risk Managers for a briefing on credit union pandemic response protocols. Our veteran' CIRTs should contact their veteran' post commander for marching orders.
  • For more information go to... www.fda.gov/oc/guidance/emergencyuse.html.

Most credit union have well written, table-top tested, and recently updated "pandemic" contingency plans and response protocols.

Most credit union employees need only wash their hands and chair-backs and mobilize a chapter wide  response.

Credit unions need only plan before gathering, verify push-backs defendable zones, closely monitor surveillance systems, update locate-lockdown-and link procedures, and deploy security personnel to more effectively protect properly and personnel during a pandemic.

At the chapter level, credit unions need to deploy community support teams to reinforce both public and private sector responders on the front lines.

Following is my advisory with links to our R&D files.

The Center for Desease Control (CDC) warns of a possible swine flu pandemic (H1N1 Virus).  click here to learn more about the H1N1 virus.   Rich Woldt

  • Health care professionals... and consumers may report serious adverse events (side effects) through the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either via Regular Mail: use FDA form 3500 available at: www.fda.gov/MedWatch/getforms.htm and mail to MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787 or
    --Fax: (800) FDA-0178 or
    --Phone: (800) FDA-1088
    --Online: www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm 
  • FYI: From our R&D files...Click on the following and pass it to first responders and care givers:
  1. Interim Guidance for Patients and Case Definitions for Infection with Swine-origin Influenza A (H1N1)Virus (S-OIV) ..

Rich Woldt 

Operation: Haiti Earthquake

February 12, 2010: It's been a month. We're through the first "Operational Period" we're in #2 and planning for Period #3. It's time to review:

  • Click here to review basic Incident Command and Control from our Community Outreach Project (COP) site.
  • Work with your Credit Union Risk Manager and League Director of Education on plans for Operational Periods two and three.
  • Go to.. www.DoorCountyVeterans.com and include veterans in your response and recovery plans.
  • Go to.. www.COPs007.com and include community leaders in your response and recovery plans.

The Risk Management Learning Center promotes the formation of "Private" sector Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRTs) and VIPER squads. In 2008 we built... a "Private Sector" Incident Command and Control Center to teach the private sector how to set up Emergency Operation Centers, manage Staging areas, and mobilize VIPER and CIRT squads during a community crisis. learn more...

We're working with youth groups...and colleges to build public-to-private Homeland Security Partnerships. I was a proud charter member of the UW Risk Management and Insurance Society in 1965 and I'm now  proud to be a charter member of the UW Risk Management and Insurance Alumni Association.

I encourage all...RMLC  International Credit Union Risk Managers to visit the UW RM Alumni web site at


On April 25, 2009 we official launched our alumni association during Risk Management Professor Dan Anderson's retirement party.  UW Risk Management Alumni came from all over the world for the celebration.  Dan joins are cadre of RM professionals and will continue to mentor our RMLC international risk management programs and projects.

Click for more pictures..

ASIS Chapter 067 officers meet regularly to schedule speakers, arrange critical infrastructty tours, and plan regional training workshops. Pictured left to right are Shawn Smith (Pres CEO Midwest Protection Inc., Jim Manhowski Owner JBM Protection & Patrol, Curt Haugen, CEO/Operations Director Scuro Group LLC, and Rich Woldt CEO The Risk Management Learning Center.

As of 4-21-11 the new domain for www.ASIS067.com will be www.asiswisconsin.com

Words credit union risk managers should know:



Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in Jacksonville .
He  tells the priest, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Last night, I beat the hell out of an Obama supporter."

The priest says, "My son, I am here to forgive your sins, not to discuss your community service."

RICH WOLDT - Biography
CPP, CFE, Private Detective



Do NOT rely on contacting me via email.

A personal reflection

Gabby Gifford Active Shooter

Executive Protection - Active Shooting post Risk Analysis

January 26, 2011:

Safeway, 7110 N. Oracle, Tucson, AZ

I conducted a post-incident Risk Management Analysis (RMA) at the 7110 N. Oracle Safeway store in Tucson; the site of the January 8 active shooting incident.

In my opinion, While this traggic incident is fresh in our minds, it's critically important for credit union executives, board members, loan officers, collection personnel, etc. to immediately review their credit union' executive protection protocols and policies. Include but don't limit yourself to:

  • Conducting risk assessments at all CU offices focusing especially where CU executives and officials work i.e. corporate headquarters, admin buildings, etc.
  • Reviewing and updating violence-in-the-workplace response protocols, workstation bailout routes, protocols for locating-lockdown and linking key employees and their family members to "private sector" command centers, 
  • Reviewing  retreat and extrication protocols for executives during violent acts on and off premises.
  • Reviewing, rehearsing, and documenting credit union staff and employee training. Make sure all CU employees know and understand how to reach, defend, and maintain calm at defendable zones.
  • Asking event and contingency planners to update all CU event security protocols to include conducting and documenting pre-event site assessments.
  • Alerting all Credit Union Risk Mangers and alternates to their duty to ensure all credit union executives and officials know what to do and how to act before, during, and after any traumatic event at your credit union.
  • Confirming your credit union's joint operational protocols at the chapter, league, national, and international levels.

NOTE: All credit unions should join the local security association recommended by their credit union league. A key element of being properly trained and ready for the next terrorist attack, natural disaster, or pandemic is to be on the same page with other credit unions in your CU Chapter, CU League, CUNA Inc. and ....  WOCCU   Go to....WOCCU for more information.


Happy New Year 2011

Thank You...

  • Elvis... for your impromptu performance at our Christmas party. Click here to meet Elvis

  • Mayberry Deputy... for maintaining law and order in the USA throughout 2010. Click here and meet the RMLC deputy in charge of keeping the peace.

"The comfort and encouragement they both brought to victims has helped us all deal with the trauma and stress we've faced since they've come on board. 

  • Shawn Smith and MPI for your leadership in private and homeland security training. You're impact on security throughout the world credit union movement has and continues to raise the bar for all Risk Management professionals. 

    * Shawn Smith, Owner/CEO/President M.P.I.
    Private Security, Law Enforcement Liaison and Guard Training
  • Dave McGuinn... for your Safe Deposit Box guides and staff training. You're wisdom and foresight has saved the day more than once. Click here order the most current. 

  • John Vrabec.... and members of the Financial & Security Products Association for all your doing to safeguard assets stored in credit unions and banks around the world. Your professionalism allows us all to sleep just a little better each night. Click here to meet FSPA members and sleep better day or night.

  • Anthony "Tony" Conti... for the search and rescue work you did on 9-11-01 and for the work you continue to do with victims. You're one hell of a hero and a man I'm proud to call my friend. I've got your back! Click here to meet Tony and his tactical source professionals.

    Visit Tony's web site! That's an order!  Rich 


  • I thank every one whose supported our ongoing Risk Management Efforts. You're ongoing RM R&D will keep our learning center on the cutting edge throughout 2011. Click here to meet just a few of our RMLC faculty and faculty advisors.

Click here to interview our "10-Yeared Faculty"

 New Year's Resolutions?  

  • I'll check my Linked In, Facebook, and email accounts weekly!
  • I'll get our MAC driven websites up and running!


  • www.RichWoldt.com will focus on renting our Door County cottage and personal efforts such as voting for Miss America! Kimberly Sawyer's aunt is my father's second cousin. Confused?


Website updates:

About Us  Faculty RM R&D Dept. Community Outreach Veteran Outreach Mentors

Posted 11/1/10: "Anyone who thinks the current healthcare bill is soundly based on Risk Management or insurance underwriting principles needs to review their basic RM tutorials. Read basic RM #101 tutorials and vote the politicians who crammed this legislation down our throats OUT of OFFICE!"   Rich Woldt

"Credit Union Week & Day 2010"  

This year we gathered via an international "webcast" and in person in Madison for the 22nd annual "Filene House Employee Reunion." Both helped us recommit to our "People helping People" philosophy and "Not for Profit - Not for charity - BUT for SERVICE" financial cooperative traditions!

Both helped us reconnect, refresh our memories and recall why credit unions are positioned better than any other organization, anywhere in the world, anytime in history to manage the risks threatening who our founder Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen called "The Common Man."  learn more

As I Reflected back this year on what's now 45 years (1965 - 2010) working in the credit union movement, I can't help but marvel at the wisdom of our founding fathers. I'm particularly proud of how we've successfully merged and consolidated common bonds while preserving our focus on individual members and the unique economic needs of an expanding "field of membership." Credit union chapters, leagues, national and international associations can take particular pride in the cooperative projects they launched to preserve economic stability within a community or region struggling to survive, rebuild, and recover from a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or pandemic.

In 2011, we'll create videos that highlighting Credit Union Risk Management best practices. The research we did during the past 9 years through our  "RMLC Community" and "Veteran" outreach sites will be used to leverage credit union RM wisdom into all segments of the private sector.

RMLC Community Outreach R&D Site RMLC Veteran Outreach R&D Site

Home About Us  Faculty  Mentors - 007  Mentors RM R&D Dept. RM White Papers 2007 Curriculum RMLC  Lounge   RMLC Accomplishments Thank you WOCCU, International ASIS members, and US Military veterans for your involvement during 2010 RM field testing of our mass-evacuation, housing-in-place, CIRT, VIPER, and ICS emergency response protocols. I'll be publishing ICS "best practices" on our community and veteran outreach R&D sites before the end of the year. 

Community Outreach Veteran Outreach

FYI: I've merged www.ASIS067.com with www.ASISWisconsin.org so update your search engines. The www.ASIS067.com domain name will disappear in April 2011.

I pledge to get better at....monitoring emails as well as using my Rich@RMLearningCenter.com and Rich@RichWoldt.com facebook and LinkedIn accounts. Remember, I started teaching Risk Management in 1964 long before computers, the internet, or cell phones. 

Credit Union Risk Managers!

Thank You!

Thank you credit unions for taking part in our www.DoorCountyVeterans.com Risk Management Operations. You're role as "Finance Chief" helped ensure all internal, audit, and collection controls were in place and all physical, alarm and surveillance security recommended in our credit union world were properly tested prior to deployment.

As you know, we're using operation "Rubber hits the Road" to table top test our ability to:
  • Mobilize and mass evacuate a segment of the population anytime they stand in harms way.
  • Form private-to-public homeland security partnerships, and
  • Test emergency response protocols if the private sector has to "stand-alone" without public sector support for 72 hours.

I will post test results as well as our "best practices" in our RMLC library as well as brief credit union education directors who've logged into our operation. Now that I'm 65 I'm slowing down so go through your Director of Education or CUNA Mutual representative to access our test results and operational best practices.

Please share our mission protocols and best practices with your event and contingency planners and feel free to use our briefing logs to table-top-test your EOC and Staging Area management protocols.

I send a special thank you to our international credit union' observers at the Lambeau Credit Union in Tobago West Indies.      Rich
  • Go to www.LZLambeau.org for the most current schedule of events, to locate fellow vets, and for professional posters and promotion materials to use nationwide.

  • Call "OB1" before going to www.RollingThunderwi3.org to register for Rolling Thunder's 1244 Ride. Answering Roll-call and making that call will help make sure you don't get lost in the crowed.

  • Most important; Please click here and answer "Roll-call"!    

Meet our RMLC Faculty Faculty White Papers RMLC R&D Department

RMLC Curriculum Credit Union RM History 

The links below will take you to some of our "retired" RM - R&D web-pages.

About Us Mentoring Organizations       RM R&D Dept. RM White Papers5 Year Benchmarking Reports RMLC Faculty Lounge and Lobby 

Community Outreach Center 

Attention Haiti Earthquake Victims: Get to Know The World Council of Credit Unions!  WOCCU

Join: Credit Union World Online

Read: COO Brian Branch's Blog

Read: European Network of CUs

Read: WOCCU Expands Islamic Financial Services to Afghanistan

"The World Credit Union Movement is positioned better than any other movement, anywhere in the world, anytime in history' to take command during a crisis...  learn more

The Risk Management Learning Center is dedicated to promoting internationally recognized Risk Management performance standards throughout the world credit union movement. About US

Credit unions should expect an increase in robberies, burglaries, frauds, and embezzlements caused both by the pandemic and the panic caused by ill conceived pandemic alerts.

Credit unions are not only better prepared than during the last pandemic but in most countries they have a more advanced health care system that was available during the last pandemic.

Haiti Earthquake 1-12-10: Credit union' earthquake response and recovery recommendations... are similar to those we published for the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, the Psunami, and those taught during the 1980' New Madrid earthquake scares.  Contact your credit union league, CUNA Mutual Group Representative, WOCCU, or national trade association for RM support.

Helpful RM Steps to take include:

  1. Declare the incident type (Earthquake), scope (Haiti), and potential for scope creep (Carribean). Click here  Also..Go to our RM R&D Department and page down to "Earthquakes" I've posted map links to support a WOCCU response. RM R&D Dept.
  2. Establish a unified Incident Command System for your credit union, credit union chapter, and credit union league and sponsor group. Click here
  3. Activate your credit union' contingency plans for a  large scale community crisis requiring mass evacuations and housing in place. Also activate your CU Chapter, regional and leauge  mutual aide agreements. U.S. credit unions should assess their vulnerability to the New Madrid Fault System. Click here
  4. Alert your Disaster Recovery (DAT), Damage Assessment (DAT), and Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRT).
  5. Mobilize your Credit Union's Incident Command System to include distributing tutorials for conducting search and rescue operations, setting up Emergency Operation Centers ( EOCs), and managing Staging Areas.
  6. Click here to review our RMLC Incident Command System tutorials for the private sectors. Click here to review operational period protocols.
  7. Monitor local TV and Radio station websites, Google and Bing to learn how you can help victims, donate and seek aide and support. Click here for an example and to learn more. Click here to reach the National Earthquake Information Center
  8. Our cadre of International Credit Union Risk Managers and RMLC Faculty: should Click here for an RMLC IC update. We'll be linking our veteran' and community organizer' VIPER and CIRT tutorials to our www.DoorCountyVeterans.com and www.COPs007.com sites.
  9. Donate through your locally recognized cheritable organizations, your local chapter of the Red Cross, your church, etc. Use textig technologies to donate but make sure it's going to a legitamate organization.
  10. Post fraud alerts and links to fraud detection web sites such as:those posted by local and national TV networks. Use the following when in doubt:    http://www.charitynavigator.org and www.guidestar.org. Go through your credit union, credit union league, national trade association, and WOCCU when in doubt.
  11. Credit Union Risk Managers (CURMs) should monitor their league, WOCCU, CMG, and professional trade association/development web sites. 

    I recommend ASIS International http://www.asisonline.org/), The Association of Irish Risk Management http://www.airm.ie/, etc.  As a member of the FBI InfrGard and The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, I use www.infragard.net and www.acfe.com.   To monitor internet scams, frauds, and embezzlements I recommend www.fraudwatchinternational.org and sites such as http://www.acfe.com/home.asp, https://swern.usp3.org/ and https://mwern.usp3.org/

  12. I'll soon post a white paper on rebuilding Haiti's economy through the world credit union movement (WOCCU). For now, read yellow high lighted sections throughout this site and at www.RichWoldt.com  

  13. Go throgh your CUNA Mutual Representative or WOCCU to contact me.

Rich Woldt - CEO The Risk Management Learning Center

We're taking time out from our "Thumbs UP Wisconsin" campaign in Door County Door County Wisconsin, to offer Incident Command and Control/Risk Management support to the first responders and all those in harms way thanks to Hurricane Florence hitting the US' east coast. Forward a link to this site to all credit union leagues east of the Mississippi. Page down to return to our risk management "Thumbs UP across Wisconsin"campaign!

Immediately, forward a link to this page to anyone you know who might be in harms way. I'm posting "Operational Period #1" recommendations here. Page down for Operational Period recommendations for #2 and #3! Once the hurricane passes, return here for the launching of Operation Thumbs UP Wisconsin! Click here for evacuee support. Click here for basic ICS training, and click here to contact our faculty direct. 

Attention: If your credit union, veteran organization, home, friends or family, etc. are in the path of Hurricane Florence it's time to batten-down the hatches and get out of harms way.  It's time for credit unions, chapters, leagues, CUNA and Affiliates, CUNA Mutual Group, and WOCCU to activate their contingency plans, set up command centers, identify staging areas, and write appropriate "Unified Commands" based on Irene's scope, path, and level of destruction.  

Click here for a sample pre-CIRT deployment briefing.

Click here for a sample first responder mass-evacuation protocols.

Click here to review your Incident Command (IC) protocols.

RM tips for "Private Sector" Incident Commanders (IC)

  1. The first words spoken by the first person at the scene should be "I Take Command" which creates a single command focused on stabilizing the incident for the moment.  Immediately call 911 to summon public sector first responders. Stay on the line to ensure the 911 operator has all necessary information needed to send appropriate public sector response assets to the scene. Once public sector response assets are at the scene, brief them as requested, provide them with your contact information and stand back.
  2. The first focus should be on safety at the scene for victims, first responders, and observers. Designate a "Safety Officer" to monitor the scene as well as the equipment and health of all responders. 
  3. Your second focus should be on communications. Designate an "Information Officer" to deal with the media and family of the victims. Establish a private setting for victim' families and friends. Designate one spokes person to coordinate all media and news releases.
  4. When the scope of the incident exceeds what can be handled by a single command, designate a "Liaison Officer" and establish a "Unified Command" appropriate to the incident type, scope and potential for scope creep.
  5. At a minimum, designate a "Command Staff" to include a Chief of Operations, Chief of Planning, Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Finance.
  6. Request your Logistics Officer to designate and your Operations Officer to set up an appropriate Incident Command Center, Staging Areas, and triage.
  7. Request you Planning Officer to write operational period response plans to include staffing a strike force and mission Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRTS). 

Lessons learned during RMLC field tests and deployments:

  1. One IC per credit union (President/CEO), veteran organization (Commander), organization.
  2. Use fast food debit cards to track vulnerable population during a mass evacuation and at shelters.
  3. Properly equip, train, track, and insure all first and follow-up responders.
  4. Go to: www.cops007.com and www.DoorCountyVeterans.com for additional information.

For more RM information contact your league Director of Education:

  • Hurricane Tutorials built during Wilma, Rita, Ivan, Katrina, etc.

    R&D Library Follow-up Support RM R&D Dept. Curriculum

    RMLC LobbyRM White PapersCredit Union History


Page down to return to Operation "Thumbs UP Wisconsin"


FYI: Andre Jacque’s work with law enforcement gained him the endorsement of District Attorneys in Brown, Manitowoc, and Outagamie County, as well as all five Republican Sheriffs in the 1st Senate District. Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) three times named Andre Jacque “Wisconsin’s State Legislator of the Year.” Wisconsin Coalition against Domestic Violence awarded him the “Legislative Champion Award,” and Brown Country Crime Prevention Foundation gave him their “Crime fighter Award, while the Manitowoc County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition recognized him for the “IMPACT” he’s had on our lives and community.

A Risk Management Perspective:

Don’t be misled by the negative ads paid for by the opposition on both sides of the isle. The ads attacking Andre Jacque’s service while in the Wisconsin Assemble, underscore our need for campaign financing reforms. Those ads, used by both parties, are paid for by Political Action Committees (PACs) set up by lobbyists, looking for favors once their candidate of choice is in office. My best advice is, identify who’s bankrolling such ads, and support President Trump’s efforts to prevent past office holders from selling their influence once they’re out of office. It’s part of his efforts to “drain the swamp.”  

The ads are run to confuse and mislead voters, while masking the flaws in the weakest candidate. What they won’t tell you, for example, is Andre Jacque served on the WI Small Business Environmental Council supporting environmental protection legislation, authoring AB 179 & AB 388 on wetlands and brownfield cleanup thereby earning him nearly unanimous support and praise from conservation groups throughout Wisconsin.

Mike Gallagher

Once a Marine, always a Marine!

Enough said?

A Risk Management Perspective:

Mike Gallagher (American politician) Michael John Gallagher (born March 3, 1984) is an American politician who is the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin's 8th congressional district. He was elected in the 2016 elections and took office on January 3, 2017. Click here to learn more!

Attorney General

Brad Schimel

Wisconsin's Attorney General Brad Schimel

"Guarding the Door, while moving Wisconsin forward!"

Prior to being elected our Wisconsin' Attorney General, Brad spent 25 years in the Waukesha Co. District Attorney’s office. It was Brad Schimel who set up the first full service child advocacy center in Wisconsin. He’s a past president of the “Safe Babies and Healthy Families (SBHA)” board, serving on the board for over 10 years. SBHA is an organization focused on breaking the cycle of child abuse in the home. He’s helped create Waukesha County’s “Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE)” program. SANE raises the bar for examinations looking for signs of child abuse. He’s helped write Waukesha County’s sexual assault policy and develop their “Sexual Assault Response Team.” And, he’s the co-chairman of Waukesha County’s “Child Fatality Review Team” which helped establish the guidelines for child death investigations now being used by many states across the country.

A Risk Management Perspective:

Brad Schimel was elected Wisconsin Attorney General on November 4, 2014, winning an overwhelming majority of Wisconsin’s 72 counties. Since taking office in January 2015, Schimel has prioritized fighting the opioid epidemic, human trafficking, and elder abuse. Click here to learn more.

It would be nice if we had time to debate, but the war on terror is escalating while Washington takes us throug sequestration and China pushes us over the fiscal cliff. For you who want to continue the debate click here. For others, Click here, to review my opinion of gun registration and background checks. I'll post RM solutions that'll work on this site April 21, 2013.   Switzerland required households to own and learn to shoot guns. Consequently, they were better able to resist Hitler's invation and today they're one of the safest country in which to live, work, and raise a family. Click here to learn more. In the US, four out of five murders are committed in States with the strictest gun controls.

Registering guns and doing background checks will not curb the violence in our schools. Putting God back into our classrooms will. Click here to read Darrell Scott's testimony to Congress and page down and read his poem. Darrell is the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings. Click here for a letter/article on gun controls to publish.

In the US, not unlike Germany before WWII, we're well positioned to arm and train our citizens to defend themselves and protect our homeland.  The difference is we can learn from their mistakes. The question is, are we?

Click here and here  and  here and here  or follow links to our RMLC Library. 

Quotes from our alumni...

" Everyone is a Risk Manager"

"We never stop learning from each other!"

The Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC) was launched in 2001 to study Risk Management methods and performance standards in the world credit union movement.

learn more...

The Woldt Council of Credit Unions!


We build on traditions... handed down form Fredrick Wilhelm Rafiesen, founder of the credit union movement.          learn more

Remember: Rebuilding our economy starts at home so:
  • Employ your family, friends, and neighbors, Shop locally,
  • Support business within your community and field of membership. For Example, when in Door County rent my cottage at www.RichWoldt.com, and shop at my sister store "Christine's" in Egg Harbor. Support members of the Egg Harbor Business Association at www.eggharbordoorcounty.org/ 
  • If you're looking for a home near Milwaukee go to:  www.Kevinwoldt.com and talk to my brother!


American Pie - The times are changing!


Credit Union Risk Management Summer Students:  

Victims of the recent tornados, floods, and fires should download and distribute our RMLC support materials. Click here for a Basic RM Training Review for CUNA Management School Graduates and our cadre of International CU Risk Managers.  click here if you're not familiar with the RM support available through your credit union, CU chapter, league, CU national associations, WOCCU and CUNA Mutual Group. Click here for a sample pre-CIRT deployment briefing and click here for a first responder mass-evacuation protocols. 

RMLC faculty position papers: Click here for Michael Bender's paper on the Wisconsin concealed carry bill. I used his papers when I spoke in favor of this bill during the debates at the Wisconsin Capitol. Click here for David McGuinn's latest RM Safe Deposit Box publications.  Click here for Dave's release titled "Drill Baby Drill - Mystery Boxes Create Unhappy Renters."

Introduction - 2011

I launched the Risk Management Learning Center in July 2001, two months before the 9-11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center. My personal goal was to continue teaching Risk Management in the private sector. My professional goal; to research RM best practices in both the public and private sectors, to develop emergency response protocols for the private sector to deploy anytime the scope of a terrorist attack, natural or man-made disaster, or pandemic overwhelms or its duration exhausts public sector response assets.

Mission Statement 2011 - 2021: On July 4, 2011 I plan to introduce the Risk Management Learning Center Graduate School. Case studies, power point presentations, video tutorials, etc. will be used to teach the same "Incident Command System"  in the private sector that's required for all  law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency government personnel in the public sector. Our  grad-school' goals include: Identifying mission-ready private sector response assets commonly found in most communities within five miles of ground zero, mobilizing private sector response assets that can be at the scene within minutes to take command, forming private sector  "unified" commands that can expand and contract quickly to meet changing needs, and establishing cost effective and efficient pubic-to-private partnerships focused on rebuilding the economic infrastructure devastated by any large scale community crisis. 

Our RM Tip is courtesy of the SANS Institute

"Closing or minimizing your browser or typing in a new Web address when you're done using your online account may not be enough to prevent others from gaining access to your account information. Instead, click on the 'log out' button to terminate your online session. In addition, don't permit your browser to 'remember' your username and password information. If this browser feature is active, anyone using your computer will have access to your investment account information."

For more tips, visit Security Today

Attention! Victims of Hurricane Florence September 2018

We're taking time out from our "Thumbs UP Wisconsin" campaign in Door County Door County Wisconsin, to offer Incident Command and Control/Risk Management support to the first responders and all those in harms way thanks to Hurricane Florence hitting the US' east coast. Forward a link to this site to all credit union leagues east of the Mississippi. Page down to return to our risk management "Thumbs UP across Wisconsin"campaign!

Immediately, forward a link to this page to anyone you know who might be in harms way. I'm posting "Operational Period #1" recommendations here. Page down for Operational Period recommendations for #2 and #3! Once the hurricane passes, return here for the launching of Operation Thumbs UP Wisconsin! Click here for evacuee support. Click here for basic ICS training, and click here to contact our faculty direct. 

Attention: If your credit union, veteran organization, home, friends or family, etc. are in the path of Hurricane Florence it's time to batten-down the hatches and get out of harms way.  It's time for credit unions, chapters, leagues, CUNA and Affiliates, CUNA Mutual Group, and WOCCU to activate their contingency plans, set up command centers, identify staging areas, and write appropriate "Unified Commands" based on Irene's scope, path, and level of destruction.  

Click here for a sample pre-CIRT deployment briefing.

Click here for a sample first responder mass-evacuation protocols.

Click here to review your Incident Command (IC) protocols.

RM tips for "Private Sector" Incident Commanders (IC)

  1. The first words spoken by the first person at the scene should be "I Take Command" which creates a single command focused on stabilizing the incident for the moment.  Immediately call 911 to summon public sector first responders. Stay on the line to ensure the 911 operator has all necessary information needed to send appropriate public sector response assets to the scene. Once public sector response assets are at the scene, brief them as requested, provide them with your contact information and stand back.
  2. The first focus should be on safety at the scene for victims, first responders, and observers. Designate a "Safety Officer" to monitor the scene as well as the equipment and health of all responders. 
  3. Your second focus should be on communications. Designate an "Information Officer" to deal with the media and family of the victims. Establish a private setting for victim' families and friends. Designate one spokes person to coordinate all media and news releases.
  4. When the scope of the incident exceeds what can be handled by a single command, designate a "Liaison Officer" and establish a "Unified Command" appropriate to the incident type, scope and potential for scope creep.
  5. At a minimum, designate a "Command Staff" to include a Chief of Operations, Chief of Planning, Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Finance.
  6. Request your Logistics Officer to designate and your Operations Officer to set up an appropriate Incident Command Center, Staging Areas, and triage.
  7. Request you Planning Officer to write operational period response plans to include staffing a strike force and mission Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRTS). 

Lessons learned during RMLC field tests and deployments:

  1. One IC per credit union (President/CEO), veteran organization (Commander), organization.
  2. Use fast food debit cards to track vulnerable population during a mass evacuation and at shelters.
  3. Properly equip, train, track, and insure all first and follow-up responders.
  4. Go to: www.cops007.com and www.DoorCountyVeterans.com for additional information.

Why read my introduction?

Reading my introduction, will give credibility of my opinions, not to mention the recommendations I’ll be making after each workshop. Equally important, reading my introduction will give you an outline of the “People helping people,” “Not for profit – Not for charity – But for service” path the world credit union movement has used to pull the poor out of poverty, from the grassroots up.  

The Risk Management (RM) workshops you’ll attend, have been written to help “you” and you alone to make the right choice on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Throughout the workshops and before you cast your ballot, you’ll be asked to focus on the most important “pure” risks you feel threaten your family, your freedom, and your independence, not to mention generations in your family yet to be born.

I’m not asking for you to agree with me. I’m only asking you to help us find some common ground on which we can mend our fences, and heal our wounds, while we pursue the American dream and keep America moving forward.    

My Introduction:

My Risk Management career starting at the University of Wisconsin, Madison campus in 1963. After graduating with a BBA in Risk Management – Insurance and Finance, I enlisted in the US Army and spent my entire tour of duty in Vietnam with the Military Assistants Command (MACV) from November 10, 1968 thru January 10, 1970.

It took me awhile to adjust back to civilian life, but in 1971, I was hired by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA Inc.) to travel the US organizing and teaching Risk Management through CUNA Inc. and its affiliated credit unions.

FYI: Once organized, credit unions form into local chapters, which are part of their respective State League, which subsequently makes them a supporting member of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA Inc.)

In 1934, credit union leaders met in Estes Park, Colorado and formed CUNA Inc., which is the US confederation of credit unions and then in 1935, CUNA Inc. met back in Estes Park and formed CUNA Mutual Insurance Society, specifically to provide, blanket Loan Protection and Life Savings insurance to every US credit union member, paid for by their credit union. In 1960, CUNA Inc. formed the Credit Union Mutual Insurance Society (CUMIS), a Property/Casualty insurance company, specifically missioned to provide credit unions with a blanket surety bond.

In 1971, CUNA Inc. joined with other credit union associations around the world to form the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), at which time I was hired to work through both WOCCU and CUNA Inc. to organize and teach Credit Union Risk Management throughout the world credit union movement.  

Note: I share this credit union’ organizational history, because it’s the same “grassroots” organizational structure I’m convinced will work to deliver “blanket” cost effective and affordable healthcare and insurance for every American, from conception until natural death. It’s the same grassroots approach I used when I wrote my “Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance” cure for the socialist plague; originally titled: “Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance, the cure to the OBAMA-Care Curse.

In 1985, it became painfully obvious to CUNA Inc. that our staff in their Risk Management Department was catching too many fraud and scam artists working in the US credit union movement, to be representing their national trade association. It was then that our Risk Management Department was transferred into the CUNA Mutual Insurance Group (CMG).

I retired from CMG in June 2001 and, after the 9-11-01 terrorist attack at the World Trade Center, I brought together agents from the FBI and Secret Service, sworn law enforcement officers, and licensed private security professionals to organize “The Risk Management Learning Center” (www.RMLearningCenter.com), of which I’m the owner and CEO. Once organized, I contracted with CMG to work through their International department and WOCCU on a project focused on fidelity bond risks that were increasing in Europe, South Korea and the Caribbean.

Since 9-11-01, working through our FBI’s Infra Gard and PAWLI (Professional Association of Licensed Investigators) I’ve focused on the risks created by both international and home-grown terrorist.

*Authors Note: If you get nothing more out of my workshops, I plead with you to read the case study and do the exercise, I’ve written into the track titled “Trauma Management 101”. I’ve built in links that’ll lead you to the potential corruption tied to than Vice President Biden’s family, which in my opinion is just the tip of the iceberg. The only bright side of the “Witch-hunt” impeachment of President Trump is, if their dumb enough to take it into US Senate, as Paul Harvey would say, “You’re going to get the rest of the story.” If it gets to that point, my best advice use the links in this website to “Radio/TV Free America,” more commonly known as “FOX News,” fashioned after “Radio Free Europe".




Trauma Management #101

My fellow Americans! I like to day that, so let me say it again. My fellow Americans, "Relax" I'm going to help you deal with the guilt you have, having voted for the wrong candidates in 2016, the fear you now have, knowing the far-left socialist vocal minority of our once proud Democrat Party, has wasted so much of our money and time trying to take down our duly elected Commander in Chief. Duly elected? You'll learn in another workshop, the value of our Electoral College.

But for now, there's little doubt, every red-blooded American heading to the polls November 3, 2020, has been traumatized by the far-left socialist wing of our once proud Democrat Party, who've tried and failed to impeach our duly elected President starting 18 minutes after he walked into the White House.

Tried to impeach him, bye the way, for doing his job, which is make darn sure our tax money and military support doesn't get siphoned off and used to pay board members sitting on a knowingly corrupt company in Ukraine. 

At a time in our country's history, when terrorists are smuggling rapped young women, infected with syphilis along with their intentionally infected Botulism babies across open fields along our unsecured borders into our democrat’ governed sanctuary cites, that are already hiding convicted felons, using social media to infect unsecured government servers being phished and farmed by foreign agents luring the angry vocal minority in our Democrat Party into believing whatever it was someone thought they heard someone say about what they heard someone overhear, during a telephone conversation our Commander in Chief was having with someone in Ukraine about, according to the whistle blower, who’s not a whistle blower, thinks he overheard our Commander in Chief saying when he was talking to someone about former Vice President Biden’s son getting $85,000 a month sitting on a board of a Ukrainian company under investigation for corruption.

There's no wonder why we all fear what they'll do next if reelected. There's no wonder why we feel our government, along with our lives are out of control.   

We first have to figure out why our Commander in Chief should be concerned about a Biden family member sitting on one of the most corrupt companies in Ukraine?  The same  Ukrainian company our then Vice President Joe Biden, father of a guy who got divorced after having an affair with his diseased brothers wife, before he got thrown out of our Navy, openly bragged he got the lead prosecutor fired for investigating his son, brother of Kerry, who has her own rap sheet, and cousin to Carolyn Biden who also has a rap sheethttps://nypost.com/2017/06/09/joe-bidens-niece-dodges-jail-after-100k-credit-card-scam/, and cousin Jill, Ashley Biden Krein, who also has an interesting reputation hhttps://nypost.com/2009/03/30/parties-pot-in-ashley-bidens-past/

Considering Bill Clinton secretly gave North Korea $5 billion, which on the only bright side got me sent to work with the South Korean Credit Union movement, convinced Little Rocket Man's ole man could be bought off, and Obama secretly gave Irane anothr $5 billion plus pallots of laundered cash, while they chanted "Death to America", I ask you, who voted these democrats into office? It's time we hold them accountable for traumatizing just about every taxpayer in America.

Do you want to learn more? Read Peter Schweizer's book, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,” https://nypost.com/2018/03/15/inside-the-shady-private-equity-firm-run-by-kerry-and-bidens-kids/

Now let's get busy curing American of the trauma inflicted by the far-left socialist vocal minority in our once proud Democrat Party.

For more RM information contact your league Director of Education:

  • Hurricane Tutorials built during Wilma, Rita, Ivan, Katrina, etc.

    R&D Library Follow-up Support RM R&D Dept. Curriculum

    RMLC LobbyRM White PapersCredit Union History


Page down to return to Operation "Thumbs UP Wisconsin"



Deep Throat Files # 702

Now that Biden is back in the swamp, 74 million Americans, democrats-independents-and republicans who voted for President Trump are being purged of most social media accounts. The main street media is now totally controlled by the Biden/Harris administration. The take over and corruption between China and the Biden/Harris administration is fast becoming apparent. Following are links we'll be using in our future Risk Management workshops:


Here you'll find R&D materials you'll not find on the main-street media.

Alternative Social Media Sites

Telegram  and Clout hub


Excerpts from the Trump defense team February 12, 2021

 CloutHub: Social Networking

From Steff: I finally tracked down the 15 minute video that condenses/summarizes all the issues and concerns about the 2020 election.  It was taken down off of YouTube, but I found it on rumble finally.  


Use in benchmarking timeline: Declassified Emails Reveal Comey Couldn’t ‘Sufficiently Corroborate’ Memo Alleging Trump-Russia Collusion  https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/declassified-comey-email-corroborate/

Day 22 Biden reveals Trump is living in his head: https://thenationalpulse.com/news/on-day-22-biden-reveals-trump-is-living-in-his-head-rent-free/

Not to use: Chinese Communist Party Replaces US As Europe’s Top Trading Partner   Communist Party replaces US as Europe’s trading partner: https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/chinese-communist-party-replaces-us-as-europes-top-trading-partner/

I daft my hat to those who’ve unknowingly awakened our country to the pains inflicted by Obamacare. Fore as Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto, the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor said, when he saw what his air force had done, “I fear we’ve awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve

Thomas Jefferson said, To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned, “The problem with European Socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

Use Clout hub to by pass Facebook: CloutHub: Social Networking

Hey Nancy! It’s Owen. Owen who? 0 and 2.


Kitchens letter to go along with Evers Executive order. I’m 50-50 on this one. If pushed, I tell Evers to stick it up his ass. http://www.thewheelerreport.com/wheeler_docs/files/020421kitchens.pdf

We all need a mission. Tachtical games. Tactical Games. Combat depression. Navy Seals Make it to https://thetacticalgames.com/contact-us/

Trump Responds to 2nd acquittal


From High Wire: https://thehighwire.com/videos/double-masking-for-dummies/

The High Wire https://thehighwire.com/ The truth about COVID 19 and the Biden/Harris misinformation.

China refuses to give early COVID 19 data: https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/china-who-researchers-covid-data/

So inocrent they acquitted him twice: https://thenationalpulse.com/news/trump-so-innocent-they-acquitted-him-twice/         https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/so-innocent-they-acquitted-him-twice/ 

Learn how and when to vote: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/ Trump will lead the people.

Kids out: https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis/day-20-kids-still-out-of-school-but-ccp-propaganda-is-back-in/

Partician breakdown by states: https://ballotpedia.org/Partisan_composition_of_governors 

Links to look at:

Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet Global Times announced that BBC World News would be banned from airing in the country for “falsified reporting.”


HYPOCRITES: Dem Impeachment Leader Attempted To Block Trump Election Certification (Video)


A high-profile member of the World Health Organization’s recent “investigative” trip to Wuhan to uncover the origins of COVID-19 has accepted research grants from the Chinese Communist Party and runs a controversial U.S.-based organization which collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Episode 9: The Gaping Holes In The Democrat Impeachment Case


China Bans BBC After U.K. Strips CGTN License



Episode 8: Dems Just Undermined Their Own Case By Relying On CNN!!!


BBC Partnered With Tech Firm Flagged As ‘Tool’ Of Chinese Government


Biden national security committee compromised. https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/episode-7-bidens-national-security-council-compromised/

Gregg Jarrett: Trump impeachment trial — defense skillfully destroys Dems' case against former president


The seven most memorable moments from Friday's session of Trump's impeachment trial


Trump defense team puts Democrats on trial for their past hot rhetoric


Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet Global Times announced that BBC World News would be banned from airing in the country for “falsified reporting.”


HYPOCRITES: Dem Impeachment Leader Attempted To Block Trump Election Certification (Video)


A high-profile member of the World Health Organization’s recent “investigative” trip to Wuhan to uncover the origins of COVID-19 has accepted research grants from the Chinese Communist Party and runs a controversial U.S.-based organization which collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Episode 9: ‪The Gaping Holes In The Democrat Impeachment Case


China Bans BBC After U.K. Strips CGTN License


 We have to stop the stealing of the election. Victims of socialism around the world are begging America to stop the stealing of the election. You can find many of the posts at www.misinformationpandemic.org . Click on Yugoslavia or on this extended link at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixBsVodyJP0&fbclid=IwAR0EBMesw8TFrxZGLcM_w2m_0043HvIVekKuBU-d8wHwUctH-KYWKNbp-5U

Click on Yugoslavia for a warning about the most important risk we'll have to manage throughout 2021!

Click here to access my "Deep-throat" files.

 Click the link below to

Click: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqwQgd3hNz0 and you'll learn it was Antifa NOT Trump supporters who caused the damage at the Capital during the Rally in Washington.

Click: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqwQgd3hNz0 and you'll learn it was Antifa NOT Trump supporters who caused the damage at the Capital during the Rally in Washington.

Don't let those who voted for Biden/Harris tell you they didn't know about Hunter, before they cast their vote. Don't let them tell you they didn't listen to Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinski. Send them this link, if they say they missed it. (https://www.google.com/search).

Link to documented evidence of election fraud:  https://got-freedom.org/evidence/

Root directory titled: www.misinformationpandemic.org

Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 

Di Dongsheng: Opening Up Financial Sector as Goodwill to Biden as We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street

Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 

Jennifer's Twitter Account 曾錚推特https://twitter.com/jenniferatntd
Jennifer's Facebook Page 曾錚臉書粉絲專頁



Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 

Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 

Jennifer's Twitter Account 曾錚推特https://twitter.com/jenniferatntd
Jennifer's Facebook Page 曾錚臉書粉絲專頁



Pastor Urges Americans to Take Action against Alleged Election Fraud

A pastor and congressional candidate is urging Americans to take action against alleged election fraud. He says the president can’t fight this battle.

Link to documented evidence of election fraud:  https://got-freedom.org/evidence/

First days in office, Biden:

Biden bans china virus https://www.google.com/search?q=biden+executive+order+china+virus&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS921US921&oq=&aqs=chrome.3.35i39i362l8...8.1118775180j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Biden Secretary paid by China


Abortion Laws in China 1981 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_China

The National Pulse.com http://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/wapo-finally-admits-trump-didn't-incite-riot-with-speech-planned0in-advance/?fbclid=lwAR1NPwlyW4woGpHPOA31Clf6i-czNubQSOf1xPwfk58_IZJ-4FxhEoABvs 

Feb 5, 2021: Biden/Harris track using bank accounts. RM Update: Biden/Harris will now be tracking who you are and what threat you pose to them through your bank accounts. Click here for their latest violation of our civil liberties. https://www.theblaze.com/.../tucker-carlson-bank-of... LIST - TheBlaze Breaking News

Slowly but surely the left is tearing down our statues and denying our history. Why?


President Biden Diverts Military Away from its Mission, Forces it to Pay for Gender Reassignment Surgeries


Tony Evers 2018 election uncounted ballots: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/11/06/milwaukee-county-has-more-than-50-000-uncounted-absentee-ballots/1916187002/

Daniel Bice and Mary Spicuzza

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Published 11:54 pm updated CT Nov 6, 2018 Updated: 9:12 am Nov 7, 2018

State Superintendent Tony Evers (right) is challenging Gov. Scott Walker in the Nov. 6 election.

With governor's race deadlocked, Milwaukee delivered for Evers with late absentee ballots

Daniel Bice and Mary Spicuzza

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

View Comments



With the race for governor hanging in the balance, Milwaukee city officials turned over more than 45,000 uncounted absentee ballots for official verification shortly after midnight. 

The results helped give Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers his first comfortable lead on Tuesday over Republican Gov. Scott Walker. Evers, the state schools chief, eventually edged Walker by about 29,000 votes.

Milwaukee County Clerk George Chistenson said his office received about 46,000 early and absentee ballots from the city long after all other votes had been counted in the county. The city waited to tally those votes until it finished counting other ballots. 

From those late ballots, Evers received 38,674 votes, or 84% of the total, and Walker 7,181.

Brian Reisinger, a spokesman for the Walker campaign, raised questions about the validity of some of those votes. 

"Thousands of ballots were damaged and had to be recreated," Reisinger said, clarifying that he was speaking of the Milwaukee County votes. "Until there is a comparison of the original ballots to the recreated ballots, there is no way to judge their validity." 

Mexican drug trafficking on the rise under Biden: https://www.bloomberg.com/.../mexico-s-drug-war-is-taking...




Facebook Dump

Uploaded from my "Rich Woldt" Facebook account!

NOTE: As of January 12, 2021, the Biden/Harris campaign has been farming my websites and blocking my social-media accounts. Consequently, I've launched a number of websites through other platforms to by-pass their corruption.

Alternative Social Media Sites

Telegram  and Clout hub 

I'm not a big social media buff. I consider it a colossal waist of time. However, it has it's place and offers a sometimes restricted way to spread your "Risk Management" message. Below are unedited posts I've made during the 2020 presidential election, plus post made after January 3, 2021: Some of them you may be seeing for the first time as many of them where blocked off social-media.

Last Facebook dump made: April 5, 2021 - The day before the April 6, 2021 Spring election in Wisconsin

RMLC Heads up: When you report voter fraud through any of our RMLC website' email links, know your emails are patched directly through our websites, to our fraud investigating team and the appropriate state and federal authorities. 

Also, please know all relevant attachments are uploaded to external thumb drives, which allow us to better track the "chain-of-custody." That brings up other important RM recommendations we covered in our workshops on how to secure the forensic evidence you collect. 

Also, If and when you take pictures using your cell phone, as soon as possible, move all relevant pictures off your phone, to an external thumb drive. Also, if there is a chance your cell phone will be subpoenaed, remove all personal pictures before turning it over to authorities. Why? The defense attorneys will have a hay-day in court, with your family pictures, no matter how innocent you may think they might be.

From a Risk Management standpoint, please don't forget: At some point, you'll be able to upload other RM tips for identifying, documenting, measuring and controlling voter fraud in your county, off this and other www.rmlearningcenter.com RMLC websites.

April 2, 2021: Four days out to the April 6th election and Wisconsin is getting ready to vote.

My best Risk Management (RM) advice takes advantage of the “Benchmarking” we’ve been doing on the Biden/Harris administration, as well as takes into account the mistakes far too many made, listening to the Biden/Harris jockeys who stole the last election.

Gas up the car, if you can still afford the Biden/Harris’ prices at the pump.

When Tony Evers back is turned, kidnap grandma and grandpa out of assisted living, latch them to the running-boards of the car and head for the nearest polling station. If you’ve already voted by absentee ballots, look for them dumped in the ditch down by the river.  

At least for now you’ll still need a valid government ID to cast your ballot, but even now, if the Biden jockeys are manning the polls, there’s a better than even chance one of your long-past relatives have already stolen your voice along with your vote. That, my fellow Americans is exactly what happened more than the Biden Jockeys in November would allow us to count.

So, who should you vote for?

You still have a few days to drive through your voting district and remember who told you to vote for Biden/Harris, so do that and note who the Biden Jockeys are recommending this time around. For God sake, and I mean for God's sake, don't take their advice this time around. 

Stop the car! Hold the phone!

Take their advice only if you want to pay more at the pump and pay higher taxes. Take their advice only if you want more open borders and the guarantee of another terrorist attack on US soil. Take their advice only if you want more taxpayer funding of abortions and more laundering of billions of dollars to our enemies, while they behead our solders, rape our women, kidnap our students, burn our flag and chant “Death to America.”

And, take their advice, only if you want Biden to continue selling our country out to the Chinese.

Breaking News:

It took less than 24 hours for the Biden jockeys in Sturgeon Bay to take down most of the Gill/Kerr and Kelly signs at the round-a-bout outside of town.

It took less than an hour for me to put them back. God forgive anyone who rode Biden/Harris back into the Washington swamp, the rest of Wisconsin, democrats and republicans alike, will not.   

March 31, 2021L

RM request to vote: For those just joining our Facebook friends, were now reaching into the hundreds, we call them the "Biden Jockeys" because they rode one of the most corrupt politicians in our nation’s history back into the Washington swamp.  

We're now coming up to the April 6th election and just as expected, the faster we put up signs for our conservative Republican candidates, the Biden Jockeys either cut them up or steal them.  

I'll be posting pictures and videos of the Biden Jockeys work over the past five elections in Wisconsin, but for now, we're down to placing most of our candidates signs off the round-a-bout in Sturgeon Bay, putting them far enough off the highway and placing cameras on them so we can at least add to our upcoming videos.  

So far, of the 250 Gill and Kerr yard signs put out, there are few left standing. In that the election is days away, please forward the following pictures of our Sturgeon Bay display to your friends and family and get out the vote for Gill, Kerr and Kelly. Note, Kelly is running in Brown County.  

From a Risk Management standpoint, you'd be wise to vote for anyone other than those being promoted by the Biden Jockeys, no matter where you're voting going forward. Please remember, Gill and Kerr will both be on the ballot in Door County. Click on the following links to learn more about Deborah Kerr:



March 25

Risk Management Question of the Day: I had to come out of class at our PAWLI Conference (Profession Association of Wisconsin Licensed Investigators) to comment on Biden's 1st press conference.
There isn't a democrat, republican, independent, or for that matter any Red-blooded American, who believes his comment about President Trump letting children starve.
We all remember, those of us who compared the coverage at the border given by FOX News and the main street media, back then when the press was given free-rein to cover every building and corner of the housing provided the unaccompanied kids.
And, we all remember how CNN shut the cameras off when the press toured the recreation facilities and the warehouses filled with Trump' provided baby dippers and food.
We also remember how Trump loaded kids on planes and flew them back home to their parents and how the kids were first handed off to our US Embassies and how US officials worked in their country of origin to get them safely back into their country of origin.

The only way we're going to reclaim the sanity in the swamp is to vote every Trump hating, lying Biden democrat out of office. Now, I have to get back into class. I'm putting together a fraud auditing task force to get a handle on the voter fraud in Wisconsin as well as make sure the Biden Jockeys don't pass their "No ID needed to vote" legislation.
I'll be posting a line by line Risk Management Analysis of the democrats proposed voter' legislation. Please America! Wake up to what Biden is doing to our country.


March 24, 2021

Risk Management Heads UP!

I just listened to Biden's press conference, where he responded to a limited number of scripted, pre-approved questions from the main-street media.

During the press conference he announced that Harris was going to first now go to the tri-country area from where the refugees are coming and try to talk them into being nicer to their countrymen, and women and children so they don't want to escape to America.

Don't that just make you Trump hating Biden Jockeys proud?

Remember: When Obama was President in 2014, he sent Joe on a similar mission that literally cost us $Billions in more foreign aid, not to mention another spike in chain migration and, oh yes, the Obama/Biden lottery scam that allowed these and other socialist countries and enemy strongholds around the world, to empty-out their prisons.

Remember how Obama wanted to empty Guantanamo into our NYC and Washington DC prisons, knowing full well prisons, like sanctuary cities are nothing more than petri dishes in which to grow their home grown terrorists?

When will you Trump hating Biden Jockeys realize your tearing down the wall Trump built, opening our borders and partnering with the cartels to transport drugs, Oh bye the way, the human traffickers are making far more selling young children to corrupt politicians and corrupt professors at our public schools and universities then they've ever made selling drugs, now that the democrats have legalized the pot grown in the backyards of America.

For God sakes America. Wake up and at least start listening to FOX News before it's, actually it's already too late.

I must admit, NBC and CBS at least last night showed the caravan's of kids in their "Biden" tee-shirts and the vote for Biden/Harris flags now flying all throughout Mexico.

With "Biden for President" flags flying in Mexico, caravans of criminals that Biden will need to be reelected, all wearing tee-shirts that really should just say "Biden wants our vote," most being bused into Wisconsin, and "BLM matter because White Supremacists Kill" banners hang over Madison, Wisconsin' skywalks, all I can say is: "We the People" are going to have to keep our guns if we're ever going to regain our freedom and independence.

God forgive those of you who trusted the Trump hating socialists who said, "Whatever it takes, we have to impeach Trump, or we'll never beat him at the ballot box. That is of course, if we can't pass laws that'll guarantee we can steal all elections going forward.

It's too late to wake up. Biden/Harris have already destroyed our American dreams.

Don't miss Biden's first address to the nation tomorrow, by designed broadcast when most of America is too busy to watch.

Spring Break:

RM Heads Up: It’s time for Spring Break! What the hell, Biden has now stopped testing the bus loads of immigrants coming across the border at taxpayer expense. It's time to have some fun.

I too am burning out benchmarking Biden’s first 100 days in the Oval Office, but it’s something we all have to do, if “We-the-People”, democrats and republicans alike, are going to better manage the risks we take, every time we step into the polling booth, pull the curtain and cast our ballots.

But for today, it’s time we all head for the beaches in Florida. “What the Hell”, what do we got to lose? Biden has already got his jockeys masked up and hiding in their basement, prime targets for the next terrorist attack. He’s already taken away our freedom of speech and our 2nd Amendment and we’re all back to the taxpayer funding of abortions, just in case someone gets knocked-up fighting for their right to assemble on the beaches of Florida.

God! If I still can mention His name on Facebook, how America has changed in less than fifty days.

When you get back from spring-break, we’ll be shifting into high gear, and moving past benchmarking the first 100 days in hell, to charting an “academic” Risk Management path to the polls in 2022 and 2024.

Future posts, starting sooner than you think, will focus on the “The Risk Management’ Facts – Only the Facts.” I’ll be recommending books to read, such as Martha Mac Donanld’s book: “The Diversity Delusion – How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.”

My future posts will focus on what public schools in democrat controlled states, like Wisconsin, are teaching students as early as K-5.

You’ll be introduced to our Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC) affiliates and frequent contributors, who’ll help guide us down the proverbial Risk Management path to the polls in 2022 and 2024.

God speed! Have fun on Spring Break! You only have a few days to have as much fun as I had back in ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ’67 and ’68, before heading off to Vietnam.

My best advice? Take Martha’s book along and be ready to offer a book report to your local school board when you return.

On going "Forensic" audit of Biden administration

March 16, 2021

RM Facts: Wake up America!

As Biden was flying down to Atlanta to once again spread his false narrative, the FBI had already known the Atlanta Spa Killings were ‘Not Racially Motivated,’

In the immediate aftermath of the heinous murder of eight at the Atlanta Massage Parlor and Spa, the media and the political left sought to leverage the killings to peddle yet another “anti-racism” narrative. It turns out, there was no racial motivation behind the attack anymore than a terrorist attack at October Fest would be considered a racist attack against all Germans.

Speaking to NPR, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director Christopher Wray, grudgingly revealed it’s yet another ploy to convince the world that “We the People” are once again the problem, and they, the Biden/Harris administration will have to save the day.

Click on the following link, for the rest of the story and once again, God forgive those who voted Biden back into the swamp. Click on: https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/fbi-atlanta-spa-attack-not-racially-motivated/

RM Update March 15:

During the campaign, the Biden/Harris jockeys claimed only they could be trusted as they promised: "Your taxes will not rise, while we're in office, we're the only ones you can trust.

Wake up America. They've already proposing a "Gun Tax" an "Ammo Tax" along with a "Millage Tax" and a "Carbon Tax".

We had it right! They've even said they were going to use COVID 19 to transform our free-market economy into a socialist state. They've already ended Trump's tariffs on China that funded our farmers while he leveled the markets shared with Canada and Mexico. Markets that now they're fast going to destroy by raising corporate tax and driving up the cost of doing business which will drive jobs and manufacturing overseas. Every agreement Trump put into place has to be taken down to appease the Trump haters who elected them into office.

The democrats now in control have already laid the groundwork for raising inheritance taxes, so hard earned family fortunes can't be handed down to future generations without first getting the Biden/Harris government, which is the same thing as China's approval.


Wake up America! The first thing Biden signed was an executive order requiring all auto parts manufactured overseas to first get his approval.

God forgive the Trump hating "Biden Jockeys", who voted the socialists back into the swamp.

Again, they are not the democrats we once could trust. The above visuals should remind you of the damage the Trump hating democrats have already done to our fee-market capitalist economy.When it comes to Biden/Harris selling us out to the Chinese, this is only the beginning; only the tip of the iceberg. They've now put a fork in our energy independence, have you notice the rise in gas prices, they've put a fork in our first Amendment by taking over the main-street media and now if they can't take away the 2nd, they'll drive up the cost of our guns and ammo until only the drug pushers and human trafficker they're busing north as we speak, will be able to afford the guns they don't trust us to handle.

Did you ever think, in America, the Biden Jockeys could hate our country so much they'd wall off the capital, trying to convince the world, only they're the party that can be trusted? God forgive the Biden Jockeys for what they've done to our country. The rest of the free world cannot!

Another Risk Management Heads up!

What's so sad, so frustrating and so frightening is so many of our once highly respected and trusted democrats of the past have allowed their hate to destroy our right to live free of what's now going to be an increasingly intrusive government, head strong on leading the world from behind. We are one people, born free and independent and liberated by our fore fathers.

So many of my fellow veterans have given their lives so we might live free.

Click on (www.DoorCountyVeterans.com), a website I run for the five Door County veteran who were Killed in Action (KIA) while I was with them in Vietnam. What in the hell has happened to those who voted Biden back into the swamp? Go to our files at www.thumbsupacrosswisconsin.com, go to www.thumbsupacrossamerica.com, go to www.thumbsup2trump.com and read how Obama/Biden gave pallets of laundered currency to our enemies, while the beheaded our solders, kidnapped our students, rapped our women burned our flag and chanted "Death to America." Admitting their hate and ignorance is not enough and can never be enough, considering what they've done.

Click on the following link for their latest government-run, main-street "Fake-News" admissions of guilt.

Click here https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/wapo-correction-trump-georgia-call/  ) and vow to vote all of the Trump haters out of office the next time you step into the voting booth. And, make sure you don't allow Pelosi and her gutless congressional allies on both side of the aisle, to stuff HR.1 down our collective bi-patrician throats.

March 15, 2021

RM Heads Up: Remember! We are not dealing with the democrats that lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression. We're now dealing with the Biden/Harris democrats, who've been taken over by Beijing.

While you were sleeping, Speaker Pelosi, third in line to take over the Oval Office for Beijing, moved HR.1 forward in Congress.

What is HR.1? It’s an all-out Democrat Party’s attack on free and fair elections.

Remember how Biden/Harris stole the last election?

Remember the mass mailing out of ballots to dead addresses, them going around to nursing homes, collecting signed ballots, filling them in to vote for Biden/Harris and adding resident's addresses under their control?

Remember how they first laundered and than harvested mailed-in ballots in Wisconsin in both 2016 and 2020 and how they accepted fake voter' identification from anyone showing up at the polls?

Again! We're not dealing with the Democrat Party to which I once belonged. We need two strong and independent political party's in America representing the voice of "We the People."

And, we need to make sure our voices are always being heard. If we allow the Pelosi democrats to pass HR.1, our voices will be silenced forever.

Click on https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/542424-hr-1s-attack-on-election-integrity-how-states-can-protect-the-vote and get ready to vote the "Trump-hating" Biden/Harris democrats out from both sides of the aisle the next time you go to vote.

I just wanted you to "REMEMBER" what we are up against and know what we have to do to have our voices heard!

March 14, 2021

RM Update, Sunday March 14, 2021: Thousands of drug peddlers and human traffickers are heading to the homes of social media Trump haters, who've given up their guns and opened their doors wider than Biden's wide open southern borders.

Thousands of COVID 19 infected, unaccompanied minors are now being bussed into the Midwest, having already registered on-line in our schools and company daycare centers.

And where are Biden/Harris? They've taken the weekend off waiting for further orders from Beijing.

March 13, 2021

RM Update: To our Credit Union Risk Managers in the US: Please review the fraud and scams launched after Obamacare, the largest tax increase in US history, was passed. Read my handouts titled "Obamacare fraud - One Big Academic Mistake for America."

The same fraud and scams that skyrocketed after Obamacare kicked in, to include fake ID's offered via the internet and through the mail, the lapping of deposits and laundering for funds, the creation of bogus new accounts and the increase in unauthorized and fictitious loans, as well as the changing of mailing addresses and the redirecting of recipient's mail will only mark the tip of the iceberg that's lays straight ahead.

Those who voted Biden back into the swamp will soon realize just how deep the scam artists are swimming with Hunter in the swamp.

Go back and read Trump's briefing dated March 18, 2020, which underscores the need to distribute checks directly to those in most need. Remember, Pelosi made sure Obamacare was pushed through, without even being read, consequently leading to record high Workers' Compensation claims. And now they've succeeded in passing this last stimulus bill with little or no time to put in place even poorly thought out Risk Management safeguards.

March 12, 2021

RM Update: No one will be happier than I'll be to get past the politics and back to an academic Risk Management Analysis (RMA) of those we vote into office. I assure you, non of us have all the right answers, but all of us can learn from our past mistakes. Fortunately, in America, once our candidate is in office, we all have to just hope for the best and live with our mistakes, until the next election.

We've now gone past 50 days, without the leader of the "Free-World" standing up, on his own, without a teleprompter, script or note-pad on the podium, grab the mic and speaking off the cuff to those who got him elected, nor answer something other than pre-approved questions asked only by members of the main-street media. Not only from a Risk Management standpoint, but just based on good-ole American common sense, shouldn't that scare the hell out of every man, women and child in America?

We're now half way to our 100 day benchmarking pole, where we'll be able to compare the first 100 days in office for Clinton/Gore, Bush/Cheney, Obama/Biden, Trump/Pence and now Biden/Harris. I'll be posting RM Updates on Joe Biden (46) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden for another 50 days and then hopefully I'll get my life back and go on R&R for the next three years.

Following are links you can use to get ready for the benchmarking of our past five presidents. Bill Clinton: (42) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton

George W. Bush: (43) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Barrack Obama (44) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama

Donald Trump: (45) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump

Joe Biden (46): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden  For now, thanks for putting up with my Facebook posts for another 50 days.

March 12, 2021

RM Questions: What are the most urgent risks we need to manage 50 days into the Biden/Harris administration? And, who's running the White House while the main-street media gives more coverage to Joe's angry dog than the cartels smuggling terrorists over the border heading for Biden's sanctuary cities?

Click on this link (: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYBatFW-BP4 ) and listen to Joe's address to the nation 50 days into his time in office. Notice, the first thing he does is blame President Trump.

Or, read the headlines in the latest issue of The Epoch Times if you can't answer these simple but most important RM' questions:

March 11, 2021 (After Biden's first address to America celebrating his first 50 days in office)

A Risk Management comment after Biden's scripted address to his followers: I hope every red-blooded, freedom fighting, fiercely independent American listened to Biden's first address to America celebrating his first 50 days in office. All I can say is: "How dare you Trump hating, Biden Jockey socialists tell us that only if we wear our masks, wash our hands and social distance, will we be able to go back to church and school, let alone back to work. How dare you tell us that only if we toe the mark and follow your orders from your government run CDC will we be able to assemble in large groups to celebrate the 4th of July.

God forgive you for what you've done to our country and God forgive you for destroying the American' spirit of so many of your followers, all in less than 50 days of having your leader back in the Washington swamp.

As Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto, the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor said, when he saw what his air force had done, “I fear we’ve awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve.”

Well, you Biden Jockeys have awakened the world tonight and there's not a red-blooded American left who's dumb enough to follow you back into the swamp. We the People are fighting mad, both democrats and republicans alike. And We the People will not ever be told what we must do, to gain your permission, nor will we be told where and when we will be allowed to assemble.

You've denied us our freedom of speech, when you took over the main-street media and you're moving fast to take away our right to defend ourselves by threatening our 2nd Amendment and defunding our police, but you'll never ever be allowed to take away our American spirit nor our will to stand up and fight for our freedom and independence.

And that my fellow Americans, is my opening for my next Risk Management workshop coming to a theater near you next fall.

March 11, 2021

Risk Management Questions: For the white farmers in the “Opportunity Wisconsin” ads. The ads in witch Jessica K from Horicon condemns Ron Johnson for making the Senate read the bill before they voted?

Click on this link (https://www.opportunitywisconsin.org/steering-committee) so you know who I’m asking the question.

Do you poor white farmers paying for those ads realize the bill you just got through congress sends a $1,400 stimulus check to the illegal farmhand milking your cows and forgives not just 100% but 120% of the millionaire farmer’s loan, just because he’s black, Hispanic or a little bit Asian?

Ron Johnson made the democrats read the bill out-loud so poor white farmers, of which I was one, would be smart enough to realize they were excluded from the loan forgiveness.

Bye-the-way, that’s money your kids are going to have to pay back. It’s estimated, that bill that you bozos with “Opportunity Wisconsin” got passed adds $15,000 of debt to every man, women and child in America.

Also: You bozos have to realize, much of the money goes to specifically bailout poorly managed democrat states and municipalities.

For example, Pelosi’s San Francisco, gets $600,000 to pay-off their $650,000 pension fund shortage, while federal employees now will get $21,000 in paid leaves, if they’re ever laid off and California's state employees now will get their $25,000 bonuses.

It’s time someone calls not Ron Johnson’s office, but calls each member of the “Opportunity Wisconsin” steering committee and ask them for a loan. I’ll bet, black or white, you’ll have to pay it back.

It’s time we vote every democrat and the one republican who voted for that bill, OUT OF OFFICE!

March 10, 2021

RM Heads UP! RM Heads-up: Europe's Migrant Crisis, foretells what the US can expect thanks to those who voted Biden back into the Washington swamp! Click on the following link https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis/europes-migrant-crisis-still-yielding-terror-foretells-the-effects-of-bidens-border-crossing-boom/?fbclid=IwAR3_511ZbP3tc2h5P9Q4c-uDBJtFLnr3YayQXhXJjearBA475uHvOl63lX0  ) and read about “Jihad at the Border” and Opening Europe to Catastrophe.

Credit Union Risk Managers in Europe, “We have your back!” If you still have our handouts, go back and read the links we identified between the funding of Obamacare and the homegrown terrorists embedded in our US healthcare system.

March 10, 2021

RM Update: CNN just reported over 100,000 migrants at the border in last 4 weeks: Thank God the main street media is finally covering the story. Maybe now Pelosi will take down the wall at our capital and send our National Guard down to the border where, thanks to her, they're really needed.

Click on this link: https://thenationalpulse.com/.../breaking-massive-100000.../ for the rest of the story.

March 10, 2021

RM "Heads Up!" To our cadre of credit union Risk Managers in the US and for that matter in Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and south America: Review your handouts on Bomb threat evacuations, violence in the workplace, executive protection and responding to an anthrax/biological/chemical attack as well as how to create "defendable-zones" in your credit union, schools and public buildings.

Make sure you have a working relationship with your local law enforcement and have a plan in place to shelter-in-place and stand-alone during the first 72 hours of any large scale, life threatening event.

There is no eminent threat at the moment, but with Biden/Harris at the helm, the risk level is only going to rise.

March 9, 2021

RM Alert: Now that Biden/Harris (realize Biden is no longer able or allowed to call the shots) are opening barracks at our military installations to house the refugees streaming across our borders in record numbers; from where the most dangerous and COVID infected will be able to escape into the heartland of America (that’s after their indoctrinated in how to vote absentee ballot, during the next election) it’s important for the Trump haters who helped vote them into office, to realize they’ll soon be knocking at their door.

Most refugees have been organized into cells and know where to find those most sympathetic to their cause. Many are carrying Facebook pages and posts with pictures and profiles of family members who speak Spanish, share their faith (most are Catholic many are Lutheran and the vast majority are Christians) and might be willing and able, or extorted into offering them sanctuary and a job.

I say extorted, because many of the children of the Trump haters have already been lured by human traffickers into uploading pornography that'll be used to extort them, once they're hired into a position of trust, usually high up in one of our critical industries.

Most have been briefed on who’s less likely to be armed, as well as who’s locked and loaded and waiting for their arrival.

At the upcoming Biden/Harris indoctrination camps, terrorists will be pointed toward counties already weakened by the disarming of our citizens and defunding of our police, while students already enrolled in distant learning will head for school districts and the free indoctrination that'll be paid for by the state.

How did we go from secured borders, a mission-ready military allowing us to negotiate from a position of strength and a well-armed and trained law enforcement ready to protect and defend our communities, not to mention winning around the world in the global economy, to hiding in our basements?

We allowed the Trump hating Biden jockeys to steal the last election. Over the last four days, they’ve now moved bills forward that’ll open the door to mail-in absentee ballots, no ID requirements on election-day and the further disarming of our police.

Now that Biden/Harris have put a fork in our 1st and 2nd Amendments along with our energy independence, they’re back to denying our history, tearing down our statues and burning books, even Doctor Seuss.

God forgive those who voted them back into the swamp! The rest of the free-world cannot!

March 8, 2021

RM Alert! Again last night and this morning, when I try to get to my Facebook page, it says "This page is temporarily not available." No doubt it's going to get harder and harder to voice a conservative point of view via Facebook and considering what's going on with high-tech internet espionage, my best RM advice is too, as soon as possible upload this guide that'll help you bye-pass the blocks.

Click the following link and upload the guide: Quick guide to free speech: https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis/a-quick-guide-to-free-speech-and-avoiding-big-tech-online/?fbclid=IwAR0zHIkoR7bztrlwiDaCj6Kg6SfJzD1L1dRW7WsgBybkp19G-CKlaS02teQ

March 1, 2021

RM Update: Wake up America! Remember our warning about the Biden’ corruption as it related to China spreading anti-American propaganda in our schools and universities?

Remember how we begged the Trump haters planning to vote for Biden/Harris to wake-up, before it was too late? Too late to rescue our impressionable youth from "one of the most corrupt politicians in our history?

It’s time, unfortunately now that they voted him back into the swamp, it might be too late to not just ask but demand every school board member who voted for Biden/Harris to explain, why they turned a deaf ear to our warnings.

Not one school board member who voted for Biden/Harris will be able to say they didn’t know about the Confucius Institute.

The Confucius Institutes, which are hosted at American universities, have been described by Chinese government officials as “an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up.”

Now, President Biden’s pick for Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs is defending the Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institutes.


Click on the link below and vow to vote every school board member who voted for Biden/Harris out of office: Vote them "OFF" your local school board, before your school and your students are subjected to the Biden/Harris Chinese propaganda.

God forgive those who voted for Biden/Harris, our students someday will never forgive them for what they've done.

Here's the link: https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/nuland-defends-confucius-institute/

February 27, 2021

RM Update: Ronald Reagan said: “When we’re buried in a tunnel of debt, democrats dig deeper tunnels, while republicans dig toward daylight.

The steering committee running the “Opportunity Wisconsin" ads criticizing  Ron Johnson for being a fiscal conservative is a case that proves his point.

Personally, we should feel sorry for Jessica K, in their ads as they get suckered into teaching their children to hate Senator Johnson, not because Ron Johnson is right or wrong, but simply because he represents another political point of view.

Their ads ignore the facts: Out of the 1.9 trillion dollars in the COVID bill (which is roughly 100% of the discretionary spending in our annual federal budget), less than 10% will be used to get us through the COVID pandemic.

$112 million will go to build a subway in Nancy Pelosi’s district, $12 billion goes to foreign aid, $50 million is for “climate justice’, and $95% of what’s earmarked for schools will be held and spent between 2022 and 2028; no doubt to pad already padded union contracts.

In addition, 50% of the $900 billion past last December has yet to be distributed, and what the steering committee needs is a lesson in business ethics.

It doesn’t take a mental giant to see, Jessica K and Ron Johnson aren’t the culprits in this ad. The culprits are the members of steering committee who are misguiding those waiting for a helping hand that doesn't bankrupt future generations.

My Risk Management recommendation is: Click on this link https://www.opportunitywisconsin.org/steering-committee and give them a peace of your mind. For now, I'd stop short of boycotting their businesses. We have to get through this pandemic together. That being said, they deserve a lesson in business ethics.


RM Update: Nearly three dozen House Democrats signed a letter calling for President Biden to relinquish his control over nuclear weapons. “Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks,” states the 2-page letter from an effort fronted by Rep. Jimmy Panetta and Rep. Ted Lieu.

All I can say is we warned the "Trump-hating" democrats that voted for Biden/Harris about the risks they were creating voting him back into the swamp.

Remember their yard signs saying: "TRUST us, we're the only party you can trust to ensure "PEACE" and "JUSTIC." They first tried to impeach President Trump over a phone call, while now Biden has sold us out to the Chinese then for calling them out for stealing the election and now they say: "Oh damn, we must have made a mistake."

Remember what they did and who they are the next time you go vote!

Click here for a link to my latest RM Update: Dozens Of House Democrats Urge Biden To Cede Nuclear Weapons Authority, Share With Kamala - The National Pulse

February 25, 2021

RM Update: When I post a negative comment about Biden/Harris, I run the risk of having my account blocked again, so some updates will just include links I've been alerted to by others. For example, click on this link reference to Biden/Harris efforts to rename schools in California. https://www.aol.com/lifestyle/san-francisco-school-board-sparks-163435787.html

They blocked one of the last links reference to the democrats efforts to remove Biden from having control over our nuclear weapons. My best RM advice before they block any more of my posts is: "Remember who the Trump hating democrats were, who brought our country to it's knees in less than two months. Make damn sure they never steal another election."

February 24, 2021

RM Update: Go back and check out our "Thumbs up Across America" RM workshops. We literally begged the Trump hating Biden/Harris voters to wake up and realize they were selling us out to the Chinese. God forgive them for not listening, the rest of the free world will never forgive them for what they've done.

Click on the link below and please realize how important it's going to be to vote every Biden/Harris endorsed candidate out of office at every polling booth, in every local, state and federal election going forward. If we don't, we'll never get our freedom and independence back, not to mention liberate our country from the long-time known and now obvious communist takeover of the Oval Office.

Click on this link: https://thenationalpulse.com/news/black-caucus-biden-hud-ccp-trips/?fbclid=IwAR0s-Dtd4lSKsTDdmNdTqmCHxURMb6SbJJ-1UMgXvgeM5ny1NNyK_NEaSj4

February 23, 2021

RM Update: Taken from an article written by Alan Dershowitz: Two Democratic members of Congress from Silicon Valley have written official letters to cable and satellite carriers urging them to shut down conservative TV channels. These letters are reminiscent of those written by Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his henchmen back in the early 1950s urging television networks and Hollywood studios to drop suspected Communists or leftists. (Remember the movie "The Front").

Thus, the shoe is now on the other foot — It's the left that is trying to censor the right — but it's causing just as many callouses on our First Amendment. All decent people who care about freedom of speech, without regard to right or left political viewpoints, must stand strongly in opposition to the censorial pressures being exerted by these benighted members of Congress.

Click on this link and read the rest of Dershowitz' warning to America, now that Biden is back in the Washington swamp: (https://www.newsmax.com/alandershowitz/eshoo-mccarthy-mcarthyism-mcnerney/2021/02/23/id/1011247/?dkt_nbr=010104em1kmy)

February 21, 2021

RM Update: During the run-up to Wisconsin's 2018 gubernatorial election between Scott Walker and Toney Evers, republicans warned Wisconsin what would happen if a democrat was put back at the helm. Half way through his first term, Tony has now succeeded in draining the safety net Scott built to safeguard Wisconsin against the unfunded tax liabilities we suffered while Obama/Biden and Doyle were at the helm.

Remember what Ronald Regan said? "The difference between democrats and republicans is, when buried in a tunnel of debt, democrats dig deeper tunnels, while republicans dig toward daylight. Whether it's the democrat's $1.9 trillion federal budget that'll add more pork to Pelosi's bottom line or Toney's plan to drain Wisconsin's surplus, it only underscores our need to wake up and remember Saul David Alinsky's 3rd and 5th rules for the radical takeover of our free-market economy, let alone our lives:

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

February 19, 2021

Risk Management update: Please remember, all of our "Thumbs-up" websites and workshops are focused on managing the risks created voting for the candidate of our choice.

Please, take the time to read "The War to Destroy Christian America". It's David Horowitz’s extraordinary look into the left’s calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society.

We'll be using his books in future RM workshops. Remember, David is a Jew fighting against those out to root Christianity out of our government, schools and public squares.

Please click on this link https://w3.newsmax.com/.../Offers/Dark-Agenda-Disc-Danger... and pass it on to your friend and family.

Tell you friends and family, if Facebook blocks criticism of Biden/Harris, get off Facebook and onto "Parlor." Click on this link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/parlor-the-social-talking-app/id426482708.

Post in gray setting are being edited so check back in 24 hours. I'm working on them.

February 18, 2021

Just as you think it can't get worse, it does.

Thanks to the Trump hater, who voted Biden/Harris back into the swamp, China will soon own the greatest free-market economy in the world. God forgive them! The rest of the world will not.

Click on this link:


Do everything you can to vote during the next election.

February 18, 2021

I know Chicago democrats have a history all their own, as did Al Capone (https://www.google.com/search...) but I assure you the democrats of old, would kick the democrats who voted Biden/Harris back into the swamp not only out of Illinois, but out of the country for good.

The democrats of old, were the democrats of our "Greatest Generation," proud and fiercely independent, God fearing and patriotic to the core.

It's time we vote those who supported Biden/Harris during the last election, off every school board in the country.

Doubt it? Click on the link below and get out and vote anyone who voted for Biden/Harris off your local school boards and off every county and municipal board of directors in your state: https://thenationalpulse.com/.../chicago-mulls-statue.../

February 18, 2021

Following are a few of the Risk Management (RM) questions we'll be asking at our Risk Management Learning Center (RMLC) workshops this summer with some hints to the answers:

Question #1: Who are they who voted Biden/Harris back into the Washington swamps?

They are the Christians willing to pay for the thousands of after-birth abortions that'll now be done here in the US and overseas.

They're the veterans, who'll now again applaud the release of known terrorists out of Guantanamo back to the battlefield and turn a blind eye, while they'll once again behead our solders, rape our women, kidnap our students and burn our flag.

They're the veterans who'll kneel during the national anthem and applaud those who now even refuse to play our National Anthem before the game.

They're the the school boards who'll take God out of our schools and our history out of the classroom and the teachers who'll be willing to teach the merits of communism and the corruption found in capitalism.

They are not the democrats who lead us through WWII and out of the Great Depression nor the democrats who fought to rescue Jews out of the Nazi prison camps. They are the democrats, who now refuse to admit the holocaust ever happened. Hard to believe? They said it on CNN.

Simply? They are those, who hated our winning and winning and winning so much they were willing to sacrifice their family's future, just to get rid of President Trump.

Again! They are not the democrats with whom we all grew up, but they are the democrats who have let us all down during the last election.

God forgive them for what they did, it's going to be a tough fight back to where we were.

I'll be posting links to some of the reading materials we'll be using during our workshops. Here is an example:

February 14, 2021

Let me make something perfectly clear! It's not, I repeat, it's NOT the teachers. It's the teacher' unions and their bought-out union bosses along with the politically bought-out school board members. 

Private schools are back to school five days a week, while it's the public schools, those supported by our taxes that are zooming our youth to the back of the line. The problem is, check out Alinsky's 8 rules for radicals. Remember Googling: "Affinity Obama Biden Alinsky?"  

In Wisconsin, when we passed "Right to Work" it took three votes to ratify the second largest teacher's union contract. Fact is, if you free teachers to teach, they'll be the first back to school. Hobble them with a union contract and corrupt bought-out school boards and union leaders and you got it; a Biden/Harris game plan for failure. 

God forgive the teachers who voted Biden/Harris back into the swamp. Students, once they wake up will never forget how their school boards let them down. Make sure at the next school board election, you vote any Biden/Harris supporter off the board. 

FYI: I was a staunch union member throughout my 30 year career teaching Risk Management throughout the US and world credit union movement. Union, not corrupted by politicians like Biden/Harris play a critically important role in a "free-market" capitalist country, like we use to be when Trump was in the Oval Office.

February 13, 2021

In April President Trump said: "The cure can't be worse than the virus. We have to get our students back in school. Their lives and their careers can't be put on hold." That was "Trump Speed."

February 13, Biden sets his goals at 50% back in school at least one day a week. But that's just a symptom of our problem. The school unions gave millions to the Biden/Harris campaign and now refuse to go back to work without a raise, while in California they're taking teaching about Lincoln and Washington out of their curriculum and names off their letterhead and now they're already proposing naming one school after Kamala Harris.

It's called dumb-downing America and selling off the future of our youth. Technically its called cancelling our American culture. Thank God we still have FOX News and conservative talk radio, you'll not hear any of this on the main street media and certainly not echoed by those suffering from Social-media Trump Disorder (STD).

Hint? You can tell those suffer with STD by their Facebook posts.

God forgive those who voted Biden/Harris back into the Washington swamp,where they'll systematically destroy our public schools, one blackboard at a time. I guess that dates me.

February 12, 2021

Again! What's going on is not the fault of our traditional democrats. It's 100% the fault of the "Trump-hating" socialists who've commandeered the Democrat Party, the party to which I once belonged.

They're just trying to destroy every thing President Trump did to Make America Great Again, as quickly as possible. Everything they do is driven by their hate!

God forgive the Trump-haters who rode Biden back into the Washington swamp. I told you before, he's nothing more than a Trojan Horse for the communist who've already taken over the White House. If I say more, they'll take down my account.

February 11, 2021

Now that Biden has opened our borders allowing drugs and human traffickers along with COVID infected refugees to stream into our country, it's time we ask the veterans in our armed forces, who voted for Biden/Harris:

When you voted for Biden/Harris, didn't you remember when Obama promised Putin that if reelected he'd take down the nuclear shields guarding western Europe?

Didn't you remember Obama/Biden selling guns to Mexican drug lords or when they delivered $1.2 billion in laundered cash to our enemies while they beheaded our solders, rapped our women, kidnapped our students, burned our flag and chanted "Death to America?"

Didn't you remember Clinton/Gore's drive for sequestration?

Didn't you remember Hillary's stand-down orders in Benghazi which lead to the death of our ambassadors?

Didn't you remember what it was like fighting wars under orders of engagement issued by those who've never picked up a weapon to defend our country or fought for our freedom?

What was it that made you run and hide, when you should have stood up and fought. Other than just hating our Commander in Chief, what was it that made you turn your back on your fellow veterans, who now are forced to stand-down and allow terrorists to stream across our open borders?

May God forgive you for voting for Biden/Harris. Your fellow veterans and law enforcement now on the frontlines are not going to be so kind.

February 10, 2021

One last post and then I have to get away from this or I'll not be able to sleep. Check out what the corrupt SOB Hunter Biden is up to now.

Huston! We have one hell of a problem and we know who to blame!

A senior Biden National Security Council member – Kurt Campbell – has worked with Chinese Communist Party front groups, even keynote-ing a major conference alongside a man Hunter Biden worked with and called “the f*cking spy chief of China,” The National Pulse can exclusively reveal. Click on this link: https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/kurt-campbell-ccp-hunter-biden-ties/

Now I'm going back on R&R. Sleep well America. We're getting screwed and there's little we can do before the next election.

February 9, 2021

Risk Management update: A follow-up on Alinsky's Rule #6 and Biden's failure to focus on getting our kids back into the classroom. Check out his latest move to undue President Trumps attempt to drain the communist professors out of our colleges and universities.

The latest Biden' blow to our education? Biden Quietly Revokes Trump’s Ban On Chinese Communist Propaganda In Schools.

God forgive those who voted for Biden/Harris. If we don't get our schools open soon (Trump put out an order in April for the teachers to get back to work) there's a good chance our students will be left behind.

Click on this link https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/biden-rescinds-confucius-institute-regulations/ and vow to vote during the next school board election:

February 8, 2021

Risk Management update: I was asked: "What are the Obama/Biden/Alinsky's 8 Rules for radicals: Here they are:

Rules for Radicals: By Saul David Alinsky

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.

This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

It's time to ask, why is it only in the Democrat Party controlled cities and states are the Teacher's unions refusing to allow their teachers to go back to work?

Want a hint to the answers: Go to www.opensecrets.org and check out how much money the teacher's unions gave to the Biden/Harris campaign. It's estimated the next generation has lost over $28 trillion in potential earnings, because the Biden/Harris administration is by design dubbing down the learning curve.

February 7, 2021

The far-left tore down our statues and cursed our history, until President Trump placed an automatic $10,000 fine on those caught and prosecuted. But that just slowed their radical take over of our government.

My best RM advice today is to keep a close eye on our local school boards now that Biden/Harris are back into the Washington swamp and the communist have control over the Oval Office. What's going on in Minnesota is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Again! If Google still allows you to Google, Google "Affinity Obama Biden Alinsky" and read their 8 rules for the radical take over of our country. Don't tell a WWII veteran we're not going to be back on the battlefield fighting to free the Jews in the not too distant future.

Rules for Radicals: By Saul David Alinsky

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Click on this link, https://leaderssummit.medium.com/principled-protest-thwarts-minnesota-educational-departments-efforts-to-eliminate-holocaust-7598a4a1b9a9, grab your ballot and vote anyone who supported Biden/Harris in the last election off your local school board and out of your local government. It's the best way you'll have to take back your freedom and secure your family's future.

February 6, 2021

This is a Risk Management message for the Trump haters, who voted Biden/Harris back into the Washington swamp putting America back on our knees begging the Chinese for mercy. We told you you'd be putting us on the brink of WWIII, but you wouldn't listen.

In less than two weeks, you who voted for Biden/Harris now have China taunting us in the South China Sea, the Iranians are landing their rockets tauntingly close to our carriers, terrorists along with drug and human traffickers have already broken over our borders, Little Rocket Man is feeling his oats and China is fast building new and rebuilding old, (abandoned during the Trump administration), military installations in third world countries.

The vast majority of Americans told you who voted for Biden/Harris, that you would be putting the world on the brink of WWIII. God I hope the rest of America was wrong. God, how we all wish you would have listened.

February 5, 2021

A heads up to our RMLC Risk Managers in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada and the Caribbean. We're so screwed! You can blame it on those who voted Biden/Harris back into the Washington swamps.

Unfortunately, we're only looking at the tip of the iceberg. Click on this link: https://thenationalpulse.com/.../chinese-prof-indicted.../ for yet another connection to Biden's family scam to profit from China infiltrating our colleges and universities.

Read my last couple of posts and the latest issue of The EPOCH Times. God may forgive those who voted him back into the Washington swamps, but the rest of the world cannot.

OK! I might be on R&R, but I'm not going to allow those who voted Biden/Harris back into the Washington swamp to hide from the damage they've done to our national security, not to mention our economy and the environment.

It's almost beyond belief, but Biden has just issued an Executive Order for our military to stand-down until they all get their Biden/Harris' sensitivity training. Don't believe me, click on this link: https://www.prnewswire.com/.../president-biden-diverts

God may forgive them for voting for Biden/Harris, but the rest of the world once we're all ruled by the Communist Chinese will not.

February 5, 2021

FYI: Many of the letters to the editor in main street publications around the country that criticize local politicians are being written by professional letter writers at campaign headquarters and yes, that's done on both sides of the aisle.